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Warrior Balance Patch


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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Luna.6203" said:

> > ## Defense / discipline / spellbreaker is nerfer too far...

> >

> > Last few days i saw a lot of rifle // axe/axe wars even berserker... berserker in pvp is realy bad. But i dont like that god-mode button spec anyway.

> >

> > Rifle and axe... I dont know... They might have a bit more dps but no utility to survive...

> >

> > Whats the point of playing rifle war when deadeye perform a lot better and i mean a lot. Skilled deadeye cant be catch by war. Even with build GS/dagger with bull charge and chain pull which can be bypassed with stability just with all war mobillity ... no way unless that dedeye is bad.

> >

> > I think boost rifle is good we all wanted that but that include rework skills. I should be like **charge to target** instead of dodge out.. and **at least one aoe skill**. Push target away is also bad .. **you dont want to run away form target as warrior** .. you want to charge to target even with rifle you want charge and swap to melee.. _Like vanguard rifle in starwars old republic.._

> >

> > And i dont know why offhand axe is so popular in pvp these days. Its joke i mean how bad your enemy must be to get killed by this axe wirl.. :p

> >

> > defense / discipline / spellbreaker with GS/shield,dagger was only viable build decent survivability to effectively fight on melee range and enough mobility to not being totally kitted still unable to catch super mobile classes.

> >

> > With defense trait line damage and hybrid stat amulet warrior wasnt great damage dealer it was trade for defense. It is now gone... fully offensive war doesnt work for me. I thing if you want to be more offensive warrior it is ranger...

> >

> > Meanwhile mesmer near immortal with a lot better damage and defense is not nerfed but warrior getting nerfed more and more.. Im getting really upset. :/

> >

> > I have to admit that somewhere at beginning defense spellbreaker was really strong but its no longer true many patches ago.. They went to far with nerfs.. and boost for rifle signets whatever do not gives us anything good that can be used. They just make broken things less broken but still broken and underpowered.

> >

> > I bet that next patch they will boost longbow damage skills for useless berserker (in pvp) and nerf another usefull defense trait... (in pvp)

> >

> > Spellbreaker is still visually nice and i like to play it but some **traits and active abilities (meditation) are so useless.**. kitten it supposed to be elite spec.

> >

> > **Warrior just need sustain for melee only fight** stop nerfing it of give us viable range weapon.

> >

> > Im still playing classic defense / discipline / spellbreaker ...** I can still win** ... but i really feel in huge disadvantage against other classes.

> >

> > ## One more nerf to "def-breaker" and ... ![](https://i.imgur.com/Obnq8uy.jpg "")

> >

> >


> good thing is, there is almost nothing left to nerf in the defense trait line xD. All three grandmaster traits are now mediocre and all three master traits are trash xD. Well i guess you could always nerf adrenal health some more. And shield could lose reflect! You know that is op. Warrior is simply a brainddead easy class and everyone on this forum can faceroll as warrior vs every other class the first time they play it, it's that easy. Warrior is a 10/10 on the "easymeter" (the easiest)!!! Scourge is only 5/10 and thief or mirage are 0.1/10!!! See, warrior deserves all those nerfs and a lot more, because uhm they have immeasurable amounts of mobility and dmg and sustain and all these passives. TheSE PASSIVES NERFTHEM TO THE GROUND NOOOOOOWWWWW. because they are sooooo unhealthy and make warrior so easy to play. But invis, teleport and instant cast abilites aswell as dozens of chainable (real) invulns are ok and are a sign of your otherwordly godly skill. Just stop playing warrior in pvp and join the soulbeasts, thief(whatever build :D), mirage, scourge, firebrand etc....


I have ranger. I was playing ranger before POF but i dont like it that green aura that consume pet is so ugly. I cant play that class.


But i tried soulbeast many times... There is good comparsion:

Rangers stances skills was really bad at release. If you remember they was boosted a LOT. I thing they should do the same with spellbreaker meditation skills which are probably even worse.


