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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Add an alternative to get runic armors: Anything, gold, laurels... I can't stand continuing doing mindlessly strikes with a chance of 0.0000000000000000001 of dropping the rare item to trade for an armor piece. The amount of crystals required is also astronomical. If I struggle now, imagine in 2 years+ when almost nobody will do strikes anymore?

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> @"Tseison.4659" said:

> Increase the amount of materials from 250 to something higher, like 1000. Banks and Inventory get full way too fast so this change needs to happen immediately.

You can already do this, if you buy the storage expander: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Storage_Expander

Unless you are asking for something else. But the 250 stack limit seems like a limit they are unlikely to change.

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I have 3 suggestions to help make the game better. The first would be to add a search bar to the map, I get so lost when trying to find locations, having a search bar would be such a boon. Second would be to fix the way the trading post search bar deals with punctuation. From what I've seen it's pretty intuitive to typos and skipping words, but so many times I've missed an apostrophe and had it show up absolutely blank. Third and finally, elementalists(and probably engineers though I can't speak first hand for that class) should be allowed to swap weapons inside of combat. I've messaged before asking why elementalists can't swap in combat and was told that it's because they have a number of attunements to swap to instead, however this does not let one swapped to ranged from melee like EVERY OTHER CLASS CAN. There's not an attunement that makes daggers ranged nor one that makes staff melee so it can cause a number of issues. One that comes to mind frequently is when I'm in fractals doing urban battleground, at the start you have to run through enemies, ranged down the oil, then melee the person under the oil. However you can't do that on elementalist, it's not possible as you're in combat the entire time so can't swap weapons. Another instance happened today on the solid ocean fractal where we had the instability that makes you have to stick together, everyone but me was using ranged to take out the tentacles but I literally just had to sit there doing nothing as I couldn't leave the group lest I die and they were too far away for me to melee and I couldn't swap to my staff because it was in combat.

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Add Wallet to Game Message Options in the chat window. I want to see "You receive (any wallet item)" as well as loot from chests or farming.


Wallet items usually scroll by too fast to see the quantity before scrolling off the screen. I'd like to see the number crowbars etc. along with inventory items as I get them in the message window. I'd settle for displaying wallets items along with inventory items in the chat window and share the inventory checkbox.

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1. Birthday gifts of each character should be able to be seen/claimed by any character related to that account.


2. Change the icons of our weapon and utility skills. I am using axes with warrior and its skills icons look like 2 centuries old.

2.1 Also when equipping a legendary weapon, icons should change to a related theme.

(2.2 Skill animations as well I think they need to become a bit more fancy)


3. The loading screen themes, they seem over 100 year old as well, due to the lag of colors in my opinion.


And... that's all :)

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> @"Azavelika.6398" said:

> I have 3 suggestions to help make the game better. The first would be to add a search bar to the map, I get so lost when trying to find locations, having a search bar would be such a boon. Second would be to fix the way the trading post search bar deals with punctuation. From what I've seen it's pretty intuitive to typos and skipping words, but so many times I've missed an apostrophe and had it show up absolutely blank. Third and finally, elementalists(and probably engineers though I can't speak first hand for that class) should be allowed to swap weapons inside of combat. I've messaged before asking why elementalists can't swap in combat and was told that it's because they have a number of attunements to swap to instead, however this does not let one swapped to ranged from melee like EVERY OTHER CLASS CAN. There's not an attunement that makes daggers ranged nor one that makes staff melee so it can cause a number of issues. One that comes to mind frequently is when I'm in fractals doing urban battleground, at the start you have to run through enemies, ranged down the oil, then melee the person under the oil. However you can't do that on elementalist, it's not possible as you're in combat the entire time so can't swap weapons. Another instance happened today on the solid ocean fractal where we had the instability that makes you have to stick together, everyone but me was using ranged to take out the tentacles but I literally just had to sit there doing nothing as I couldn't leave the group lest I die and they were too far away for me to melee and I couldn't swap to my staff because it was in combat.


