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ArenaNet, Thank You For...

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ANet, I would like to take a moment to change the usual tone of asking and requesting or sometimes complaining to thank you for a few things I've found to be extremely important in my own opinion. I deeply hope that all ANet employees read this as I believe feedback like this is far too important and so seldomly given.


1. For being as available as you are. Most games consist of gamers playing a game and always wondering who is behind the masterpiece they spend so much of their lives in. Guild Wars is different. We know who is behind it and can interact with you and that makes it so much more personal to me.

2. For considering what the players think and would like. Again, most games seem to put out a product they think would sell well and consists of what the developers want and if the players don't like it, oh well. Because of point #1 we know this is not the case with the Guild Wars franchise. This means so much to so many of us.

3. For always making lore such an important consideration. I can not tell you how many people adore the lore of this universe and how amazing it is to learn something new. If it was like so many other games that don't care about lore or break the lore willy nilly, this game would feel so flat and wouldn't feel like there's quite so much desire to learn about it.

4. For dedicating so much of your lives to the development of this game. I know full well that developing this game requires so many pain staking hours of both company time and personal time to not only program, tweak, and gain inspiration for, but also to avoid burn-out and to maintain a constant level of caring about the product and community that results. It is very taxing and I'm sure there are many moments where you wonder if anyone truly cares about your personal sacrifices but we do. We care very much and our gratitude may not be voiced anywhere near as much as it should be but it runs deep in us and is quite strong. Always remember this.

5. For making a franchise that's so much more than just putting out quickly played, flat, clearance rack games with the aim of just selling copies at the cost of replayability, art, depth, and a great desire to completely immerse yourself in the universe. So many studios try to crank out titles that are easy to make and are quickly forgotten that it cheapens the future products, places a bad expectation in the minds of the gamers for anything the studio makes, and causes people to not care when they really should, and sets in place a bad set of habits and expectations for anything in the future. ANet seems to have taken a path of making a few games as well as they possibly can and I can not put into typed words how that has shaped how the community throws themselves headlong into the games you make.


Playing in the Guild Wars universe is such an unmatchable joy and triggers so many thoughts and emotions for me when I get to thinking about not only the game or it's universe but just how different ANet is from other studios that I wish so much that all you ANet employees could comprehend just how much it means to all of us gamers that you do what you do, and you do it how you do.


Thank You So Very Much!!


Yours Truly,


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