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Worldy Impact Soulbeast


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I'm going to bullet point some questions to keep the thread straight forward:



1) What "meta build" website is the one to follow when I finally go into raids/fractals?

2) What is the build to get the highest damage Maul/Barrage/Impact? (I like huge red numbers of death)

3) On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how good is Power Soulbeast in: Open World PvE HoT/PoF?

4) On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how good is Power Soulbeast in: Dungeons?

5) On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how good is Power Soulbeast in: Fractals?

6) On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how good is Power Soulbeast in: Raids?

7) On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how good is Power Soulbeast in: Spvp?

8) On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how good is Power Soulbeast in: WvWvW?



3 through 8 are the same thing, but each different area. I'm trying to gauge how useful I can be at all locations of play.

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1). [snowcrows](https://snowcrows.com/ "Snowcrows").

2). Same as above for PvE. Its a little different for PvP but the general idea is to stack up as many modifiers as possible before landing WI.

3). I'd say its an 8/10 tbh. Only problem is having to deal with being Melee (and a briefly rooted for Whirling Defense/WI) for the biggest damage packets

4). Cant comment on Dungeons, but I'd imagine it'd do fine there too

5). Same as 3. Its a really strong DPS option that can bring a little utility, too. Some may still prefer Druid if they need the extra might/healing though.

6). Snowcrows can elaborate more on that. There are some bosses its great for, and others its not so great for.

7) YMMV, and tomorrow will shake things up again

8). Its pretty good for roaming or very small groups but much like other Ranger builds, isnt preferred for Zerg play.

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> @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

> When I looked at the guides, it said that Druid was almost always meta. I'm fine healing if it really is. Where would I get the trinkets needed for Druid though? Laurels only, Fractal rng, achievements? (Side note question. I just really wanna raid someday)


For Harriers, I rememebr that some are available for Trade Contracts in PoF (takes quite awhile) or you can simply go with [Mist Pendant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mist_Pendant "Mist Pendant") and [Mist Bands](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mist_Band_(Infused) "Mist Bands")

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> @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

> When I looked at the guides, it said that Druid was almost always meta. I'm fine healing if it really is. Where would I get the trinkets needed for Druid though? Laurels only, Fractal rng, achievements? (Side note question. I just really wanna raid someday)


Best bet to get trinkets for druid is either raids or mist trinkets from fractals/pvp/wvw. But druid need knowlage about the fights and also many players count on you so it might not be the best way to start. Also there are not many ways to practise druids outside of using it in actual raid.

That beeing said power soulbeast is great way to start with raids. Ascended berserker trinkets from laurel+fractal vendor. Backpack from fractals (or ls3 maps if you want to go wit Assassin's that slightly better).

Exotic berserker armor from karma/dungeons/TP.

For ascended weapons knight of the thorn will give you either sword or greatsword (I suggest gs).

For axe and sword: doing specialization collection for holosmith and mirage/firebrand will give you sword and axe. If you prefer necro you can get GS from reaper and chose sword from KotT but i thing hot spec. weapons cost slightly more

For sigils and runes, all of them can be bought on TP.


With this build you will be more then welcome in raids. It isnt cheap but it doesnt cost that much either (when taken to account that this is almost top tier gear that can get you another ascended pieces for other characters)

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> @"Lost Dimension.9014" said:

> As someone just getting into soulbeast profession and planning to use it for fractals farming, do we lose a lot of dps numbers from WI 16% damage nerf? How much loss are talking about here? I do not think we deserve this nerf in PvE....


Idk about power slb but just done my t4 fractals as condi slb and i was above my entire party by about 2k, sometimes even more. It was a dragonhunter, holosmith and deadeye. (pugs)

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> @"Lost Dimension.9014" said:

> As someone just getting into soulbeast profession and planning to use it for fractals farming, do we lose a lot of dps numbers from WI 16% damage nerf? How much loss are talking about here? I do not think we deserve this nerf in PvE....


It'll probably be a slight drop, but the burst should still be more than enough.

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> @"Lost Dimension.9014" said:

> As someone just getting into soulbeast profession and planning to use it for fractals farming, do we lose a lot of dps numbers from WI 16% damage nerf? How much loss are talking about here? I do not think we deserve this nerf in PvE....


WI is one skill. It is mainly a burst skill. The dmg loss is insignificant if you can pull of a full sick em - maul combo.

Only in competitive modes it is more noticable because you do less one shotting when not fully buffed.

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> @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > @"Lost Dimension.9014" said:

> > As someone just getting into soulbeast profession and planning to use it for fractals farming, do we lose a lot of dps numbers from WI 16% damage nerf? How much loss are talking about here? I do not think we deserve this nerf in PvE....


> Idk about power slb but just done my t4 fractals as condi slb and i was above my entire party by about 2k, sometimes even more. It was a dragonhunter, holosmith and deadeye. (pugs)


Sounds like pretty bad PUGs. Condi-SlB is rather weak in fractals anyway due to ramp-up-times, phasing (which screws over condi-dps anyway) and the lack of condition-burst. If you have decent power-based classes with AoE-pressure, you will pretty much suck as Condi-SlB. I don't want to discourage you, but that's simply how it is - it's not about skill anyway, it's about how the game is designed. The only time Condi-SlB was really, really strong and more than competitive in fractals was during the time in which the flame trap was bugged since it applied multiple stacks of a bursty condition. Power-SlB is simply superior. That also applies to raids. Power-SlB is viable or at least ok for every boss except Matthias. It's different with Condi-SlB.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > > @"Lost Dimension.9014" said:

> > > As someone just getting into soulbeast profession and planning to use it for fractals farming, do we lose a lot of dps numbers from WI 16% damage nerf? How much loss are talking about here? I do not think we deserve this nerf in PvE....

> >

> > Idk about power slb but just done my t4 fractals as condi slb and i was above my entire party by about 2k, sometimes even more. It was a dragonhunter, holosmith and deadeye. (pugs)


> Sounds like pretty bad PUGs. Condi-SlB is rather weak in fractals anyway due to ramp-up-times, phasing (which screws over condi-dps anyway) and the lack of condition-burst. If you have decent power-based classes with AoE-pressure, you will pretty much suck as Condi-SlB. I don't want to discourage you, but that's simply how it is - it's not about skill anyway, it's about how the game is designed. The only time Condi-SlB was really, really strong and more than competitive in fractals was during the time in which the flame trap was bugged since it applied multiple stacks of a bursty condition. Power-SlB is simply superior. That also applies to raids. Power-SlB is viable or at least ok for every boss except Matthias. It's different with Condi-SlB.


I've been running condi slb since patch and i haven't been outdpsed yet in fractals ever since. Even ran with a guild group today(deadeye, firebrand, Dragonhunter, chrono) and i was top 1~2 in phases boss and top 1 in longer phases or non-phase bosses, by long. I don't want defend condi slb position, since i also prefer power, just sucks its full melee for some bosses, but that is my experience since patch.

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