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My content guide has disappeared

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I was in the midst of trying to complete an area when my content guide(bubble in the top right corner) disappeared... I've done everything I can think of to try and get it back(searching through the settings, restarting the game, restarting my computer etc.), but nothing has worked... Has anyone else experienced this or know how to bring it back?

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> @"Vallen.9456" said:

> I was in the midst of trying to complete an area when my content guide(bubble in the top right corner) disappeared... I've done everything I can think of to try and get it back(searching through the settings, restarting the game, restarting my computer etc.), but nothing has worked... Has anyone else experienced this or know how to bring it back?


Tried clicking on the content/event tab (click on those wordings to expand the event details - top right corner)? Probably minimized it by accident. Helps if you could attach a screenshot with the problem here if that's not it.

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Try Options > General options (first tab) > Content guide (5th drop list from top); Set it to default.


• **Default** - Will point only towards the next story objective until all available story is complete.

• **Off** - Disables the content guide altogether.

• **Disable Personal Story** - The content guide ignores story objectives, and prioritizes objectives as follows:

• Renown hearts based on distance to the character and character level.

• Nearest event within the currently revealed parts of the map.

• Other map completion objectives and unexplored areas.

• **Disable Events and Personal Story** - The content guide will only point towards map completion objectives, prioritizing hearts based on distance and character level.

• When no more story is available and the content guide is set to default, it will behave the same when as when it's set to "Disable Personal Story".


Fingers crossed :worried:

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