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Viper or trailblazer scourge


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For a roaming scourge in wvw would viper stats be better than trailblazer? I'm currently full ascended trailblazers and am having the hardest time roaming as a scourge. I come to foruma alot and all I see are people using vipers this and vipers that. Is vipers better to use than trailblazers? And if it isnt the stats than maybe we can talk build suggestions.

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Necro is bad for roaming allways was......


if you go Viper all those roaming Thiefs will literaly instakill you......


Necro especialy scourge is more of a WvW zerger spec.....


and i prefer Trailblazer then Viper for the Huge self sustain it gives without losing any condition dmg..... especialy in WvW when there is a million things that will fly in your face.... also that 3100 armor and almost 28k HP that trailblazer gives helps ALLOT againts those Pesky Bomb thiefs that you will run into allot of times that tries to kill you in the opening burst....


Viper is for PvE stuff....... Viper is the meta Condition set for Speed runs for example....

only go viper in WvW if you sure that you will be safe and watched over most of the time... because the momment any half decent player sneezes on you you will melt....


Necros dont have any real selfdefense like blocks,immunes,crazy mobility,6+ dodges/evades etcetcetc... so as a necro you WILL need to facetank most of the stuff people throw at you....

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> @Aevis.4632 said:

> I come to foruma alot and all I see are people using vipers this and vipers that

That's because these people are talking about pve

I you want to dominate 1vgroup or even 1v1 in wvw you might want to look at maybe another class like mesmer or ele or ranger or thief or warrior or guardian. It's just a matter of design.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> Necro is bad for roaming allways was......


> if you go Viper all those roaming Thiefs will literaly instakill you......


> Necro especialy scourge is more of a WvW zerger spec.....


> and i prefer Trailblazer then Viper for the Huge self sustain it gives without losing any condition dmg..... especialy in WvW when there is a million things that will fly in your face.... also that 3100 armor and almost 28k HP that trailblazer gives helps ALLOT againts those Pesky Bomb thiefs that you will run into allot of times that tries to kill you in the opening burst....


> Viper is for PvE stuff....... Viper is the meta Condition set for Speed runs for example....

> only go viper in WvW if you sure that you will be safe and watched over most of the time... because the momment any half decent player sneezes on you you will melt....


> Necros dont have any real selfdefense like blocks,immunes,crazy mobility,6+ dodges/evades etcetcetc... so as a necro you WILL need to facetank most of the stuff people throw at you....


You realize theres a dodge key right ? lol


Anyways before the sos nerfs power reaper for example was a great roaming specc for over a year.

-> Id go Viper over Trailblazer anyday since it requires more skill to execute and is more rewarding to play.

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> @ZombieSlayeR.8702 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > Necro is bad for roaming allways was......

> >

> > if you go Viper all those roaming Thiefs will literaly instakill you......

> >

> > Necro especialy scourge is more of a WvW zerger spec.....

> >

> > and i prefer Trailblazer then Viper for the Huge self sustain it gives without losing any condition dmg..... especialy in WvW when there is a million things that will fly in your face.... also that 3100 armor and almost 28k HP that trailblazer gives helps ALLOT againts those Pesky Bomb thiefs that you will run into allot of times that tries to kill you in the opening burst....

> >

> > Viper is for PvE stuff....... Viper is the meta Condition set for Speed runs for example....

> > only go viper in WvW if you sure that you will be safe and watched over most of the time... because the momment any half decent player sneezes on you you will melt....

> >

> > Necros dont have any real selfdefense like blocks,immunes,crazy mobility,6+ dodges/evades etcetcetc... so as a necro you WILL need to facetank most of the stuff people throw at you....


> You realize theres a dodge key right ? lol


> Anyways before the sos nerfs power reaper for example was a great roaming specc for over a year.

> -> Id go Viper over Trailblazer anyday since it requires more skill to execute and is more rewarding to play.


getting killed under 2-3 sec by a thief is not more rewarding....


and no Power reaper NEVER was a GREAT roaming spec... was more like mediocre roaming spec.....


and dodge..... 2 dodge totaly gonna save you...... that 2 dodge that everyone has next to their immunes and blocks and other 6 million of stuff.....

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @ZombieSlayeR.8702 said:

> > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > Necro is bad for roaming allways was......

> > >

> > > if you go Viper all those roaming Thiefs will literaly instakill you......

> > >

> > > Necro especialy scourge is more of a WvW zerger spec.....

> > >

> > > and i prefer Trailblazer then Viper for the Huge self sustain it gives without losing any condition dmg..... especialy in WvW when there is a million things that will fly in your face.... also that 3100 armor and almost 28k HP that trailblazer gives helps ALLOT againts those Pesky Bomb thiefs that you will run into allot of times that tries to kill you in the opening burst....

> > >

> > > Viper is for PvE stuff....... Viper is the meta Condition set for Speed runs for example....

> > > only go viper in WvW if you sure that you will be safe and watched over most of the time... because the momment any half decent player sneezes on you you will melt....

