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Dev tracker not tracking recent devs post

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  • 5 weeks later...

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> ...my personal frustration is that if a dev responds to (or starts) at thread at **any** time, it will forever appear in the Dev Tracker, bumped to the top if any member responds. It's clearly weighted by "a dev posted" and "latest response" and not "position on listing is determined by the latest **dev** response," which I think would smarten things up immensely and give us more of what we (members and ArenaNet) would expect and value. IOW, my intention and my expressed design outline for the tracker was to have *most recent* dev posts bubble to the top, not to have a mishmash of posts from last year that have been updated by members recently, but which haven't had dev engagement in months. ~sigh~



This happens to be my exact frustration with the dev tracker as well. I've been meaning to post something about it, but i keep getting distracted by that little game, you may have heard of it, called Guild Wars 2, and another distraction called "work." (My apologies for using that 4 letter word). Spending 6 days a week behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler somehow makes me forget about some of the things i want to do when i get home. like posting about the dev tracker.


an idea... on the main forum page, the "latest dev posts" are highlighted above the subforum lists. is that coding part of the "main page" paragraph (so to speak) or part of the "dev tracker" paragraph? Maybe there's a major conflict between those two paragraphs? okay, i'll shutup now since i haven't programmed anything since high school, back when they still offered a class on programming in Fortran... that was so boring i dropped programming from my studies. oh well.

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