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Do we think Desmina.... (Wing 5 spoilers)


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At the end of Raid wing 5 Hall of Chains, Desmina gets this evil look and gives a mildly disturbing speech, basically with Grenth gone and Dhuum reimprisoned she is running the under world now.


Do we think she may be hatching a plan to pick up where Dhuum left off, maybe we'll get another hall of chains raid instance?

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Nah, I think she's just interested in running the UW herself. There's a certain evil vibe and she might even played part in Dhuum's release in order to get rid of the Reapers (although from all we know Dhuum was bound to get free eventually). But that's about it - a play for power in the Underworld. She doesn't seem interested in attacking Tyria.

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I'm not sure Desmina wanted to get rid of the reapers but it was very convenient for her that she knew precisely how to finish the ritual and seal Dhuum for actual eternity. She's not a good lady either since she became a follower of Grenth out of being scorned by her people and asking for power to achieve revenge and all that. The PC even points out how well timed her arrival was since it was just in time to stop Dhuum once and for all.


I doubt she wants to achieve the same objective as Dhuum (which is ultimate nihilism eat all souls I guess?), but if you ask me, I think she actually freed him on purpose in order to lure out the reapers and use them as fuel for her own dark ritual. Perhaps getting split from her body was just a setback she had to deal with by summoning other followers of Grenth for aid. When asked how is the Underworld going to function without reapers she simply answers "efficiently" which leads me to believe she probably had a lot of what happened planned beforehand. Sadly I don't think we will touch on this story again unless it's a fractal explaining her past or something like that. It really appears that Hall of Chains is a one-off raid.

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