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[Blood Suggestions]


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Hi all,


I recently started to play lots of WvW with a Blood support instead of going typical scourge. I created a custom build for myself, without help of any guide(possible there are tons of this type of builds?) and it is pretty fun and it actually works and help team a lot.



To make it short:


**Main Skill - Well of Blood**

It is a great healing skill, I use **rune of Dwayana** for it and **Vampiric Rituals **trait

Overall - It heals, it applies regeneration, sucks life, has lesser CD and applies protection


**Well of Power**

It applies power, transforms debuffs into buffs, sucks life, has lesser CD and applies protection


**Well of Corruption**

It sucks life, deals damage and strips buffs from enemies


Last thing is vampiric aura that is a good support stuff to have.


Now the suggestion that I have, since the Dwayana rune is just an addition+wells suck life only for the necromancer, and Aura range is short and it does not suck a lot

What do you think about making blood a good support at least for WvW, by giving his wells ability to suck the life from enemies from the **Vampiric Rituals** and transfer it to the targets that are in the wells(it's up to 5 so no big deal, but this could also trigger **Rune of Dwayana** or maybe not as this could be op?)+make aura suck a bit more and have bit bigger range.


These things are a small hp regen/heal bonuses, but I think that even without buffing the drain ammount/aura range/regeneration amount, giving possibility to suck the HP from other players standing in the wells, and granting it to allied players in the well, could be a good small buff that would give it bit more flavor, so instead of basic barrier necro, you could specialise to go more in healing power and just be a vampiric blood sucking ritualist


What do you think?


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well of corruption in dicey. If it's zerg - no problem. If solo roaming i would reconsider. This is not spvp, you can't drop it on a node and be chilled, because they either eat it or lose the node. In wvw if it's not a zerg, well is very easy to just walk out of. Defensive wells (blood, power, darkness) are fine, but offensive ones are dicey.

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My example is a team player support, imagine a 30x30 fights, it is IMPOSSIBLE to make people not get hit by skills. They are always walking through it when you cast it properly+ you arent alone in fights right? people get cc'd by you or teammates. Trust me I'm trying this out for second week, It works better than it looks

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