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WvW Pip System vs PvP Pip System


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PvP pip system gives gold every time you complete a mini chest and a large chest, WvW does not.

PvP pip system gives Grandmaster Marks, WvW does not.


Sure, you have a higher (still faily low) chance at getting ascended mats in wvw from the Mist-Warped Bundles and Packets, but you can't use those to get the WvW ascended armor.

We also get 6 (at most) mystic coins per week - but that's only ~6g if we sell them and aren't trying to save them for anything.


200 (15 minute game + 5 minute queue) games in pvp vs 800 (5 minute) ticks in wvw - pvp will always have more gold and materials for the same if not less amount of time. Even if you lost all 200 of those games compared to having 1st place at diamond tier in wvw for all 800 ticks on an outnumbered map that you're a commander on with the enemy zerg feeding you bags.


I petition ANet to add gold to all of the wvw chests akin to that of PvP and 1 grandmaster mark box to the final diamond chest.

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I really wonder why Anet doesnt see, how the usage of OS has dropped after the changes. Its a useless map now. It was really fun before. Why did they even listen to those crybabies in the first place? Those people went to the arena in OS and interrupted duels and got smacked by everyone. They cry, anet reacts. Map useless.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> You can drop in WvW, and with things you drop you can make the sam golds or way more than 20g per track.

> Would you prefer 20g and ZERO drop from enemies during all your wvw fights? And rank chests too, obviously.


I'd rather have the 20g that I could hit multiple times a day than the drops (which maybe after 100 hours in wvw add up to 20g)


PvP has rank up chests, so we'd keep rank up chests in wvw.

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> @Kaspar.3892 said:

> PvP pip system gives gold every time you complete a mini chest and a large chest, WvW does not.

> PvP pip system gives Grandmaster Marks, WvW does not.


> Sure, you have a higher (still faily low) chance at getting ascended mats in wvw from the Mist-Warped Bundles and Packets, but you can't use those to get the WvW ascended armor.

> We also get 6 (at most) mystic coins per week - but that's only ~6g if we sell them and aren't trying to save them for anything.


> 200 (15 minute game + 5 minute queue) games in pvp vs 800 (5 minute) ticks in wvw - pvp will always have more gold and materials for the same if not less amount of time. Even if you lost all 200 of those games compared to having 1st place at diamond tier in wvw for all 800 ticks on an outnumbered map that you're a commander on with the enemy zerg feeding you bags.


> I petition ANet to add gold to all of the wvw chests akin to that of PvP and 1 grandmaster mark box to the final diamond chest.


One thing you fail to mention/realize, League Pip rewards are only available during the season and only reset at the start of the next season which normally has a1-1.5 month offseason, while WvW has no such thing and PipS reset Weekly. So the reward structures are different.

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> @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> One thing you fail to mention/realize, League Pip rewards are only available during the season and only reset at the start of the next season which normally has a1-1.5 month offseason, while WvW has no such thing and PipS reset Weekly. So the reward structures are different.


So cut the gold gain in half. Make the final diamond chest only give 1 grandmaster mark every week max and 10 gold repetitive(sub chests giving 50s each). All other chests cutting in half (rounding down) going backwards

Mithril 5g(sub chests giving 25s each),

platinum 2g(sub chests giving 12s each),

gold 1g(sub chests giving 6s each),

Silver 50s(sub chests giving 3s each),

bronze 25s(sub chests giving 1s each),

copper 12s(sub chests giving 50c each),

wood 6s(sub chests giving 25c each).


This should solve for equalizing it more-so.

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I'd love to earn Grandmaster marks for reaching Diamond, even if it was capped to one per week.


I'd like to see the pip distribution increased slightly too. If you're playing on EBG or your home borderlands where you're not outnumbered, it takes ages to cap at low ranks. I usually find myself forced to go onto Outnumbered maps for the extra five pips, otherwise I'd never earn the maximum Skirmish Tickets available each week. I know I don't have to complete all the chests every week, but that's besides the point. I want to join in the action, but pips and action do not come hand-in-hand.

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I'm quite happy with the wvw rewards now. In the beginning of the game there were no reward tracks, no ranks, no nodes inside objectives, nothing. And to upgrade objectives it also costed gold. Yes, spvp is giving better rewards now, but wvw rewards are not that bad.


Maybe they could add a new tier after the legend chest or a couple more achievements.

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