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top250 rewards


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Are this rewards actually staying or are they there just to fill the empty space until they come up with something new? If they are planning on keeping this rewards they're legit trolling us in the head and telling us what a joke this game is, seriously... Would love an answer from a dev as for whats happening with the rewards in the next weeks :)))

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> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

> Pvp ranked should'nt be played for rewards but for leaderboard.


But mostly people dont mind to leaderboards, thats why we need rewards such as titles, badges, etc.


Leaderboards should be me visible to everyone, including PvE and WvW players. Visibility is what bring prestige/recognition.

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> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

> You get an icon next to your name wich display your rank. Those who don't mind the leaderboard have no point to do ranked and this is a good thing



This "icon" dont show your rating properly, you know?


The first 200~300 players of leaderboards owns the same "icon".

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> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

> You get an icon next to your name wich display your rank. Those who don't mind the leaderboard have no point to do ranked and this is a good thing



Those who barely missed legendary(1780-ish) and those who can't even dream about getting on the leaderboard(1500-ish) have the same platinum badge when a season ends, so that "icon" can't be used to display rank.

Unless... the playerbase shrinks so drasticly this season that only the top 250 gets to be plat, which might happen with all prestige rewards gone (all prestige rewards = the titles).

At the moment, you either play ranked because you think it's fun, or because you want to farm. So if you don't like the competitiveness of previous seasons, and want to relax and brainlessly grind pips with your fellow bots, this is the season for you. Go ahead, put those 7-800-ish matches in, that legendary armor wont craft itself!

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Skill and farming those kitten noobs who came for reward is the true reward. The downside is when you are teamed with noobs who only want shinies rewards and kitten your match.


To get rid of this anet could implement a reward for the person who got the more stats during the matchlike 1 ticket for each best player in both team tradable to a npc for exclusive pvp shinies (title, armor, stuff etc). Or 1 ticket for each best player stat like def, assault, kill and reviving as this system already exist. The goal is to prevent win trades and motivating players to do their best

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


> **My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier.** Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


> The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.



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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> You mean those new rewards are not better than the titles?



Season/leaderboards titles show your skill rating to everyone, or at least that you are skilled enough to get it.

Reward track give you useless stuffs at the spvp perspective.


What spvp players care? They wanna show their hability yo everyone, they want prestige/recognition.

Gold/gear/skins... None of these rewards give you this feeling, but titles do/did that.

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> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

> Pvp ranked should'nt be played for rewards but for leaderboard.


And yet they're keeping the rewards not linked to the leaderboard, basically saying the opposite.

They should have (like other games) rewards linked only to your final position, which helps motivate people to do better. This way, there's less incentive for people to push into the top 250, since they can still farm the only rewards available.

The PvP are pretty much living in bizzarro world, @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said himself that solo/duo, for them is the more competitive mode, now they want people to be less invested in competing.

Honestly i don't know what they're thinking, and i've given up wanting to know. PvP is nearing the point of no return (if it hasn't gone past it already), and i have no faith they'll ever be able to bring it back to how it was in the pre-HoT and season's 1-5.

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There's no reason to ranked PvP now because the rewards are garbage. What are we playing for? Fun?


Rewards need to be meaningful, not nonexistent.


Rank 1:

1. Legendary Weapon Box - Pick any Gen1 or Gen2 Legendary Weapon.

2. 2000 gems

3. 500 gold

4. 25 Black Lion Keys


Rank 2:

1. Precursor Weapon Box - Pick any Gen1 or Gen2 Precursor Weapon.

2. 1500 gems

3. 250 gold

4. 15 Black Lion Keys


Rank 3:

1. Gift of Mastery

2. 1000 gems

3. 150 gold

4. 10 Black Lion Keys


Rank 4-10:

1. 500 gems

2. 100 gold

3. 5 Black Lion Keys

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> @"Gpe.3684" said:

> Are this rewards actually staying or are they there just to fill the empty space until they come up with something new? If they are planning on keeping this rewards they're legit trolling us in the head and telling us what a joke this game is, seriously... Would love an answer from a dev as for whats happening with the rewards in the next weeks :)))


I feel there is a visual bug since these are mostly the same rewards for being 1st or being 250th. Furthermore, i can't believe they would be giving large potion, more likely gold ( i.e 1st 50 gold , 2nd 45 gold, 250 10gold).


If it's truly these rewards( even if these are cumulative for reaching rank ( i.e 1st will get 10 large potion), i would consider it unbeliveable and a massive trolling too.

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > @"Gpe.3684" said:

> > Are this rewards actually staying or are they there just to fill the empty space until they come up with something new? If they are planning on keeping this rewards they're legit trolling us in the head and telling us what a joke this game is, seriously... Would love an answer from a dev as for whats happening with the rewards in the next weeks :)))


> I feel there is a visual bug since these are mostly the same rewards for being 1st or being 250th. Furthermore, i can't believe they would be giving large potion, more likely gold ( i.e 1st 50 gold , 2nd 45 gold, 250 10gold).


> If it's truly these rewards( even if these are cumulative for reaching rank ( i.e 1st will get 10 large potion), i would consider it unbeliveable and a massive trolling too.


50 gold is such a small reward. You'd earn more than that by just playing ranked. There's still no incentive to actually get 1st.


They need to be much higher to encourage competition.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> There's no reason to ranked PvP now because the rewards are garbage. What are we playing for? Fun?


> Rewards need to be meaningful, not nonexistent.


> Rank 1:

> 1. Legendary Weapon Box - Pick any Gen1 or Gen2 Legendary Weapon.

> 2. 2000 gems

> 3. 500 gold

> 4. 25 Black Lion Keys


> Rank 2:

> 1. Precursor Weapon Box - Pick any Gen1 or Gen2 Precursor Weapon.

> 2. 1500 gems

> 3. 250 gold

> 4. 15 Black Lion Keys


> Rank 3:

> 1. Gift of Mastery

> 2. 1000 gems

> 3. 150 gold

> 4. 10 Black Lion Keys


> Rank 4-10:

> 1. 500 gems

> 2. 100 gold

> 3. 5 Black Lion Keys


If the rewards were that good win trading (and other forms of cheating) would be worse than ever before

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