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Is Warrior Axe Burst Eviscerate Leap Range Correct?


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So I've been trying out a new build using dual daggers and dual axes, and I've noticed the range on Eviscerate feels extremely short and it also stops dead at the end like it hits a wall. The dagger 2 skill Aura Slicer is also stated as 300 range but goes seemingly twice as far and is more fluid. Is Eviscerate bugged or are the ranges incorrect?

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> I believe the ranges are correct, I don't see Aura Slice on my warrior hitting further than my eviscerate, I believe it even uses the same skill animation (Norn Female Warrior).


Weird, I'm on a human male, and the Eviscerate is definitely a lot shorter range, almost 1/3rd of the distance of Aura Slicer.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> Well that does look different, I'll have to check mine when I get home, that could be a bug?


They both lose red out of range indicator on the skill at same distance from a target and at that distance they both do hit, but Eviscerate seems to not have a follow through and Aura Slicer seems to be one of those skills that can land even just outside of its range, but that distance in the clip is a huge difference. Only thing I can think of is maybe Eviscerate leap is short but the range is still 300 because the axe swing covers the rest of the distance, so like the leap is 170 but the axe swing is 130 like a normal melee whereas Aura Slicer leap covers the full distance in the leap. But yeah hopefully it gets more notice, I think I will post this in the bug forums just to see.

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