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Best crafting classes for making money?

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In the future you may want to craft Ascended gear. Choosing Tailor will fulfill that. Pretty much craft anything with Beserker stats to sell.

You can have 2 crafting professions and the option to buy 2 more from the Gem shop.

Never pass up a gathering node, sell what you don't need/use.


Edit: You can't sell any Ascended gear you make as it is Account Bound but you can sell the finished mats that are used to make it i.e. Bolts of Damask


Edit 2: Be careful when you're crafting. Some recipes are account bound on aquire. You can't sell or salvage them.i.e. the craftable backpack.

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I would echo @"Loosmaster.8263" and recommend Tailor, while also adding Artificer & Weaponsmith as secondary crafting professions. Even without buying additional licenses, it's a small silver fee to switch from one to the other.


One of the most basic ways to make money is to craft the four 1/day Ascended materials and sell them. However, if you plan on making Ascended gear, you may want to keep those for yourself.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> I would echo @"Loosmaster.8263" and recommend Tailor, while also adding Artificer & Weaponsmith as secondary crafting professions. **Even without buying additional licenses, it's a small silver fee to switch from one to the other.**


> One of the most basic ways to make money is to craft the four 1/day Ascended materials and sell them. However, if you plan on making Ascended gear, you may want to keep those for yourself.


I forgot about that option as I never used it. It came out after I had all the professions done on multiple characters.



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For straight up gold making - It is probably jeweler, but you need to think about it a little and it probably isn't the best path for a new player without lots of resources.. Any of the other ones that make consumables usually have some niche goldmaking crafts. But for pure account utility, your first professions should probably be the armor and weapon disciplines that match your armor weight and weapon type, so tailor and artificer or weaponsmith probably for ele.



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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> I would echo @"Loosmaster.8263" and recommend Tailor, while also adding Artificer & Weaponsmith as secondary crafting professions. Even without buying additional licenses, it's a small silver fee to switch from one to the other.


Maybe it's just been too long but last time I did this I swear it was like a gold, which wasn't trifling when it was early-game and you didn't get 2g for a daily, lol.


But I agree with several others - Artificer & Tailor is a good combo (plus Weaponsmith if you'd like to craft a few more of your own weapons). Not only will you be able to craft ascended gear for yourself, you will also be able to make all four ascended materials (Spiritwood Plank, Deldrimor Steel, Elonian Leather, Bolt of Damask) to sell.

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> @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > I would echo @"Loosmaster.8263" and recommend Tailor, while also adding Artificer & Weaponsmith as secondary crafting professions. Even without buying additional licenses, it's a small silver fee to switch from one to the other.


> Maybe it's just been too long but last time I did this I swear it was like a gold, which wasn't trifling when it was early-game and you didn't get 2g for a daily, lol.


> But I agree with several others - Artificer & Tailor is a good combo (plus Weaponsmith if you'd like to craft a few more of your own weapons). Not only will you be able to craft ascended gear for yourself, you will also be able to make all four ascended materials (Spiritwood Plank, Deldrimor Steel, Elonian Leather, Bolt of Damask) to sell.


It costs 50s to switch **to** a maxed (Level 500) crafting profession. Had to double check the wiki, it's been that long since I actually did it.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > I would echo @"Loosmaster.8263" and recommend Tailor, while also adding Artificer & Weaponsmith as secondary crafting professions. Even without buying additional licenses, it's a small silver fee to switch from one to the other.

> >

> > Maybe it's just been too long but last time I did this I swear it was like a gold, which wasn't trifling when it was early-game and you didn't get 2g for a daily, lol.

> >

> > But I agree with several others - Artificer & Tailor is a good combo (plus Weaponsmith if you'd like to craft a few more of your own weapons). Not only will you be able to craft ascended gear for yourself, you will also be able to make all four ascended materials (Spiritwood Plank, Deldrimor Steel, Elonian Leather, Bolt of Damask) to sell.


> It costs 50s to switch **to** a maxed (Level 500) crafting profession. Had to double check the wiki, it's been that long since I actually did it.


Excellent, I guess the inflation has gotten so bad that I remember it as a huge amount ;) I had my main as a Tailor and Chef, with a separate max-level Artificer. Then I realized I needed to be an Artificer to craft Bifrost, and that was before recipes were character-bound rather than account-bound. So I bought a crafting license and leveled another Artificer, haha.


They've made leaps with the player-friendliness of the game, tbh.

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The short answer is ALL OF THEM. Post launch, the game has put huge emphasis on everyone having max crafting, in multiple disciplines, to do collections and achievements. The knock on effect of this is that the players that have interest in high end production items already have the capacity to make it themselves; sometimes is even a requirement (see Legendary weapons/armor) and limited to personal use.


This leaves only a hand full of areas in the game where crafting can actually turn a profit, as even material sinks that can be traded usually have a major upfront investment cost, and very limited window of opportunity.


The only sustainable way to make money in this environment is monitoring consumables, time gated mats, crafting trends. Consumables are rough due to most of the high end ones being exclusively account bound now; though certain feasts/thesis can turn a profit due to their high value in WvW and Guild hosted events. Time gated mats also tend to demand a premium, but their value spikes and decays based on crafting trends (assuming you can even trade processed materials). Which brings us to the trends..... the most money to be made is often in large amounts of raw materials. Processed materials (like ingots) are something of a crap shoot, as they'll only sell if they are cheaper then the raw materials..... which isn't good for you, because thats lost profit potential. But without a doubt, raw materials is guaranteed trade volume whenever a new popular crafting project pops up.


So you have 2 points ideal profit potential, Flipping raw materials, or trading time gated materials. These are the 2 areas have the most trouble getting around, and thus are most likely to drop gold on to bypass. The market for finished products has basically hit equilibrium, either being worth less, or equal to the material cost. The one last area that still turns a profit is Gen 1 Legendary, but that margin is very small relative to the time investment for things like GoE and GoB. Plus this only ever gets upset during Espec announcements, and now actively competes with Speculation on Gen 2 weapons.


Outside of this generalization, you can find odd pockets of demand to fill. However, its unlikely you're the only one that noticed.


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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> What Ashantara said - you want to have the most possible mat products available to make. As for equipping yourself, you get more out of ascended weapons than armor, so artificer would be better than tailor.


Tailor & Artificer does give access to all possible material production, though.

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Making gold in the game isnt bound to specific classes. You do maps like SW or Istan (Istan is easier/more profitable and you dont need a low level char to open bags). The best crafts to level up is the ones your character is able to make use of, in this case it would be artificer and tailor. Out side of this I always at least level up chief on a new char. Its a cheap/fast way to gain levels. Having said that I like tailor the most because it allows you to craft scholar runes which are the most popular on TP by far.

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I have all crafting disciplines maxed, that since a long time. Over time, my experience is that Huntsman is what I use the most, as a matter of fact on a daily basis, for crafting of:

- Spiritwood plank, deldrimor ingot and elonian leather square.

- Soft, seasoned, hard, elder and ancient woods.

- Iron, silver, gold, platinum and orichalcum.

- Thin, coarsed, rugged, cursed and hardened leather.


With that, almost 90% of what I need to craft is covered. Aside of huntsman, I need armorsmith, weaponsmith, tailor and artificer for sporadic crafting of ascended armors, weapons and infusions. I also use my scribe for GH decoration but for me, that's not really crafting. That's more fun. :)

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