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Why do you CHOOSE to PvP in gw2?


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It's no secret PvP has become especially stale over the years, we can talk about the reasons for it, balance, content et, none of it is really addressed. I'm interested to see what keeps people playing pvp in gw2, hell i find myself logging in from time to time, i used to pvp daily i just cant do it anymore. I guess the combat keeps me logging in every now and again.

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Usually I play an unranked match a day for some daily achievements and rewards or go for several - many matches if I'm feelin' real good and performing well. Otherwise I'll be in the HotM arena just to hang around for a bit and see some familiar faces. The reason I spend so many hours playing GW2 (PvE, PvP, or WvW) is simply because the combat system is one of the best I've ever seen.


Sure it's not as flashy or anime shōnen-esque with high-pace fast sword attacks like BDO or TERA. But the combination of having no Heal, Tank, Support trinity where any class can perform ~most~ of any roles necessary, the ability to swap weapons with different skills for mainhand vs offhand choices and not being Forced to only have 1 weapon type for your class, and finally the fluidity of moving around and using an effective dodge mechanic to actually Avoid damage instead of just remaining a static object tanking it (Runescape, most of WoW) gives that little extra to combat, especially against foes with huge AoE effects (looking at you Balthazar).


Maybe I missed something obvious about the combat that makes it so fun and addictive compared to other games so hopefully someone else can point it out and sorry if I missed it. XD

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I play with my friends only. And several matches at a time just because I start all fired up and stuff, then I encounter all the flaws that I see in this game mode, and then I remember how long it takes to fix even small little stuff, and then I just can't take it anymore and log out. If my friends are not online, I play other games. But still read the patch notes in hopes that by 2020 there will be some new PvP content and playable balance. For now, I'm glad that we have Ben who is just a monster dev that both communicates AND delivers stuff more than any other that I know of.

Still, there is so much stuff left to do until this game's PvP is enjoyable...

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The combat system is amazing, but all of it is good for PvE content imo. Before HoT it somehow worked well, I enjoyed that time. But with current power creep and a "headless running chicken" type of balancing, there is nothing for me left. I kinda feel betrayed as a customer, 'cause when I preordered HoT I heard so many good opinions about PvP (which were true at that time). I advise you look for a better game to PvP, and let GW2 stay for PvE. At least you won't have to feel that this meme of a game mode was meant to be serious.

I'd rather give my dosh to Blizz, so far I am pleased with PvP there in all its forms, except for hunters, but they were always tricky.

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I play cuz i enjoy the combat, don't care much for anything else but good fights.

Every month the fights/matches keep getting worse, lesser good players on team and enemy really kills the game for me.

last season i didn't really play, this season after this "miss the mark" balance patch. i suspect this is the case for more players.

Its a shame this is overshadowing the great combat system.

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...Because BDO requieres so much grind and dedication just to have the gear to not be insta-gibbed (plus the lack of a permanent PvP mode) that the normalized system in GW2 and the easily affordable top gear in WvW makes the game x100 times more convenient despite the inferior (but still good) combat system. Other MMO games outside this two are mostly trash in terms of combat and PvP features.

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I play unranked only - for the daily, but also I find it fun. I can imagine NOT finding ranked fun as there's way too much bad attitude floating about. The nice thing about the matches is that they're short, so if you get someone raging you only have to put up with him for a few minutes. It makes it less annoying and more comical, especially considering there's nothing at stake.

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Combat is fun. And it's "free" (MMOs don't even try to justify the monthly fee these days, and yet they still charge and people still pay... mind-boggling).


I usually play unranked anymore. Either with my two bros or even by myself. I'm an old-school gamer who believes games should played for fun.

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