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Nerf reaper


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Kako.1930" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > against classes reaper is favored to win, namely bunkers and supports, a zerk reap absolutely destroys them. I just did some 15k aa chains and my god lol its pretty ridiculous.

> >

> > Yeah, but nobody should really be running bunker/support builds nowadays anyways lol. Besides maybe firebrands. And elementalists, but only because they have no other options. (Eles should really just play something else altogether, though.)


> I kept being told that when playing mine... "tempest has no place in the meta" "Oh great we have a D/D tempest".... Then I give those cry babies some Aura share love, maintain 16s-20s of static Aura to help lock down the enemy team, give our necro some magnetic auras to help deal with the pewpews, cleanse my allies conditions, steal the enemy boons and win the games, get to rank 76 on the boards, go to bed and wake up to losing 100 or so spots :scream:


Hey, more power to you. Obviously people like Cellofrag have proven that it's POSSIBLE to do well with it, but it's just not feasible unless you're really good. xD


I work like 70+ hours a week though, so when ele became that hard to use at the casual player level, I just swapped to mesmer. It's much easier and I went from losing almost all of my encounters to winning almost all of my encounters now. :)


(That's against casual players like me, though. I know I would get knocked on my behind if I went up against someone like Cellofrag or something xD)

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Also, @"breno.5423", I don't know how you can say Herald's burst is out of control considering you can completely shut down a Herald by putting Chill and Weakness on him, since he can only cleanse 1 every 10 seconds without completely neutering his dps (outside of leadership runes if he's using those.) Not to mention the fact that you can just boon strip/corrupt him into oblivion too. Or call target on him for a condi bomb. Or immob him so he has to waste all his energy on soft-cc breaks. Saying a class that has so many easy counters is OP is just ridiculous, it's not like we're talking about Mirages here...


Seems like you never played against good heralds, lets 1v1?

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> @"breno.5423" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > Also, @"breno.5423", I don't know how you can say Herald's burst is out of control considering you can completely shut down a Herald by putting Chill and Weakness on him, since he can only cleanse 1 every 10 seconds without completely neutering his dps (outside of leadership runes if he's using those.) Not to mention the fact that you can just boon strip/corrupt him into oblivion too. Or call target on him for a condi bomb. Or immob him so he has to waste all his energy on soft-cc breaks. Saying a class that has so many easy counters is OP is just ridiculous, it's not like we're talking about Mirages here...


> Seems like you never played against good heralds, lets 1v1?


Aside from measuring ekittens, what would that even prove? That your Herald beats my Herald, but then also loses to Herald, because we were all Herald the entire time?


My point anyways wasn't that Herald has bad burst or isn't good, but that Herald's far from OP and is actually one of the more (maybe only) balanced classes in sPvP since it's strong in the right hands, but has plenty of counter play and has very well-known weaknesses to exploit. Contrast that to some of the more meta classes that have maybe only one counter (or in the case of like Mirage, is only truly countered by itself being played better/more intelligently).

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