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graphical upgrade and enhanced combat, attack animations will take guild wars 2 long way

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BDO is not advancing to next gen with the Remastered version. It simply adds a bunch of post-processing effects and some updated textures, which are hilariously broken in the live version (as opposed to the test server version, which looked good).

Blade&Soul, on the other hand, is converting from Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal Engine 4, but whether or not this decision is successful remains to be seen.

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> @"Hashar.6082" said:

> BDO is not advancing to next gen with the Remastered version. It simply adds a bunch of post-processing effects and some updated textures, which are hilariously broken in the live version (as opposed to the test server version, which looked good).

> Blade&Soul, on the other hand, is converting from Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal Engine 4, but whether or not this decision is successful remains to be s> @"Hashar.6082" said:

> BDO is not advancing to next gen with the Remastered version. It simply adds a bunch of post-processing effects and some updated textures, which are hilariously broken in the live version (as opposed to the test server version, which looked good).

> Blade&Soul, on the other hand, is converting from Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal Engine 4, but whether or not this decision is successful remains to be seen.


reagardless of bdo upgrade it had the greatest mmo engine.........ashes of creation is coming,people are hungry for new mmo, if it become successful gw 2 will lose major playerbase


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> @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> reagardless of bdo upgrade it had the greatest mmo engine.........ashes of creation is coming,people are hungry for new mmo, if it become successful gw 2 will lose major playerbase


It will not become successful, of that you can be sure.

Even if there were a new successful MMORPG coming, GW2 can only be really threatened by a game that a) aims at the same target audience, from PvE to PvP to style b) somehow offers enough diverse, high-quality content to match the amount and quality of content GW2 currently has after 6 years of development (which is nearly impossible to do). It is very hard to convince the players to abandon all progress they have already made in a MMORPG game; it is that much harder to convince them to abandon their social connections within that game as well. It is not enough if the new alternative is good; it must be _incredible_, and it must be incredible from the start. Being incredible at rendering is very much not enough.

In other words, no, there is not a single legit threat to GW2 (or WOW, or FFXIV, or Lineage if we are talking about Korea) that has been announced; and, regardless, graphics would not be a significant part of this currently nonexistent game's threat level. That is not to say that GW2's visuals should not be improved, at some point in time; but not because of any competition, and there is very little urgency.

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> @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> if a graphical advanced mmo like BDO are pumping out a remastered graphics(i know bdo is kinda trash but graphics and combat is a+) __dont u think its about time for gw2 to advance to next gen? a little bit graphican upgrade and enhance combat animation will take u a long way


I always welcome graphic engine updates, but I see no reason for (nor do I want) different, "updated" attack animations. I can only see it becoming truly comical, as today's trends are towards manga/anime/superhero crap, and that's childish and undesirable in my eyes.

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> @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> dont u think its about time for gw2 to advance to next gen? a little bit graphican upgrade and enhance combat animation will take u a long way





This was the first thing I was thinking about after watching the recent anniversary youtube vids regarding the next 6 years of guild wars, I had to laugh because unless they upgrade the engine there will be very few people still playing in another 6 years, by then there is bound to be a better MMO with a state of the art engine.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> > dont u think its about time for gw2 to advance to next gen? a little bit graphican upgrade and enhance combat animation will take u a long way

> >

> >

> >


> This was the first thing I was thinking about after watching the recent anniversary youtube vids regarding the next 6 years of guild wars, I had to laugh because unless they upgrade the engine there will be very few people still playing in another 6 years, by then there is bound to be a better MMO with a state of the art engine.


The irony is how this is both true and false at the same time. Multiple games launched with state of the art graphics, practically folding within a couple of years; yet WoW and even some older titles are still chugging along with enough profit to stay above water.


To quote one Jim "we are having this conversation again, because after 10 years its still depressingly relevant" Sterling: "Its not enough that its making money; it has to make ALL of the money". And I'm starting to get worried that players are now subscribing to this type of dogma as well. The idea that if its not the best game out at the time, with the biggest player base to match, that its not worth playing...... a "Best in slot" choice if you will.


But on the other end of spectrum you have these older games with small, but loyal player base still playing them. But is it because those games are better? Or are the players just too stubborn to move on to something else? Thats a tough question to ask, because I'm not sure if theres really an answer to it. With so many MMOs struggling to capture the majority of MMO player, using the widest net possible, its getting harder to find a niche game thats designed to do a few things well, and with a player population sized to best support. But seemingly out of necessity, most MMOs need more players then it can logically service just to afford themselves a Dev team to keep working, but never keep up with demand. So I guess the phrase should be "Its not enough that it has a lot of players; it has to have ALL the players".

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> > if a graphical advanced mmo like BDO are pumping out a remastered graphics(i know bdo is kinda trash but graphics and combat is a+) __dont u think its about time for gw2 to advance to next gen? a little bit graphican upgrade and enhance combat animation will take u a long way


> I always welcome graphic engine updates, but I see no reason for (nor do I want) different, "updated" attack animations. I can only see it becoming truly comical, as today's trends are towards manga/anime/superhero crap, and that's childish and undesirable in my eyes.


Countless times this. Combat animations in modern MMOs tend to look like big blob of colours. I honestly prefer less stylized and more realistic animations

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:


> > This was the first thing I was thinking about after watching the recent anniversary youtube vids regarding the next 6 years of guild wars, I had to laugh because unless they upgrade the engine there will be very few people still playing in another 6 years, by then there is bound to be a better MMO with a state of the art engine.


> The irony is how this is both true and false at the same time. Multiple games launched with state of the art graphics, practically folding within a couple of years; yet WoW and even some older titles are still chugging along with enough profit to stay above water.


I never mentioned the graphics, which are decent for an MMO, I was talking about the engine, which fails miserably when 3 zergs fight in WvW.

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