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I'm exploding.

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Just to clarify, this isn't just about scourge. There are other classes that are capable of just wtf amounts of damage...rifle deadeye...wtf? I know they're easy to get around if you see them, but those situations where you don't, people die 4x over in the time it takes to cast a heal or defensive ability. I've been playing all classes I've had wtf moments against to learn how to deal with them and the situational advantage is heavily in those wtf-classes favor in sPvP.


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> @Razor.6392 said:

> > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > > When you can't keep up against a single Scourge's condi pressure as a kittening Shout Tempest, you know they are way over the line. I've managed to hold off several condi thieves at once with this build.

> > >

> > > ANet, you made this mess, now clean it up.

> >

> > you've handled condi thfs as shout tempest because they use a lot of projectiles to apply their condis. scourges on the other hand do not use projectiles and on top of that, corrupt boons specifically into torment (which also aplies burning) and cripple. as a shout tempest you are littered with boons and you are prime pickings.


> So to be safe from a scourge you need to...


> 1. Have massive condi cleanse

> 2. Not rely on boons

> 3. Do your best to avoid the aoes

> 4. Heal like a b

> 5. Pray?


> Wonder how many classes out there can successfully sustain against a scourge, even if fully spec'd against condi.


How many classes can sustain against a marauder staff ele? Nobody. Yet Nobody complains about marauder staff ele. Why? Because moment people realize the ele is a glass staff they just tunnel the ele into oblivion.


Scourge is the same, it cannot sustain against even moderate pressure. However unlike staff ele, scourge is very new to the game, so people haven't learned how2murder it yet.


There are many builds in the game that put out so much damage that no reasonable builds can sustain them. However such bursty builds rarely have any sustain themselves and as such lose all their potency once the enemy starts exploiting their squishiness. Scourge is no different.

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> @Drekor.5217 said:

> > @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > > @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > > > > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > > > > @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > > > > > > @Drekor.5217 said:

> > > > > > > > @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > > > > > > > When you can't keep up against a single Scourge's condi pressure as a kittening Shout Tempest, you know they are way over the line. I've managed to hold off several condi thieves at once with this build.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > ANet, you made this mess, now clean it up.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Scourge is probably overtuned but trying to fight a Scourge with a shout tempest? LOL. You do realize every time you create a boon you are just giving him more fuel for condi pressure right? You want to kill them you need a class that is power burst based or doesn't rely on or use boons at all. Any boons you put him mean more fuel for corruptions.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I only generate 2 boons with each shout, scourge has fewer corrupts than reaper now that they're using scepter instead of axe and no access to greatsword and reaper was never an issue.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm not spamming my shouts on cooldown just so you know, they're a last ditch effort after burning through my attunement cooldowns, most of my condi cleanse comes from abilities and diamond skin.

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. scourge has corrupts in almost every single utility they use.

> > > > > 2. axe and gs are power reaper weapons. why are you bringing this up in a discussion about condis when these weapons don't even have corrupts?

> > > > > 3. if you are running the meta auramancer, your shouts generate auras which barf boons by the truckloads

> > > >

> > > > 1. that's good to know.

> > > > 2. so suddenly boons corrupted by power builds are not conditions anymore?

> > > > 3. regen and vigor, which corrupt to poison and bleed respectively for almost negligible damage, i'm dying to torment and burning.

> > >

> > > Good lord. Please go read a wiki before posting or something.

> > >

> > > Multiple skills on scourge ONLY convert boons to torment and cripple, and scourge can trait their torments to give burning.

> > >

> > > Please go away already.

> >

> > So it's worse than I thought, now you can't even choose what they corrupt your boons to? Jesus this spec needs to get nuked from orbit.


> They could certainly use some balancing but spamming boons against them is among the dumbest things you can do against them. Converting boons into torment and cripple is basically their core mechanic.


Actually no it's not.

None of the F skills convert boons into torment. Only the punishments do, however of the punishments all them only rip 1 boon in a very small area, with the elite being the exception.


Almost all of Scourge's boonhate is actually coming from core weapon skills, core traits, and core utilities.

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Against scourges: Don't stand in shades. Kite. Burst. Scourges have no true damage mitigation, just ~30k health if you count barrier (which can be waited out in like 2 seconds). And only have 1 teleport with a casttime.


