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It honestly just seems like a pointless mechanic to me. You already have a longer CD if you use your last charge. That to me should be enough of a "risk" for the "reward" that we're given. It's a little annoying that the reduce cd trait doesn't affect the longer cd as well, but that's another topic. The bottom line for me is that 13.75 seconds to charge a skill bar full of mantras to get ready for combat is silly. Maybe switch mantras so that they have reduced inductions out of combat by 75% or something. I can see the reason for having inductions there when it comes to counter play in PvP if they really think mantras are that strong, but when I compare it to weaver stances and how their cd's work without having inductions I just don't get it.

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> @TrippyDroppings.6735 said:

> Honestly I can't believe people find activating a skill so much of a pain. Switching a map, dying or even logging in of course you should have to prepare them. That is the whole idea. I guess I can kind of understand wanting map hopping to not effect it, but it really isn't a pain. The fact of the matter is, mantras are skills that you prepare before a fight and if you use the charges up mid-fight you then have a cooldown and the cast time to deal with, that is the mechanic of mantras and it should never change. If you don't like that then just don't use them. honestly. Quite frankly if the biggest complaint you have with them is, "I have to click it when I load into a map or die." Then they have done a great job.


> Personally I wish their radius was at least 240-300 all around, but hey they aren't that hard to work with.


> Obviously this is just my opinion, but everytime I see someone complaining that they have to activate their skill when referring to mantras it is just comical.


> If Anet happens to read this, good job. I have been a Guardian main since release and wanted mantras for years now. Really happy with what we got.


> As for the OP, I think gaining a boon on preparation would be nice, but I honestly don't think it is needed.


Why would they have done a great job if my complaint is it's pointless and wastes time that I could be spent actually playing the game? Every second pointlessly charging a skill is seconds we could have been doing something fun. It'd be like having a 10 second induction to get on your mount every time.

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> @TrippyDroppings.6735 said:

> Switching a map, dying or even logging in of course you should have to prepare them. That is the whole idea.


And here i thought the point with them was that the final charge should be a strategic choice when in combat!


Now i realize that being forced to use retreat/SyG and two charges of them just to have them all charged before i reach the center of the pvp map is perfectly all right. Basically that is two full utilities on cool down just to get battle ready, yeah that sounds like it is "The whole idea"


Serious note.


Just reduce casting with 75% out of combat and the recharge part is alright. Cone need to be increased as well.



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