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Ranger GS #3 "Swoop" Is Still Bugged

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I've encountered (and reported in game) this bug many times in the past few months. I searched for another thread on this topic but couldn't find any (I may have missed one possibly?).


Bug: Sometimes when using Ranger Greatsword Skill #3 "Swoop", the Eagle spirit animation/visual gets stuck on top of my character as well as the (very very annoying) WHOOSH WHOOSH sound of the wings flapping. It will last until you either close the game or go to character creation. I most recently encountered this bug when transitioning to the second area in PoF "The Departure", and had to deal with the visual/audio glitch during the whole time there. It's distracting and highly annoying.


My graphics are set to Medium Shaders, no Shadows, high Postprocessing, High Textures/Animation, etc. I'm on medium custom graphics. If you need precise settings I'm using, please let me know. On behalf of the sanity of all GS rangers out there, I beseech you to address this! Thank you :)

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  • 7 months later...

Actually, that bug has been in the game since before release (I encountered it during the stress-test weekends). And its really annoying that its now in the game for roughly six years and ANet fails to fix it.


![](https://i.imgur.com/kaiI6GW.jpg "")


IDK if its somehow gotten worse lately but currently I'm pretty much getting it every single day and its annoying my like hell :angry:


(( I'm not 100% sure but If i remember correctly, jumping into water will "fix" this ))

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  • 2 months later...

Now that greatsword is a viable ranger weapon again (in all game modes even!), I'd really like to see this finally get fixed. Instead it seems to have gotten worse, since switching back to power from condi after the recent changes it seems to happen on every map instance, and I don't even use the skill that often, as opposed to many years ago when I would use Swoop constantly (it was really handy pre-mounts!) and it only happened now and then.


It's not even listed on the Known Issue Tracker, which is hard to believe considering it's a 6-year-old glitch.


Please, please, tell us you're working on a fix. If it came down to changing the animation entirely I wouldn't miss it.

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  • 5 months later...
  • ArenaNet Staff

I can't help but note this is a long-reported bug, but the good news is that there is a bug in the reporting/tracking system about this, where it's recognized that occasionally Ranger Greatsword Skill No. 3 does not remove its animation from the player.


If you have any other details you want to share on this, please post them here.

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