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Scourge Shade + Line Of Sight = Incredibly Frustrating


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So you just placed up to 3 Manifest Sand Shade where you want them. If you lose Line Of Sight with any one (of all) of them, then you just wasted Life Force on that one, two or sometimes, three shade locations when using subsequent F2 - F4 and especially F5. In PvP/PvE, this is extremely frustrating while trying to pursue or kite an enemy around cover. As long as the shade(s) duration is still active after placement, then they should should trigger upon use regardless if I am no longer within Line Of Sight of each and every shade.

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> @Vitali.5039 said:

> Hurr, so you are saying that we can't cast shades under Skyhammer mid's floor and burn the ones fighting on point anymore?


Not exactly the same thing, but I imagine you may do that as long as your view of your shade placement is unobstructed. Don't setup the shade underneath mid's floor then go topside and expect it to still work.

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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> **Well, it's normal that you can't use abilities when you're out of sight, right?** I really don't see a problem here. Your shade is just a tool, a mirror of yourself. If you can't see the enemy the shade can't do anything - this sounds plausible.


Maybe in your own modded version of GW2. But the official version, the one everyone else is playing, this is not normal. Extremely rare, maybe, but certainly not normal. An Elementalist can drop a Comet on my head, a Revenant can port through The Mists to me, but my Scourge can't trigger their immobile Shades because there is some waist-high crates between them?

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