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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Hey i play guild wars since the launch and i have one suggestion i talk alot about it with many people and almsot msot of my guildies in every guild and everyone said it would be awesome. :) so here the idea : legendaries looks awesome but sometimes they colorly dont fit with your look and you can´t match them and it would be awesome if you can collor them lets say you could use dagger as guard so you want to match but the incinerator is only orange flame and you would love to have the option to color it to blue or green for ranger and so on :) i get that it would be harder and the footsteps will be harder but it would made more poeple happy with their legendary please tell me if its possible or its totally out of the bowl :/ thanks a lot :)

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> @"Petleft.2089" said:

> Hey i play guild wars since the launch and i have one suggestion i talk alot about it with many people and almsot msot of my guildies in every guild and everyone said it would be awesome. :) so here the idea : legendaries looks awesome but sometimes they colorly dont fit with your look and you can´t match them and it would be awesome if you can collor them lets say you could use dagger as guard so you want to match but the incinerator is only orange flame and you would love to have the option to color it to blue or green for ranger and so on :) i get that it would be harder and the footsteps will be harder but it would made more poeple happy with their legendary please tell me if its possible or its totally out of the bowl :/ thanks a lot :)


For gen 3 if they ever release that its possible, just look at the newer backpacks that are dyeable the old ones are not.


Its just not very likely that they will do that.

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How wonderful would it be if we all had the ability to stack and split stacks of salvage kits, boosters, food stuffs, etcetera? Answer: Just the right kind of wonderful.


Also, while I'm really enjoying the new map, players are clearly irritated by the amount of clutter we're gathering between maps these days. This could be easily mitigated by: making a new extra-extra large bag a reasonably attainable achievement on this or the next map (many people like to earn gear); giving every toon an extra-extra large bag (everyone love a gift); just giving every toon an extra bag slot (honestly, how hard would that be?); or, at the very least, giving each account a free bank tab (I've bought three so far, in addition to four additional toons; I plan on throwing more money GW2's way, no question... But if GW2 maps are going to continue to throw this much clutter our way, I think it would be great if we're given the means to store it all, too).

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**A one click button/icon at the top of the inventory interface to 'deposit all materials'.**


Why have something require 2 clicks, when it could take 1 click instead? The amount of times players have to 'deposit all materials' is so large that this simple QOL improvement would make our lives so much better.

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LFG tab.


Dear Anet


LFG is the most important tool in the game, i would love to have the option to merge all zones tabs and see all groups currently posted in one single tab window(maybe that tab could be called ALL) , the sorting could be the same top to down, just show me all current posted groups.


Similar to the inventory option that seperates by bags or see all as one.


Obviously this is a option to turn on or off.


I would leave this option always on.




For an experienced player that already understands the language players use when advertising their groups, the seperation by tabs is no longer needed, this would help players to fater find groups and decide what to play accordingly.


Thank you for reading.

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> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> LFG tab.


> Dear Anet


> LFG is the most important tool in the game, i would love to have the option to merge all zones tabes and see all groups currently posted in one single tab window(maybe that tab could be called ALL) , the sorting coule be the same, just show me all current posted groups.


> Similar to the inventory option that seperates by bags or see all as one.


> Obviously this is a option to turn on or off.


> I would leave this option always on.


> Why?


> For an experienced player that already understands the language players use when advertising their groups, the seperation by tabs is no longer needed, this would help players to fater find groups and decide what to play accordingly.


> Thank you for reading.


I would pay 1000 gems for this ?

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Every Tome of Knowledge we use, we have to click on another message asking us if we really want to use it


Can you please get rid of this message?


Yes we want to use it or we wouldnt click on it


And can you please put the level up flashyness and sparkle back to what it was last year?

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In Divinity's Reach, there's lots of npcs that walk to the bank npc, stop, and walk away later


Can you please get rid of them?


When they stand near the bank npc, we cant use our bank. The talk button to open the bank changes to greet the new npc

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![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/36/Claw_of_the_Khan-Ur_footfalls.jpg "")


I really like the claw of the khan-ur legendary dagger, but quite a few people consider the footfall/footprint effect of it really bad. Someone in game called it the poopy footprint. And, to be fair, it does kinda look poopy. I don't know if it's the shade of brown, or the shape of the footprint, but I think it needs to be changed. You don't want poop associated with a legendary weapon!


Maybe Anet could hold a poll on whether the footfall/footprint of it should be changed?

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The ascended bags are 24, 28 and 32 slots


They look horrible for ppl who put their inventory into 10 slot rows


Can you please put 30 slot and 40 slot bags into the game? let wvw players buy them with badges, karma or skirmish tickets

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I made the smelly cabbage stick kudzu, it was the only legendary longbow option for years.

it's not sell-able on trading post(account bound), can't be sold to merchant, can't be salvaged.

no class can duel wield longbows especially guardian who looks goofy with a stinky smelly cabbage stick vs blue/light animation effects.

the hype for Pharus is over, or any other gen2 legendary.

a legendary trade in program would be nice for upgrading to tier 2 legendary from tier 1.

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A lot of people stay in dead guilds because they have nice guild halls, and they don't want to leave them behind forever


Can anet please add an npc to all halls, that give permanent guild hall passes to those who want? Like tome portals and lounge passes, they can let anyone in who has them and use the npcs there

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