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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Here's an old one of mine:


I think a good QoL addition to the game would be the ability to gain access to ALL Guild Halls at one time.




You'd need to complete the mission to unlock each individual guild hall (which would include the fee of 100 gold)

A Drop down menu would let you choose which unlocked hall to travel to

Donations would go into whichever hall you were in at the time

If you already have a maxed hall, but have unlocked multiple halls, you could choose ONE to stay maxed out and then upgrade the others (Any new halls added later would start from scratch)

Why I think this is a good QoL Feature:


It's convenient to have multiple halls to warp to in various global areas

it would add more gold and material sinks to the game

our characters constantly travel the globe, so it would make sense to have multiple Guild Halls

-adds more things to decorate and things for guilds to work on together

it would be a nice way to enjoy all the beautiful halls, without constantly having to swap them out

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**Suggestion:** toggle helm/gloves/shoulders upon entering combat


By this I mean adding an option where upon engaging an enemy, for example, your helmet visibility would toggle on, and then toggle off after combat ends. This should extend to gloves and shoulders too. I personally want my storm gloves to toggle on in combat, and then off when I exit. It would add a much appreciated variety and layer of customizability to think about when designing a character.

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I'm sure this has been mentioned, but...


It would be great to have a second/conditional helmet or head slot. It would be really nice to be able to have glowing eyes *and* wear the headband or hat I like.


No clue if this is a coding nightmare, but having a system in place where some head gear allow for the second slot if possible - like for bandit bandana that just hangs over the mouth, you have the option to equip glowing eyes or glasses in addition to that. For a full, face covering helmet, this second slot would lock, meaning the item doesn't allow for additional accessories/effects.

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Can we get a "join in instance/map" for the Mists Observatory in Fractals? Many times I've had to exit to LA, only to re-enter the gate so I can join a new party in a different instance of the observatory.


Would make it so much quicker to jump into a new group.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> Having mouse customizations will be my biggest change to make. Far too often the mouse gets lost in combat!


You should try out yolomouse, it’s my fav addon for Gw2 and it’s completely legit. I‘ve been using this for a few years already, you have a lot of ways to customize your mouse.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > Having mouse customizations will be my biggest change to make. Far too often the mouse gets lost in combat!


> You should try out yolomouse, it’s my fav addon for Gw2 and it’s completely legit. I‘ve been using this for a few years already, you have a lot of ways to customize your mouse.


Where we can read about confirmation that this is legit. I may use something similar.

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I really like the idea that the team had with pushing fewer expansions, by keeping the systems upgrades, storyline, and map introduction to the Living Story. That said however, I would still like to see expansions released for major overhauls and client upgrades. A good example of this could be a further overhaul of the graphics engine to support VR and integrating client support for other operating systems like Linux.

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Considering that some novelties can be purchased for free with [sarettokk](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sarettokk "Sarettokk") upon completion of an achievement (e.g. the [Chair](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chair_(novelty) "Chair") for [Chairs of the World](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chairs_of_the_World "Chairs of the World")), could you do the same for these following novelties that could be obtained upon completion of historic achievements?

* [Flames of Kryta](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flames_of_Kryta "Flames of Kryta") for [Luminary of Kryta](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Beacons_of_Kryta#Achievement "Luminary of Kryta")

* [Hot Air Balloon Souvenir](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hot_Air_Balloon_Souvenir "Hot Air Balloon Souvenir") for [balloon Tower Tourist](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hot_Air_Balloon_Souvenir#Achievements "Balloon Tower Tourist")

* [Zephyr Sanctum Model](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyr_Sanctum_Model "Zephyr Sanctum Model") for [Lessons from the Sky](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lessons_from_the_Sky "Lessons from the Sky")

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My QoL idea is to make it optional to buy a mount that is offered for free (after awhile). Like the Beetle Mount. I spent, no, wasted 1,5 day now, looking, waiting.

Thinking collecting the saddle would be the final step. Unfortunately there's another collecting phase. And there we go again....

I'd rather see the Beetle available in store, a few months after it has been released.

I'd rather pay 20 euro, which is a little more than 2 hours at work than spending maybe 20 hours (because I'm not done yet collecting) of my free time on getting a mount.

The griffon already took a long time to collect, and now another mount that takes hours and hours of non-recreational gameplay.

At least make it optional, please.

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Build templates please, as this is long overdue.

Unlimited in game mails to mutual friends and possibly guild members as well.

Book shelf or library for tomes and books

An increase to the magic cap where it will cost 40,000 points of essences to gain 1% magic find until 400% is reached. To go further with this 50,000 points for each additional percent to go from 400% to 500%.


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I know that what I'm about to post is more about game balance and less on the QoL side. Also, it's unlikely that what I'll post will ever be implemented, but I just wanted to post in a place where somebody from Anet will see.



I'm not a dungeon or a raid player who enjoys doing nothing but fight after fight after fight after fight... I'm a world player who enjoys exploring the world in casual and relaxing environment, meaning I like less emphasis on constant forced fights so I can have more variety. Unfortunately, the aggro behavior in PoF means that in some situations, all I'm doing is being forced to fight a dozen enemies that chain pull one after another. PoF enemies have ridiculously big aggro range, have big density in a tight space, respawn too fast, and chase for too long.