Against deadeyes: Realize they're there and kill them as fast as you can. They won't run away lol


And the rest is probably pretty normal to deal with

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> @Kumouta.4985 said:

> Against scourges: Don't stand in shades. Kite. Burst. Scourges have no true damage mitigation, just ~30k health if you count barrier (which can be waited out in like 2 seconds). And only have 1 teleport with a casttime.


> Against deadeyes: Realize they're there and kill them as fast as you can. They won't run away lol


> And the rest is probably pretty normal to deal with


How does a melee class deal with having to only range something?

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> @"All Matters Fecal.9560" said:

> > @Kumouta.4985 said:

> > Against scourges: Don't stand in shades. Kite. Burst. Scourges have no true damage mitigation, just ~30k health if you count barrier (which can be waited out in like 2 seconds). And only have 1 teleport with a casttime.

> >

> > Against deadeyes: Realize they're there and kill them as fast as you can. They won't run away lol

> >

> > And the rest is probably pretty normal to deal with


> How does a melee class deal with having to only range something?


Brute force it. Every meta melee class has defenses and avoidance abilities.

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> @"All Matters Fecal.9560" said:

> > @Kumouta.4985 said:

> > Against scourges: Don't stand in shades. Kite. Burst. Scourges have no true damage mitigation, just ~30k health if you count barrier (which can be waited out in like 2 seconds). And only have 1 teleport with a casttime.

> >

> > Against deadeyes: Realize they're there and kill them as fast as you can. They won't run away lol

> >

> > And the rest is probably pretty normal to deal with


> How does a melee class deal with having to only range something?


> @"All Matters Fecal.9560" said:

> > @Kumouta.4985 said:

> > Against scourges: Don't stand in shades. Kite. Burst. Scourges have no true damage mitigation, just ~30k health if you count barrier (which can be waited out in like 2 seconds). And only have 1 teleport with a casttime.

> >

> > Against deadeyes: Realize they're there and kill them as fast as you can. They won't run away lol

> >

> > And the rest is probably pretty normal to deal with


> How does a melee class deal with having to only range something?


you start by first questioning your life choices

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @"All Matters Fecal.9560" said:

> > > @Kumouta.4985 said:

> > > Against scourges: Don't stand in shades. Kite. Burst. Scourges have no true damage mitigation, just ~30k health if you count barrier (which can be waited out in like 2 seconds). And only have 1 teleport with a casttime.

> > >

> > > Against deadeyes: Realize they're there and kill them as fast as you can. They won't run away lol

> > >

> > > And the rest is probably pretty normal to deal with

> >

> > How does a melee class deal with having to only range something?


> Brute force it. Every meta melee class has defenses and avoidance abilities.


Resistance can and does get corrupted, standing in melee range leaves you vulnerable for even more conditions. Unless you're using a full vitality, and even then, no one is going to brute force anything because you'll be dead before the scourge is. If that was the solution, scourge wouldn't be the problem that everyone is screaming about right now because getting in the scourge's face is the most obvious thing to do and everyone is doing it.

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> @Hana.8143 said:

> I'm not shocked, we all knew PoF specs were scary, but it takes time to balance everything. Just wait !


This mentality infuriates me. This is a BS excuse that lets people off the hook for selling a product that is sub par. Stop making excuses for bad behavior. They should have waited until the game was ready, hired more people, or replaced people to get the job done right. And in the meantime, players are just gonna quit.


There's also a big difference between things already being close upon release, but needs tweekingso that damage is more in line, and the drastic differences in some classes on this release. This was obvious from the players and feedback from beta and obvious that there would be issues in a pvp game that solely centers on standing in a small circle.

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> @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > @Pax.3548 said:

> > Lol the title made me laugh, its pretty accurate I've exploded several times too and its tiring because there is not much of a way to defend or protect yourself if you're dead in 1-2 seconds.


> Out of curiosity, what are you playing as that you die so quickly? I have died that quickly too, but only when I've been focused by multiple enemies and get stuck in their aoes. Is this happening 1v1 or are you experiencing this in those big team brawls that have aoes and ground effects flying all over the place. Sourge has been pretty devastating with their point control but I find they only do me dirty when I stand in their kitten.


