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What is your Holosmith build?

Cave Rock.4869

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Lets all formulate some great ideas about builds for the Holosmith! First off all game types are okay to discuss, because we might learn a thing or two from each other. Also mistakes are great to discuss also because they help us to improve our builds and ultimately our game play.


the build I will start with is largely adapted from some ideas by Jebro. So he deserves much credit! Basically it is a power Holosmith, with plenty of might generation and get out of jail/escape utilities. It may just work in SPvP, but could possibly be adapted for WvW like I attempted. Paladin in SPvP is the amulet of choice. But I need help with stat selection in WvW.




BTW all if you could please check out my Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire YouTube video, it is a general overview and discussion about the nine new elite specialisations.



Thanks heaps all! Plus I can't wait to see what other people have or will come up with for the Holosmith.

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