> > >

> > > Necros dont have any real selfdefense like blocks,immunes,crazy mobility,6+ dodges/evades etcetcetc... so as a necro you WILL need to facetank most of the stuff people throw at you....

> >

> > You realize theres a dodge key right ? lol

> >

> > Anyways before the sos nerfs power reaper for example was a great roaming specc for over a year.

> > -> Id go Viper over Trailblazer anyday since it requires more skill to execute and is more rewarding to play.


> getting killed under 2-3 sec by a thief is not more rewarding....


> and no Power reaper NEVER was a GREAT roaming spec... was more like mediocre roaming spec.....


> and dodge..... 2 dodge totaly gonna save you...... that 2 dodge that everyone has next to their immunes and blocks and other 6 million of stuff.....


How was it not a great roaming spec ? It used to hard counter every other power build except thief rev and wars to an extend.

Well tbf sarmor + Shroud basically gave u immunity to incoming damage to an extend in a 1v2/1v3 situation combined with the high hp pool reaper was tanky af.

Scourge is a different story but barrier works pretty well imo.

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> @Aevis.4632 said:

> > @Vitali.5039 said:

> > Why roam with Viper when you can burst down foes with the new Grieving stat? [WvW - Hybrid Reaper](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kZTodTszGwcTgeTsUMYx7whYSkaIMFqVRBgvVBA-jxCEQBLSNAiqPACHCAA8AAy3+DE4IA0Vlgg7EA4UVfuoSCsqcjUA/NGA-e)


> Wouldn't the loss of expertise be an issue though?


Not really if the target dies.. I only have to figure how to obtain the gear :s

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So today while roaming i switched out demonic lore for sand savant and this seemed to help me greatly. I was actually able to hit people with my F abilities. What killed me the most while roaming today was when people would attack me then leave then come back and attack then leave the fight again and so on and so forth. Also i kept losing to this holosmith who knocked me around alot with a big lazer

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> and dodge..... 2 dodge totaly gonna save you...... that 2 dodge that everyone has next to their immunes and blocks and other 6 million of stuff.....

That's some nice theorycrafting here. Do you even Reaper?


I kill everything on Power Reaper with minor tweaks to my base-build (mostly one utility skill change is enough). Full Counter Spellbreaker? Easier than Berserker... Thieves? Should train their Shadowstep cast reflexes or they are dead in 2 seconds after their engage... Deadeye kills me only if I am afk.


The problem with Scourge is not that you can't disengage (a lot of classes can't). You can't even engage as everyone kills you before you come close. Sand Swell? Clunky as fuck. If it worked like Mirage Advance, the Scourge would be fine. To understand this think about a Reaper that had no RS2. The spec would be trash like Scourge is atm. One skill changes everything.

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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > and dodge..... 2 dodge totaly gonna save you...... that 2 dodge that everyone has next to their immunes and blocks and other 6 million of stuff.....

> That's some nice theorycrafting here. Do you even Reaper?


> I kill everything on Power Reaper with minor tweaks to my base-build (mostly one utility skill change is enough). Full Counter Spellbreaker? Easier than Berserker... Thieves? Should train their Shadowstep cast reflexes or they are dead in 2 seconds after their engage... Deadeye kills me only if I am afk.


> The problem with Scourge is not that you can't disengage (a lot of classes can't). You can't even engage as everyone kills you before you come close. Sand Swell? Clunky as kitten. If it worked like Mirage Advance, the Scourge would be fine. To understand this think about a Reaper that had no RS2. The spec would be trash like Scourge is atm. One skill changes everything.



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Well is funny and interesting to read such posts about "roamer reaper" (if we talk about solo roaming). From my perspective there is no such thing, just a reaper that is exposed to all great dangers of a vast PvP terrain. Reaper has no way to disengage a fight, he either wins or dies. Roaming means going out to the open world, there is no terrain exploitation for a reaper to kite like in sPvP, reaper lacks mobility, stability and so on. So reaper in WvW open terrain always starts disadvantaged since most roamers are fairly good kiting classes like warriors, druids, thieves, etc. The only scenario I see a reaper being viable in roaming is doing it with some escort.


Getting back on topic, since you aim for condi build I believe Trailblazer is a more logical option and provides some extra survivability which is desperately needed for a class so badly exposed. Viper might be viable in gvg fights playing as backline and bombing enemy zerg but still you would sacrifice a lot of your survivability potential and would die almost instantly if caught in surprise or left behind by your group. Check some of scourges utilities and mix it up with some of the legacy ones. Personally I go for **_[Trail of Anguish](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trail_of_Anguish "Trail of Anguish")_** a reliable source of insta stability, a stun breaker too, _**[sand Swell](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell "Sand Swell")**_ which despite the long cast time and shorter distance (compared to wurm) is still a useful tool either for escaping a coordinated heavy attack on you or even use it offensively to close the gap against a ranged opponent.


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