And dagger... well there is so many topics about that. If not damage they should have improve healing trait. In pvp spellbreaker spec is only about counter. Spellbreaker: 2-2-2... that is all that matter (maybe 1-2-2). Problem is that spellbreaker spec works only with defense trait line. For just offensive war i thing its better core warrior.


Furthermore i disagree that warrior is that easy. From my experience ranger is more easier... actually any class that can use range attacks is easier. It took me some time to learn how to move when counter block counter.. its becouse you need to know other classes very well.. I mean **warrior sustain with counters evades and block is not passive defence! If you do mistake you will die 1-2sec just like any other classes!!**


For example mesmer can kill you in 0.01 sec from stealth and doesnt matter whats your spec or amulet... deadeye need about 2-3x burst rounds from full hp to zero in full deff spec. etc... I need to dance around target for half minute to perform kill. How is that OP ? and one bad used counter or block and im dead in 2 sec..


There is big difference between good spellbreaker and bad one. I was fight a lot of other warriors and sometimes its free kill sometimes it is one minute fight very tough. and btw all rifle/axe/hammer wars are trash.


And one more thing that i noticed on ranger: Warriors without GS are free to kite. GS is MUST HAVE against range and mobile classes.


That def-breaker with gs/dagger,shield IS ONLY WORKING SPEC! All these warriors with hammer,axe/axe, rifle are bad.. really bad.


Simply there is too many crap skills & crap weapons on warrior ...


... rifle is just bad designed same as longbow. Axe is slow.. axe burst skill can land only on stunned immobilized target. Mace and hammer have no range no mobility (at least not good one) no use for pvp. 3/4 of war skills are useless which is not so unusual but new elite skills are totaly bad as well.


There is only one viable spec for warrior with few skills in pvp. And that one getting nerfed more and more.


# So conclusion: Last balance patch i just hard nerf and unnecessary.


My opinion... change my mind :p

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> @"Luna.6203" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Luna.6203" said:

> > > ## Defense / discipline / spellbreaker is nerfer too far...

> > >

> > > Last few days i saw a lot of rifle // axe/axe wars even berserker... berserker in pvp is realy bad. But i dont like that god-mode button spec anyway.

> > >

> > > Rifle and axe... I dont know... They might have a bit more dps but no utility to survive...

> > >

> > > Whats the point of playing rifle war when deadeye perform a lot better and i mean a lot. Skilled deadeye cant be catch by war. Even with build GS/dagger with bull charge and chain pull which can be bypassed with stability just with all war mobillity ... no way unless that dedeye is bad.

> > >

> > > I think boost rifle is good we all wanted that but that include rework skills. I should be like **charge to target** instead of dodge out.. and **at least one aoe skill**. Push target away is also bad .. **you dont want to run away form target as warrior** .. you want to charge to target even with rifle you want charge and swap to melee.. _Like vanguard rifle in starwars old republic.._

> > >

> > > And i dont know why offhand axe is so popular in pvp these days. Its joke i mean how bad your enemy must be to get killed by this axe wirl.. :p

> > >

> > > defense / discipline / spellbreaker with GS/shield,dagger was only viable build decent survivability to effectively fight on melee range and enough mobility to not being totally kitted still unable to catch super mobile classes.

> > >

> > > With defense trait line damage and hybrid stat amulet warrior wasnt great damage dealer it was trade for defense. It is now gone... fully offensive war doesnt work for me. I thing if you want to be more offensive warrior it is ranger...

> > >

> > > Meanwhile mesmer near immortal with a lot better damage and defense is not nerfed but warrior getting nerfed more and more.. Im getting really upset. :/

> > >

> > > I have to admit that somewhere at beginning defense spellbreaker was really strong but its no longer true many patches ago.. They went to far with nerfs.. and boost for rifle signets whatever do not gives us anything good that can be used. They just make broken things less broken but still broken and underpowered.

> > >

> > > I bet that next patch they will boost longbow damage skills for useless berserker (in pvp) and nerf another usefull defense trait... (in pvp)

> > >

> > > Spellbreaker is still visually nice and i like to play it but some **traits and active abilities (meditation) are so useless.**. kitten it supposed to be elite spec.

> > >

> > > **Warrior just need sustain for melee only fight** stop nerfing it of give us viable range weapon.

