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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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I have the final solution for all the annoying afk farm bot in pve. When a turret or a minion is used, while in combat mode launch a countdown. If after 30 secs the player isn't using any weapon skill, the player is kicked. If it happens a lot, a report is automatically sent. /problem solved. No need to report them one by one for botting anymore. Plus the afk farm locations are so obvious like invariant enclave... just do something... in addition it happens at heart location and yeah some new players seems disturbed by them.

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Add Hotkey combination

- Shift+Num1, Shift+Num2, etc.


For whatever reason numeric keyboard doesn't allow to set it's button with Shift combo.


P.s. i am using numeric keys for build templates hot keys. There are 6 gear and 6 trait templates, giving it to 12. This is too much of hotkeys to have. Allowing 'Shift + num key' combo to be set, will short it to 6.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I have the final solution for all the annoying afk farm bot in pve. When a turret or a minion is used, launch a countdown. If after 30 secs the player isn't using any weapon skill, the player is kicked. If it happens a lot, a report is automatically sent. /problem solved. No need to report them one by one for botting anymore. Plus the afk farm locations are so obvious like invariant enclave... just do something... in addition it happens at heart location and yeah some new players seems disturbed by them.


So me as a minionmaster would be kicked if im reading something of gw wiki or need a quick toilet break?

30 sec would be aweful. I dont afk farm but your suggestion would kick me out half of the time.

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Make the Auric Basin Balthazar Hero Point less horrible. Maybe the mushroom one in TD too.

It's just way too punishing and frequently ends up wiping the whole group - unless you come with an army.

That's a lot of trouble for a hero point, and people mostly do those on new characters they're not familiar with yet - that makes things even more miserable.

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Please consider removing jumping puzzles from collection requirements. It is terribly frustrating trying to complete the Winter's Presence items and having to deal with feeling vertigo repeatedly trying to complete the jumping puzzle. The easy path is hard for players who experience this, even the winding tower in Lion's Arch triggers it just walking up. Could a gold/karma sink or alternative activity be added? I'd be willing to drop 20g or 50k karma at this point just to avoid it.

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So I really enjoy the time trial stuff, but I always get annoyed when I find people have used things like portals or swiftness/quickness in the middle/start of it for their gold score or in trying to set the higher scores. So if the trial zones could be without skill usages outside of transformation ones provided to the player and boons be wiped off the player upon starting, I think would make it a more viable direction as a sort of player skill content for achievements/prizes sort of like how getting gold on the beetle course for Halloween gave the scarf. I'd also like if a few more neat awards of that sort that have no other alternatives to getting as a sort of bragging rights thing where someone isn't just going to buy the skin off trading post or cheese hardcore with friends.

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A small QoL thing I'd like to see:


Make a way to travel back to mainland Elona from the Isle of Istan without having to Waypoint or do the WvW trick? To get to Istan you can take the boat, but there's no boat or airship or anything to take you back, you have to spend money on a Waypoint or WvW it back to Lion's Arch. This is extremely frustrating, since I try to avoid Waypointing wherever possible. :(

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maybe options to trade in my stack of teleports to friend to an account bound perma teleport to friend,

same for other consumables (bank, vendor and BL pickup) when you have 100 get an account bound perma one at a vendor.

or a vendor for the mystic forge stones I have 400 or so of those. allowing for easy buy leggy parts or something.


I would be really happy to trade these in most have been collected for 7 years now.

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QoL: Drop down menu for all 5 city’s home instances for the gemstore Home Portal Stone.


This would make the Portal Stone more valuable as players could port on any race to any Home Instance to harvest according to the daily instead of either switching to a race that matches that region (Example: to a Charr to go to Black Citadel Home Instance for Ascalon harvest) or not using the Portal Stone at all for that.

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We can add people as freinds, can we have please the ability to sort them in groups, per exp, i have 150 friends and i want to do some fractals, it will took time to find my friends who loves doing fractals, in other hand, if i can sort my friends and put them in groups (pvp, fractals, raids, weird ppl....) it will be much much easier and faster to find them and making groups instantly :)

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Please could you **turn off the auto zoom in and out** at the begining and end of encounters in open world meta events, fractals and pve raid bosses?

I personally find it really annoying having to readjust my camera all the time and I have been asking for this option for years.

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> @"nanomidgy.9180" said:

> Please could you **turn off the auto zoom in and out** at the begining and end of encounters in open world meta events, fractals and pve raid bosses?

> I personally find it really annoying having to readjust my camera all the time and I have been asking for this option for years.


Oh my gods, yes, please! ?

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PvP is just stupid terrible now, so broken its unbelievable that anyone made such builds. Who tests this stuff? No one? I wont even play anymore except AT for the gold, its just lousy broken builds that is all pure luck and chance, no real strategy anymore, its a hope you dodge in time for all the 1 shot builds that makes it really boring and waste of time to play. Anet is falling apart i suppose? What happened? Thief, Mesmer, scrapper, warrior, ele can all just gank instantly now? Scrapper can hit so hard that the down state is instantly wiped out as well as rifle warrior? No idea beyond its time to give up. Balance patches seem to just be rotation of stupid broken stuff, maybe its just a ploy to hope these people buy gems from thinking they are good. Mesmer I play it 5 mins and can drop anyone instantly, Rifle warrior and Scrapper it takes 3 hits to totally knock someone out, down state and all... Completely dead in less then 2 seconds? This isnt really fun.... no challenge in a fight that lasts 1 second or less? It is no wonder the people playing PVP has dropped significantly. Even the AT matches are maybe 10 teams now... some times more, usually not. Its just not fun people, really, this next patch will prolly be my last attempt to see if anet actually does something right. Its been 7 years of balancing? really? 7 years..... 7 whole years?

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Player settings per character (tired of adjusting camera heights).


the new UI settings are awesome, but it would be great if we could have different settings for each game mode. I love having less UI on PvE, but on WvW or PvP practically and the UI stuff is needed, having to change that every time we switch game modes gets tedious.


also can we please have further visual effect reduction options? Every mob looks like a discoball with 50 players attacking it.

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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > I have the final solution for all the annoying afk farm bot in pve. When a turret or a minion is used, launch a countdown. If after 30 secs the player isn't using any weapon skill, the player is kicked. If it happens a lot, a report is automatically sent. /problem solved. No need to report them one by one for botting anymore. Plus the afk farm locations are so obvious like invariant enclave... just do something... in addition it happens at heart location and yeah some new players seems disturbed by them.


> So me as a minionmaster would be kicked if im reading something of gw wiki or need a quick toilet break?

> 30 sec would be aweful. I dont afk farm but your suggestion would kick me out half of the time.


30 secs timer while in combat.

Edited my comment. Thought I was clear.. of couse i don't want to kick you.

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Consistently enabled novelties across game modes, please! Some chairs are allowed in some raid wings, some aren't, tonics usually aren't allowed, etc.

I get why they should be disabled in PvP/WvW, but can we just allow all novelties and gizmos in every part of PvE? I just finished the Mystic Chromatic Ooze and was quite disappointed to find I wouldn't be able to use it in raids. It has some awesome interplay with the halloween infusions, and I'd like to be able to make it a permanent part of my character's look.

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