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"Contacts" window and LFG Tool.

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Dear Devs!


Like many other players I find myself using the LFG tool much more often than the friends list and I would consider it a huge QoL improvement if I could go straight to the tool with one press of a button instead of having to switch to the LFG tab every single time.


Could you please do us players a solid and split the LFG tool from the friends/followers window? If that's too much of a hassle, then either make the LFG tab the default one OR give us the option for a keyboard shortcut directly to the LFG tool... or both


Moreover, each time you switch to the LFG tab the "Open World" group plays the collapse animation. That doesn't seem like a proper UI function... Just switch between Friends and LFG tabs back and forth a couple times and you'll see what i mean. Personally I'd find it a huge QoL improvement if the tool would remember the last state it was in. But I'm not a UI dev, so what do I know...


Thanks for reading,

Your otherwise very satisfied customer.


EDIT: typos

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