I'm not TOTALLY agree with weapon swap for elementalists, but maybe 60 sec cooldown (or more)? Just to change your combat from mellee to attack some player on a wall... Maybe just for wvw and after 10 seconds use of any skill (to do not stack meteor shower with dragon's tooth, for instance).

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1. Gifts are for a character's birthday, so why would that go to another character? What's the point, just to avoid logging in a character? If you have too many characters, just use Gw2efficiency to see when birthdays are coming up, to know which to log in.


2. Personal preference. Why change them now that people are used to them? I wouldn't want them to change.


2.1. No, the same skill applies regardless of the skin used. If using a greatsword, there should be 5 different icons for the same skill? Makes no sense.


2.2. If fancy means the skill takes longer to complete, then that'd be a no. I suppose if the opposite were true, that'd be a no as well, since it'd give an advantage to using a legendary. If it doesn't really change anything, then why bother?


3. It doesn't really matter to me, but choice is always nice. Let players choose from any that have been released (Original + HoT + PoF + EoD)? I can see Anet not leaving it open for players to choose their own, because, well, some people do stupid stuff. But I can see Anet forcing it to the current expansion, like it has been, since any streamers or whatever that show the game, consistently show the current version.

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Suggestion for QoL to the new players and veterans... Make visible borderlines around the renown hearts on the map/minimap, where they start and where they end.

Make the option visible on default for the new players, and when they are done with the heart make the borderline of the renown heart disappear. Make the option simple for removal if not wanted.

In my opinion the new players get confused with the renown hearts system because the norm in the mmo games is to have quests. When they start to venture around the zones, they soon forget that they haven't finished their heart or they haven't noticed that they went to another one with different objective thus the venture starts to feel more like wandering.

It's gonna be an interesting experience even for the veteran players who want to explore the zones on a different characters.

The idea that I'm suggesting can look like the borderlines in WvW/Drizzlewood Coast but with different color (golden yellow for example).

The idea came from Noxxi's latest video (at 1:20).

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**To preface this, this is written from the perspective of someone who runs a small guild of mostly IRL Friends, less than 20 people total. Some of the issues mentioned really aren't seen in max size, max level guild halls, or at least not the the same extent. These changes also touch upon the scribing profession, as pertaining to the act of crafting decorations as well. So, Let's begin.**


I love the guild hall feature in this game. Every time I enter the Lost Precipice or Gilded Hollow, I'm just floored by how beautiful and expansive the hall is, as well as how much detail has been put into making this location look so gorgeous. Being able to decorate little alcoves of it to tell a story or make it feel welcoming, or to even serve as a meeting place when planning guild missions or screwing around before raids/fractals is really great; it's a home that everyone can share and really make their own. It's just ridiculously confusing and prohibitive to do so.


Now, I recognize that some of the larger, flashier decorations should require some extra work to get them - it's quite an achievement to have a massive globe of tyria in your hall, and should require gift of exploration to make! But other items, ranging form mounds of snow to simple bushes and furniture can feel just as difficult to make at times for a variety of reasons.


* Price - Even basic decorations needed to craft higher complexity decorations can cost between 24-50s a piece. No counting the materials needed to be pruchased to craft these, even a simple bush upgrade can be anywhere from 1-5 gold (depending on how deeply nested the bush you want to make is). Due to the size of these bushes, often they'll require multiple bushes to make the placement look cohesive or pleasing, quickly pushing even a small decorating project into the low 10's of gold. **I'd love to see if the price of basic decorations needed to craft these things could be dropped substantially as to make cost not as big a decision in crafting these decorations. Reduce overall raw material item requirement in crafting recipes.**


* Nesting Recipes - This part is more frustrating than anything. To craft a single tier three decoration, you'll need a lower decoration, a scribing kit, and usually a third ingredient to serve as a catalyst. Scribing kits each require in set and pens and paper., and each of those further require nested items to craft. This means that for a single T3 decoration, up to ~20 ish items are needed to craft a single decoration, and this is a nightmare. **As implemented, I don't know exactly how this could be fixed. Perhaps offer the items as purchasable goods from vendors, requiring the components that they currently do?**


