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What class/elite spec surprised you the most?

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Probably the only person to say this but hey ho: Scrapper.


As a melee main/tank from previous games I flat out ignored Engineer for years. Then Scrapper came out. I fell in love. The buffs to Scrapper being given Barrier only reinforced my love as it catered to my tank days of yesteryear. Possibly also bc my Charr Scrapper is no doubt my best entry to Fashion Wars 2.


Nothing makes me smile more than being able to speed res 10+ full zerk players in events over and over again, all whilst standing in AoEs and being only tiggled.


Ahhh. Good stuff.

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Hrmmm.. pre celestial nerf staff elementalist. They were gods that offered sustain, and damage when needed. they were a true hybrid.

I hated tempest since it was forced to be support in many settings. I hate pure support. The irony is that I play minstrel FB in WvW. But doesn't mean I enjoy it.

Holosmith is 2nd. The beam cannon elite blew my mind. Cue the epic choir of angels when I cast it for the first time.


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