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Cross Species, Famous Couples

Scritch Yiffinton.1943

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The only experience we humans have about finding other sentient creatures is finding different human "races". Our typical reactions seems to have been curiosity, aggression, dominance attempts and very gradual acceptance of their human nature. We always try to NOT see others as persons at first. We try to create a tight circle of "us" were the tiniest deviation from the "normal" must be rejected. But those forced limits broke in the end anyway, and our criteria to consider others as equals grow, again and again.


The process is a pain, and there are many enthusiasts of discrimination trying to slow things even more, but is real. And of curse, sex is always present, anyway, no matter how distant from the "normal" is the discriminated part. Sometimes, even love makes his way before the acceptance emerges. We humans are silly that way.


I'm sure if somehow we make contact with a nonhuman sentient species we will pass through the same stupid comedy again. Curiosity, aggression, dominance attempts, gradual acceptance. Death, discrimination, sex and love will be present, as long as there is the slightest possibility of it. We humans are creative that way.


And Tyria?:

There are MANY sentient species in the planet, they have had A LOT of time to interact with each other, and most of them are EXTREMELY SIMILAR: individuals with free will, gregarious and socially organized, capable of language and speech, with a tool driven approach to problem solving, with a very similar physical structure ( air breathing, 4 limbs, usually bipedal, one head, one mouth, similar sensory organs, etc), with 2 phenotypical sexes and gender roles, etc, etc, etc.


I have no doubt they are passing through the process of rejection->acceptance just like we humans would do, and probably much more advanced on said development than we are.

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