* The Synthesizer - This one is a minor annoyance. I appreciate the inclusion of the synthesizer, and can understand what it's supposed to simulate, but at this point all it does is sap the motivation to actually complete any crafting. Why can't you queue entire stacks of schematics to at least put the machine on auto while you're crafting? Or better, why not automatically add the decorations directly to the guild hall's stash once they've been crafted? They can't be removed or traded, so at this time the only purpose of this synthesizer is to waste your time. **Remove the schematic synthesizer, or make it such that you can queue stacks of schematics all at once.**


* Separate Decorations Tab - This is a very minor gripe, and it's addressed partially once you begin decorating. Give decorations their own guild interface tab and make them easier to find and use. Currently they're stashed away under "storage," on which you have to double click a decoration to begin decorating. Not the hardest thing in the world, but confusing if you've never done decorating before.


* Increased Deco Limit - I've never personally encountered this outside of my larger max member guild, but it is an issue if items are used to create jumping puzzles, rollerbeetle tracks, or even complex sub-locations within a guild hall. I want to be able to really show off the member's creativity as well as the asset designer's hard work. **Increase cap for decorations!**





This is pretty much the entire list of fixes I'd like to see right now. Again, they're mostly small fixes, and for content that is underutilized at the moment. I'd like to see more functionality added to the guild halls themselves (Crafting stations, as an example), but I'm more than happy to play with with we've got now... if only it could be made a little more friendly and intuitive -to- play with. What about you? Do you have any other QOL changes you'd like to see made to decorations/guildhalls in the next expansion?



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This feature is more than annoying, it happens if you go into 'race' zones or near home instances and also occurs with the pvp pop up window.


If i wanted to press 'yes' or 'enter' I would manually disable action camera mode to click on the options, rather than the forced 'you must press an option' Half the time this ends up with me pressing the action camera button again, to have the game spasm in and out of action cam mode due to now being 1mm away from the 'talk' zone.



Just a small QOL issue for the action cam users out there.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> This is an issue?

> HA!

> In WvW you go out of action cam mode *by capping an objective*.


Yup, you're right... that too!


Really hate the fact the game pulls you out, like I get it... we can press a button but if I wanted to press the button id come out of action cam to press it.

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > This is an issue?

> > HA!

> > In WvW you go out of action cam mode *by capping an objective*.


> Yup, you're right... that too!


> Really hate the fact the game pulls you out, like I get it... we can press a button but if I wanted to press the button id come out of action cam to press it.


Yep! Sometime's i purposely rep a guild that I don't have 'claim permissions' in just so I don't get pulled out of action camera in the middle of a fight for a camp that I attacked 20 minutes ago that finally got flipped.

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I've just discovered that a combination of ActionCam with Instant ground target mode makes GW2 infinitely more fun to play with certain classes, but the act of constantly having to toggle in and out of this mode makes it a very frustrating tradeoff, as the added fluidity of ranged AOE combat is negated by the constant need of mode wrangling every single time I want to for example hover over a resource icon on a minimap to see if it's for example a rich vein.


So my proposal is:

Please add one more checkbox to Camera section of General Options called "Right Mouse Button Action Camera" which would substitute the default freelook mode for the Action Cam mode, only for the duration of RMB being held down. This, combined with "Instant" ground targeting mode would be a complete game changer in terms of how GW2 combat feels with certain classes and weapons.


Right now, RMB in ActionCam is used to select targets, but since RMB hold would make getting in and out ActionCam mode a lot smoother/easier, this would allow one to quickly select targets with LMB.


I am really sad that this feature is so close to being perfect, yet it's missing this one implementation detail that would make it awesome. I tried various external input macro software, such as X-mouse to facilitate it, but the way GW2 handles input makes it very unreliable. I've gotten it more or less to a working state, but it still made for example right clicks in inventory fail occasionally, so this really needs to be implemented on the game level. On top of that, this would be extremely trivial to implement.