> > >

> > > Im still playing classic defense / discipline / spellbreaker ...** I can still win** ... but i really feel in huge disadvantage against other classes.

> > >

> > > ## One more nerf to "def-breaker" and ... ![](https://i.imgur.com/Obnq8uy.jpg "")

> > >

> > >

> >

> > good thing is, there is almost nothing left to nerf in the defense trait line xD. All three grandmaster traits are now mediocre and all three master traits are trash xD. Well i guess you could always nerf adrenal health some more. And shield could lose reflect! You know that is op. Warrior is simply a brainddead easy class and everyone on this forum can faceroll as warrior vs every other class the first time they play it, it's that easy. Warrior is a 10/10 on the "easymeter" (the easiest)!!! Scourge is only 5/10 and thief or mirage are 0.1/10!!! See, warrior deserves all those nerfs and a lot more, because uhm they have immeasurable amounts of mobility and dmg and sustain and all these passives. TheSE PASSIVES NERFTHEM TO THE GROUND NOOOOOOWWWWW. because they are sooooo unhealthy and make warrior so easy to play. But invis, teleport and instant cast abilites aswell as dozens of chainable (real) invulns are ok and are a sign of your otherwordly godly skill. Just stop playing warrior in pvp and join the soulbeasts, thief(whatever build :D), mirage, scourge, firebrand etc....


> I have ranger. I was playing ranger before POF but i dont like it that green aura that consume pet is so ugly. I cant play that class.


> But i tried soulbeast many times... There is good comparsion:

> Rangers stances skills was really bad at release. If you remember they was boosted a LOT. I thing they should do the same with spellbreaker meditation skills which are probably even worse.


> And dagger... well there is so many topics about that. If not damage they should have improve healing trait. In pvp spellbreaker spec is only about counter. Spellbreaker: 2-2-2... that is all that matter (maybe 1-2-2). Problem is that spellbreaker spec works only with defense trait line. For just offensive war i thing its better core warrior.


> Furthermore i disagree that warrior is that easy. From my experience ranger is more easier... actually any class that can use range attacks is easier. It took me some time to learn how to move when counter block counter.. its becouse you need to know other classes very well.. I mean **warrior sustain with counters evades and block is not passive defence! If you do mistake you will die 1-2sec just like any other classes!!**


> For example mesmer can kill you in 0.01 sec from stealth and doesnt matter whats your spec or amulet... deadeye need about 2-3x burst rounds from full hp to zero in full deff spec. etc... I need to dance around target for half minute to perform kill. How is that OP ? and one bad used counter or block and im dead in 2 sec..


> There is big difference between good spellbreaker and bad one. I was fight a lot of other warriors and sometimes its free kill sometimes it is one minute fight very tough. and btw all rifle/axe/hammer wars are trash.


> And one more thing that i noticed on ranger: Warriors without GS are free to kite. GS is MUST HAVE against range and mobile classes.


> That def-breaker with gs/dagger,shield IS ONLY WORKING SPEC! All these warriors with hammer,axe/axe, rifle are bad.. really bad.


> Simply there is too many crap skills & crap weapons on warrior ...


> ... rifle is just bad designed same as longbow. Axe is slow.. axe burst skill can land only on stunned immobilized target. Mace and hammer have no range no mobility (at least not good one) no use for pvp. 3/4 of war skills are useless which is not so unusual but new elite skills are totaly bad as well.


> There is only one viable spec for warrior with few skills in pvp. And that one getting nerfed more and more.


> # So conclusion: Last balance patch i just hard nerf and unnecessary.


> My opinion... change my mind :p


sry i thought it was already too obvious, my post was pure sarcasm after the first line :D. Ofc warrior is very very far from being op or easier than most other classes, that is just the random kitten i read on these forums pretty often.

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What do you guys run for utility these days? I've gone from using dagger to axe lately and been running rousing resilience along with balanced stance, featherfoot grace and either endure pain or bull's charge (or even break enchantments). Of course when you are not running last stand you get no extra benefit from stances. I just like to have at least two stunbreaks on my bar nowadays.

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