> Not that I find the current meta easy to deal with, thinking of switching to something with range since my hammer gets me killed these days. But still, I haven't been getting blown up like other people seem to be.


Well, I main a warrior, playing as a spellbreaker, but the thing is warrior specializes in melee combat, to fight a scourge properly I need to get close to him and thats where the nuke goes off, I've noticed I can kill a scourge pretty fast but then BANG some skill triggers and I'm swimming in conditions (I'm not too sure which skill, I learn these by playing against them as I don't have much time to play pvp with other classes) and no way condi cleaners can help me since scourge can corrupt any boon I apply to myself, so i'm strip naked against scourge. Others says scourge pose no real problem as long as you fight them on range, but that will be difficult to a class like warrior that needs to be close in order to deal heavy dmg. I've been thinking on using my old rifle again for fighting scourge

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> @"All Matters Fecal.9560" said:

> Played a lot of sPvP tonight. After stressing about the ignorance and non-intelligence of humanity being painfully apparent in GW2's pub solo ranked queue, I began to lament the current state of the game. I have seen my and my opponents health bars been deleted...DELETED...dozens of times tonight by 1v1 fights. It's not even a fight...it's just people exploding left and right.


> Why was this a choice made by ArenaNet? What about an expansion makes it so new elite specs need to have ridiculous damage multipliers and not just different class mechanics?? PvP is ruined right due to the state of combat. AoE condis erasing entire teams within the first 5 seconds of a fight at mid point...I got hit today for 47k...


> Let me clarify that..._**I SAW THE NUMBER ~470000 IN RED TEXT ON TOP OF MY HEAD IN sPVP.**_


> I have 17k hp. Why is there a skill out there that does three times the average player's build's (marauder's) health??


That number you plucked out of thin air seems suspiciously similar to the Firebrand numbers people come up with. Is this just you getting owned and bs'ing about FB numbers in PVP and aiming to get a nerf, or did you genuinely experience a 47K hit? I very much doubt you got hit for 47K in one hit, because you seem to claim that the number 470000 come up in red above your head, which would indicate a single hit (which read as 470,000, not 47K, which I guess was a typo).

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> @Holgarf.6581 said:

> > @"All Matters Fecal.9560" said:

> > Played a lot of sPvP tonight. After stressing about the ignorance and non-intelligence of humanity being painfully apparent in GW2's pub solo ranked queue, I began to lament the current state of the game. I have seen my and my opponents health bars been deleted...DELETED...dozens of times tonight by 1v1 fights. It's not even a fight...it's just people exploding left and right.

> >

> > Why was this a choice made by ArenaNet? What about an expansion makes it so new elite specs need to have ridiculous damage multipliers and not just different class mechanics?? PvP is ruined right due to the state of combat. AoE condis erasing entire teams within the first 5 seconds of a fight at mid point...I got hit today for 47k...

> >

> > Let me clarify that..._**I SAW THE NUMBER ~470000 IN RED TEXT ON TOP OF MY HEAD IN sPVP.**_

> >

> > I have 17k hp. Why is there a skill out there that does three times the average player's build's (marauder's) health??


> That number you plucked out of thin air seems suspiciously similar to the Firebrand numbers people come up with. Is this just you getting owned and bs'ing about FB numbers in PVP and aiming to get a nerf, or did you genuinely experience a 47K hit? I very much doubt you got hit for 47K in one hit, because you seem to claim that the number 470000 come up in red above your head, which would indicate a single hit (which read as 470,000, not 47K, which I guess was a typo).


Thanks, corrected the number. Yes, I saw 47k in red text above my head during combat. It was from a rifle thief that hit me from the sidelines during a team fight. I have no idea how that number was achieved or if it was a combination of multiple hits in combined in one floating damage number...either way, wtf?


This post isn't to point fingers at any one class and call for nerfs, it's to point out that there are burst rotations out there on multiple classes that have reached astronomical proportions of damage in relation to the average sPvP player's health pool. This is wildly unnecessary and I'm questioning the design choices of what should be gameplay of multiple players employing all of their kit to beat their opponents within the constraints of average to above average human reaction times.

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