Thank you in advance.

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In the meanwhile, here's a guide how anyone can try how awesome this feature feels. **Please keep in mind this is only proof of concept, and comes with various drawback and inconsistencies. That's why this needs to be implemented in the core of the game.**


1, Download and install X-Mouse Button Control: https://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/XMouseButtonControl.htm

2, Once X-Mouse is installed, Click Add to create new profile which will modify your mouse mapping only inside GW2, not in Windows. Use [...] button to browse for Gw2-64.exe file, find and select it, then name your profile accordingly to indicate it's related to GW2

![](https://i.imgur.com/GkAGVOA.jpg "")

3, Once you have your profile created, select it, then in the Right Button dropdown, set it to Button Held. Once the window appears, Disable Wait Until physical button... and Enable Abort and revert to the normal.... Then enable the very first Held for entry, set the value to 100ms, and set the dropdown to right click. Once that's done, set Normal Click to Simulated Keys, and type just a single comma in the custom keys field. After that, set the mode to 3 During.

![](https://i.imgur.com/fZ21dEs.jpg "")

4, Once all that is done, click OK in all the popup windows until you get to the main X-Mouse window, **and be sure to click "Apply"** Please also keep in mind that this is really all or nothing. Missing just one of the steps above will result in entire thing not working correctly (possibly at all).

![](https://i.imgur.com/8uQw4R1.jpg "")

5, Once in game, make sure to set the Ground Targeting mode to Instant. Then also make sure Autotargetting, Promote Skill Target and Allow Skill retargetting are Enabled. Some of these features are debatable in regular, non ActionCam mode, but I believe these are crucial for ActionCam mode.

![](https://i.imgur.com/JQE2whc.jpg "")

6, Then, the last remaining step is to bind the Disable Action Camera to comma key. **Disable Action Camera one, NOT the Toggle Action Camera one.** Naming here is a bit of a failure, because the other binding is not really for disabling theActionCam, but rather for enabling it for the duration of the key being held.

![](https://i.imgur.com/N0xpq2e.jpg "")


And that's it, enjoy your fluid, undisruptive ActionCam:



It's really important to note that just trying the ActionCam mode won't convey how the feature feels, because GW2 won't allow you to map it to RMB as Freelook replacement, and instead will force it to be a mode you have to lock in and out of, which **totally** changes how the feature feels. It ends up just being this "cool thing to try" which is just not feasible to keep enabled at all times. But when it's active only for the duration of RMB being held, it feels incredibly natural, like most FPS/TPS games which tend to have some aim down the sights feature mapped to RMB.


Now, if you follow the guide, you will notice a few issues, such as that it won't work if you don't move your mouse immediately as soon as you hold down RMB, or that inventory right click will be inconsistent and sometime it will get stuck and require double RMB click to get unstuck. For this reason, the guide posted above is just a teaser, to convince people to help me convince ArenaNet to implement it as a game feature. It's not sustainable to keep this enabled due to all the glitches. So once again, this really needs to be implemented on the core game level.


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Can we have an option to hide or disable the Compact button in our inventory? I don't want to accidentally click it, now that it's right next to our Deposit All Materials button (which I always use). I have my inventory sorted so that there's two columns of permanent items going down the left side of my inventory, so hitting Compact would be a disaster for me.

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Can we get consumables back into fractals and dungeons? Big quality of life change with this.

People who play dungeons and fractals dont know what skills do cc or how to use them. it would be so much better if one or more can help out with cc consumables to cover for them to make the run so much better and fun,.


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Yay thanks so much Anet for adding in the 'deposit all materials' button. I probably wasn't the first person to suggest it here, but so glad it's in game now. I mean, why use two clicks, when you can just use 1? Massive quality of life improvement! And I deposit materials ALL the time.

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