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1-[Reaper's Touch](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Touch "Reaper's Touch") this skill hardly hit any thing in all game mode need a rework so we ll have a useful power off hand weapon

may necro share this concern here one of the discussion we had https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51812/focus-4#latest

2-entering and exiting shroud should not interrupt stomping and power channeling same as Photon Forge for the holosmith (same as all insta-cast F skill)

3-[Vital Persistence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vital_Persistence "Vital Persistence") why this trait do not decrease entering and exiting shroud (btw its decrease scourge shroud) since [speed of shadows](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_of_Shadows/history "speed of shadows") is changed before POF launch because this is greatly affected core necro and reaper having they main mechanic on 10 second without any mean to decrease it

4-some balance change from PvP and WvW affected scourge in PvE (they should be split) here some examples

* 0.5 delay on all scourge F skills (this make it harder to use barrier to mitigate some immediate damage thus restricting scourge ability to support)

* [Dhuumfire](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dhuumfire "Dhuumfire") the 1 second icd (such burst needed in instant content like CM 99 and 100 fractal and some raid)

* [Nefarious Favor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nefarious_Favor "Nefarious Favor") split this skill to its original design (this make scourge more support)


5-[Vampiric Presence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampiric_Presence "Vampiric Presence") increase the target NO. to 10 (this help necro in 10 player content and not having its effect decrease when you take minions )

6-relook to reaper shouts (such as high CD for [Rise!](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Rise!%22 "Rise!") and lack of condi cleanse in [suffer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Suffer!%22 "suffer") ) may be make them more usable in competitive mode(may be add ammunition to them)

7-generaly. necro in PvE have low potential damage make it hard to join a group in lfg because most player know that necro have low damage potential

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Not to sound rude but the Necromancer forum is filled with countless threads with idea's and suggestions concerning Necromancers current state in PvE, yet we've had no feedback, we don't even know if it's on your radar. OP is obviously one of the many Necro players who are desperate for some kind of Dev interaction and discussion.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> I adore the enthusiasm and desire to offer useful feedback here, Dragonfury.

> Can you please post this one to the Necromancer forums, as this forum chat is for discussing the Systems team, not about making balance changes/re-works. :)


sure THANKS for the fast respond

but one question when we can make discussion with the Systems team regards making balance changes/re-works


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