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Beat SH in a (mostly) pug.

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So my main class for raids is a support/Minstrels Chrono.


A little backstory I came back to the game in early July after having never raided. Cleared wings 1-4 several times with a training group, however they never wanted to do wing 5. After doing the first boss in wing 5 I can definitely see why. It's just a huge ball of mechanics on mechanics all at once.


So yesterday I found a training group advertising specifically for W5 training. It was full discord, everyone was there and I was pumped. After 2 hours of trying we called it good for the night. I didn't consider it a failure for me, I had learned a good deal of mechanics and understood what made this boss hard.



So given all that I developed some ridiculous sense of determination that I needed to beat SH that night. Lo and behold I see a Semi-exp SH looking for a Chrono. I join message the leader let him know the situation. He's cool with it as long as I hopped in discord.


I join in we get going and it still takes a good 5 tries, I told him if he wanted me to dip out I could if he felt I was holding the raid back. The big problem was our pusher, kept missing the TDs. After he and the other ppl in his group get fed up they kick him. Next pusher does a much better job. And we clear her in one go.


After that I let the cmdr know I can bounce out as I had no experience past SH. He's happy to let me continue on we do everything up to dhuum and then call it.


Needless to say I was pretty happy with how everything progressed and got some good feedback from the cmdr in regards to tanking. Anyways rant over.


tl:Dr Don't be afraid to join Semi-exp it may work out, and don't be a jerk toward your group.

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> @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> welcome back to game and Raiding but.. you reminds me of player that i actually want to avoid. You beat SH total number of 1 time and already pointing finger at other player. And, not only that, you have managed to come to forum and rant about it. Perfect.


I mentioned the pusher because the people I was grouped with who allowed me to join as long as I was on discord kept bringing it up. I even politely asked the leader of the group if I was doing my role right, tanking and tank swapping, and he said yeah it was fine. My positioning could use some work but was never a problem. Not sure how you'd want to avoid a player willing to be in discord, and was ok with leaving group if they felt I wasn't doing my role right.



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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Great for you, any boss can be easily pugged nowadays since even W5 is 9 months or so old. And SH is definitely an easy boss also


You don't need to talk down about other peoples' achievements as a roundabout way of saying "im better cause i found what you thought was hard really easy". It's not hard to tell that's what you're doing too btw.

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> > welcome back to game and Raiding but.. you reminds me of player that i actually want to avoid. You beat SH total number of 1 time and already pointing finger at other player. And, not only that, you have managed to come to forum and rant about it. Perfect.


> I mentioned the pusher because the people I was grouped with who allowed me to join as long as I was on discord kept bringing it up. I even politely asked the leader of the group if I was doing my role right, tanking and tank swapping, and he said yeah it was fine. My positioning could use some work but was never a problem. Not sure how you'd want to avoid a player willing to be in discord, and was ok with leaving group if they felt I wasn't doing my role right.




I apologize that I came snappy way. But, there are so many little mechanics and other's profession's skill involved, I am still learning after almost 2 years of raiding. Pushing is not always pusher's fault either. People ccing', zerging it down as soon as it spawn happens more than often. 5 pull on pug is nothing on SH even with 30+kp. It happens very often week in, week out.

I am just simply trying to say that your 1st pusher might be on same lvl of experience as team were. but blame only went to him while your team needed veteran pusher to get carried?

o btw, congrat on your first SH kill. :)

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Great for you, any boss can be easily pugged nowadays since even W5 is 9 months or so old. And SH is definitely an easy boss also


from what i experience every week, SH is probably the hardest boss to pug even after kill verify. I am a pugmaster (never static) and SH gives our pug the most problem.

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I "alt+F4'ed" on monday when I was joining a guild run with mediocre to high kp requirements to push for them. Obviously it was 9/10 and they look for a pug pusher. ^^ When I realized the scourge was holding epi on cooldown and not rdy for the golem I started to cry internally. Additionally their druid couldn't handle the hp pressure at all. Since then I've only logged into the game for dailies...not worth atm.

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Welcome back and congratulations on your W5 B1-3 clear.


So reading through your experience it seems to me, and correct me if I am wrong:


- you chose a highly desired class (minstrel chrono)

- you spent some time gathering raid experience and even succeeded in clearing W1-4 with in weeks

- you joined training runs for a Boss you were lacking experience on

- you eventually cleared said boss


In an unbelivably toxic pool of players which should be avoided (oh wait, that's the forum Drama talking).


The only thing missing is you telling us you joined a training guild and you could write the textbook on what experienced raiders have been recomending for years.


Glad you pushed passed all this forum drama nonsense (and yes, I'm sure some evening were frustrating or taxing) and succeeded.


It's always nice to get hands on new player experience (to the game mode) as both a reminder and check and balance if things work or do not work. 90% of the forum complaints are usually from people with no experience in the game mode and/or as experienced player it's easy to not connect to issues new players might have.

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