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Why you play or used to play sPvP?


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For fun, and to do dungeon reward tracks because I dislike dungeons themselves.


Am I a casual player? Yes. Am I unskilled? Eh...I wouldn't say I'm *abysmal*. A more flattering description might be "terrible." :tongue: I'm better than I was when I first started, but I'm still learning, and I have a *long* ways to go. That's part of the fun: learning from defeat, learning from victory, learning how to counter opponents, learning about other peoples' play style, learning how to make my own play style efficient.

> @"Kako.1930" said:

> It's sort of a tie between the second and third option lol. I like to mess around in PvP, but if there were no rewards then I probably wouldn't do it.


Can't agree more. If there wasn't an incentive to do PVP, I'd probably stay away from it - not because it's so horrible in this game, but because it's not normally what I'm interested in. A friend dragged me into it a few months ago, however, and I realized how fun it could be.

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The answers are a bit too black and white for me.


I'm a competitive person and when I play, I play to win but that's because I find the competition fun. Otherwise, I'm laid back. At the end of the day, I won't get paid more for winning! That's not to say I don't try my hardest ;)


A saying I've carried for a while is that the aim is to win but the point is to have fun and the two should never cross.


PvP is probably my favourite game mode for sure and it probably should be where the competitive heads get their fix.

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> @"Peutrifectus.4830" said:

> The answers are a bit too black and white for me.


> I'm a competitive person and when I play, I play to win but that's because I find the competition fun. Otherwise, I'm laid back. At the end of the day, I won't get paid more for winning! That's not to say I don't try my hardest ;)


> A saying I've carried for a while is that the aim is to win but the point is to have fun and the two should never cross.


> PvP is probably my favourite game mode for sure and it probably should be where the competitive heads get their fix.


Perfect ;)

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at the moment I'm having fun making others laugh with an assortment of whacky toon names, I also role play in PvP by doing things like playing the character called The ARCH Angel and he's a burn support character or I play Definetaly not Udyr screaming out jungle after every kill and blaming annie fed mid on every death.

The best thing about PvP is the roles characters can play, it's not just berserker berserker berserker, you can actually BE a guardian and protect others.


I play to win or I play to kill. I also like passively farming the ascended marks to go towards my WvW legendary armor and all 31 of my characters are parked in the mists each having their own unique PvP build or playstyle associated with them.

As long as I get to legally murder people online, I'm happy.


Guess I'm a competitive casual that enjoys passively farming skins on the side?

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> @"Peutrifectus.4830" said:

> The answers are a bit too black and white for me.


> I'm a competitive person and when I play, I play to win but that's because I find the competition fun. Otherwise, I'm laid back. At the end of the day, I won't get paid more for winning! That's not to say I don't try my hardest ;)


> A saying I've carried for a while is that the aim is to win but the point is to have fun and the two should never cross.


> PvP is probably my favourite game mode for sure and it probably should be where the competitive heads get their fix.


Actually you get paid more for winning =D

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I PvP'd because GW2 felt like it could have been a league of it's own tbh, the combat was actually nice, it could be narrowed down to simply "learn to count dodges or try to time a CC through an evade" and it would still have depth


Now? ESL isn't taking this fail piece of garbage back. And it's because ANET refuses to understand where they went wrong.


It was fun in it's own way, now it's just CANCER in it's own way so whats the point. You play a game cause it's fun and the competitiveness could come in later probably, but if it's not fun to play or watch anymore, why should ESL take this trash back when clearly PoF and HoT is ACTUAL GREED and made people really angry.


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