I was doing PoF story yesterday. I'm too upset to bother to look up the name of the story mission, but it involved me looking for clues in a small village in the Crystal Oasis. Because of the aggro behavior I mentioned above, I constantly ended up fighting half a dozen enemies at a time. After begrudgingly chain killing all enemies in the village (about 20 enemies), I continued to look for clues, only for enemies to respawn. Again, due to the aggro range, I ended up constantly chain pulling respawned enemy after respawned enemy after respawned enemy. After clearing the camp for the 2nd time and continuing to look for clues, enemies respawned AGAIN and I again entered chain respawn fight after chain respawn fight. Needless to say, eventually, I was out of healing and died. I cannot even begin to explain how annoying this was.


Later in the story, I was in a mission where I had a Charr and a Sylvari NPC as my allies. I'd see that there are a lot of enemies clumped together. Since it's not smart to pull everything, I tried to pull the closest enemy with my ranged weapon. Oh, hey, my stupid NPC allies dash into melee range and pull all the enemies in the entire area. After disposing of the melee enemies, I tried to pull the remaining ranged enemies by moving away. But look, my NPC allies are charging in toward the ranged enemies, which in turn, aggroes even more enemies due to the ridiculous aggro range of PoF enemies... The entire mission was an effing mess where I constantly had to deal with like a dozen enemies at a time that constantly got pulled by my NPC allies due to aggro range and density of mobs in PoF...


Yet later in the story, I was navigating looking for crystal shards of a dragon. I got knocked off my mount and was surrounded by more than half a dozen enemies from the right and left. I took down the melee enemies, then moved toward the ranged enemies on the left side to finish them off since my melee weapon set is better for quickly AOEing enemies down. Again, due to the big aggro range, moving to kill ranged enemies on the left side aggroed enemies that were further off to the left. After killing the ranged enemies to the left, I couldn't run towards the enemies further off to the left, as doing so would aggro even more enemies that are even further down to the left. So, I had no choice but to let the newly aggroed enemies pound on me while I went for the ranged enemies on the right. Of course, getting in range to attack the enemies to the right meant I aggroed enemies that were further off to the right. Eventually, I had no more healing and had no choice but to die, and run all the way back from a waypoint 1/3 of a map away...


Needless to say, I am beyond frustrated by my experience in PoF. This just isn't fun. The ridiculous aggro range is ruining the game for me. I had so much fun in Core Tyria with mounts that I spent more money in 2 months of this game than I have ever spent in any other game. 1 hour in PoF with some bad luck makes me completely regret spending all that money on this game... I have no problems with some areas or some maps being combat heavy. However, having all of PoF have such ridiculous aggro range just ruins the fun of exploring the world. Players already have to fight a LOT in the game. Is it such a crime to be able to explore PoF maps with less forced fights when the player is not in the mood to spend so much time with forced chain fights after forced chain fights after forced chain fights?

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Minor, weird QOL details:


1. Bank tabs - moveable

Make them able to be move up or down, so you can shuffle them around


2. LFG tab - lock/return

Add a way to lock/remember a specific tab, so that you _auto return_ to that tab until you unlock or pick a different tab

It's annoying having to go through the choices to constantly check if that one niche thing you're looking for has a group or not


3. Black Lion Trading Post - search for unlocked skins

I want to see the things I don't have unlocked so I can unlock them, and filter out the ones already unlocked


4. Dyes - exotic

Just reclassify gem store exclusive dyes as exotic instead of rare, mostly for ease in trading post

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Here's my list of QoL recommendations.

* Add a drop down menu by the mini-map that would allow players to switch instances in case of a bugged event (for a hero point or other PvE event)

* Allow account bound tonics like the Endless Choya Dance Tonic to be tradable or gifted to other players

* Add an option to change the background screen and music theme in the Character Selection Screen, ex: use the HoT music theme but with the PoF background screen

* Allow guilds in the guild slot area in the Guild Tab to be moved around, ex: move your Guild in /g4 to the spot in /g1

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Please add templates. Dye and trait templates. So that we can have a choice in multiple color schemes at the click of a button, or so we don't have to change our traits everytime we want to change our specialization. It seems like something that could easily be implemented. I think people have been asking for this since release.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > 8. Would be nice if the beetle didn't have to smash through the volatile magic crystals to collect them and thereby dismount you. Once you get the mastery to collect the crystal, it would be neat to just drive over them and keep going. Or make that another mastery tier above the existing one - always happy to have new masteries.


> It already does, but you have to be moving at purple speed or higher. Watch the exhaust trail of the saddle. It changes colour from blue through to purple through to a sort of yellow-brown-orange (YBO) colour as you pick up speed. Once it reaches purple, if you can keep it there, you'll pick up VM crystals by driving through them. (In fact, originally that was the only way to pick them up because it wouldn't do it from the "1" attack-dismount skill.)


> (In general, getting past purple to the the YBO colour only happens during and for a while after the "jump key" boost or on long downhill stretches, of which there aren't many.)


I wasn't aware that was possible. Thank you!

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A small request: I recently got the Charr Rock guitar I've been waiting for courtesy of the novelty box (thank you!) but there's two things that would make it even better:


1. Reduce the cool-downs on the notes. I can play Seven Nation Army on it but it currently sounds like somebody taking their first guitar lesson. The temp needs to be quicker.


2. A second or two after you've stopped playing, the toon goes from the playing pose back to the combat-ready(?) or relaxed or whatever it is pose, where he's holding the guitar in one hand at his side. It looks strange. Would it be possible to either i) always have the guitar in play pose, or ii) once you've played any notes keep it in play pose, or iii) maybe toggle between play/rest mode with the combat toggle key? (If the last one is already possible, I apologise. I just thought of it and haven't tried it yet.)


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