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so much for reducing the passive defence in PvP and ignore the most childish passive in the pvp


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the HS it's just childish healing skill I feel sorry for the dev that work's on the new warriors elite Healing skill cuz even if he creates the most powerful healing in the game no one gona use that cuz no players in pvp gona refuse using a passive healing(that why we don't have esport anymore)


And FC proc on blockable ground AOE and Adrenaline heath proc on FC even when you evad the FC because SB proc it by walking on a blockable ground AOE




Before anyone tell me they should nerf mesmer first cuz SB is his counter well I 'll say in the worst situation you can pressure mesmer out off your point in 2v1 but SB you cant


And let's see the so called pro pvpers defence below

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Okay, but also get rid of every other passive.


Alternatively, give warriors more active defenses to use in exchange for a HS nerf.

Or, suggest/design a new core heal that isn't reliant on taking damage. Or make the ones that aren't reliant reasonable to use.

I don't mind pressing the heal button on my war every 15-20 seconds if it means everyone else has a harder time dealing with my telegraphed attacks.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> Okay, but also get rid of every other passive.


> Alternatively, give warriors more active defenses to use in exchange for a HS nerf.

> Or, suggest/design a new core heal that isn't reliant on taking damage. Or make the ones that aren't reliant reasonable to use.




Warrior have shield and Attack with evade on GS and some good mobility and you want more active defenses (both core warrior weapons) aside from trait and utility that make you immune to damage

what is wrong with [To the Limit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22To_the_Limit!%22 "To the Limit") and [Mending](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mending "Mending") or even [Natural Healing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mending "Natural Healing")

you want more an elite who consider in the top 3 duelist need more !!!!! (unless SB is in the top 3 duelist because of this childish passive healing then all i can say that is true competitive play)


> I don't mind pressing the heal button on my war every 15-20 seconds if it means everyone else has a harder time dealing with my telegraphed attacks.


i see you don't mind pressing the heal button but i know almost none do it

and by "telegraphed attacks" you mean the PERMA FC animation yea i can see that from 2000 radius

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Passive that procs = Mindless skill playing from mindless players that thinks there pros.

i agree with you

actually i posted this after i had a match with a enemy warrior contesting our team close so after we got the mid i went to plus my teammate to help and after the SB pressured so hard he disengaged to contest our mid when a third teammate finish him off and he said to us "i am so good to contest a node 1 v 3 "

i mean we won but he give us a hard its just a mindless design to play against


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Back in ye olden days I used to think that healing signet was unfair because it healed so much with no input. However as I am now older and wiser I realize that pressing a button to activate your heal skill really doesn't really require much skill and should not be a factor towards balance decisions.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Back in ye olden days I used to think that healing signet was unfair because it healed so much with no input. However as I am now older and wiser I realize that pressing a button to activate your heal skill really doesn't really require much skill and should not be a factor towards balance decisions.


WHAT ????

if you are wiser as you said to be then you know for sure when your enemy "press a button to activate his heal skill" this is the best time to interrupt him all the other profession have that but the warrior you cant do that and before anyone say what about poison its HS counter . well to that i ll say you can counter all healing with poison and interrupt but not for warriors as i mentioned above

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1. HS stacks with AH and regen...


2. HS is useless without AH.


3. blinds will stop AH from stacking intensity, so will dodging. Poison will reduce overall sustain


read point 2 again.

now consider the counterplay that could be involved.


read point 3 again, now read point 2 again and read point 3 again.




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Why is the warrior specifically targeted when herald have almost the same effect embeded in it's glint healing skill, ranger have _signet of renewal_ that also heal passively guardian have virtue of resolve and signet of courage that do the same, engineer just need to use a kit and elementalist can have a passive heal while in water? Passive heal effects are very common in game it just add to the HP/s of each professions.


The real issue of the OP might be that the warrior make good use of his passive healing thanks to it's active defense, which is something fine from my point of view.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Why is the warrior specifically targeted when herald have almost the same effect embeded in it's glint healing skill, ranger have _signet of renewal_ that also heal passively guardian have virtue of resolve and signet of courage that do the same, engineer just need to use a kit and elementalist can have a passive heal while in water? Passive heal effects are very common in game it just add to the HP/s of each professions.


> The real issue of the OP might be that the warrior make good use of his passive healing thanks to it's active defense, which is something fine from my point of view.


why do we need a passive healing in a competitive PvP ???

you must relay on your skills to sustain not heal by X amounts per second or i have the wrong idea about competitive PvP

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Why is the warrior specifically targeted when herald have almost the same effect embeded in it's glint healing skill, ranger have _signet of renewal_ that also heal passively guardian have virtue of resolve and signet of courage that do the same, engineer just need to use a kit and elementalist can have a passive heal while in water? Passive heal effects are very common in game it just add to the HP/s of each professions.

> >

> > The real issue of the OP might be that the warrior make good use of his passive healing thanks to it's active defense, which is something fine from my point of view.


> why do we need a passive healing in a competitive PvP ???

> you must relay on your skills to sustain not heal by X amounts per second or i have the wrong idea about competitive PvP


HS, and as a tangent, passive healing has a major downside. That once you get them low, they have no reliable way of resustaining. They have to run away to break combat.


> @"bravan.3876" said:

> The healing/reggen trait when using adrenalin should only trigger when hitting something (it was good to change that warrior lose adrenalin also when miss a f-skill but the reggentraits should not trigger without hitting the f-skills). There is no counterplay to that.


I think they only do proc on hit. Some skills are just easier to land because they cleave.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Why is the warrior specifically targeted when herald have almost the same effect embeded in it's glint healing skill, ranger have _signet of renewal_ that also heal passively guardian have virtue of resolve and signet of courage that do the same, engineer just need to use a kit and elementalist can have a passive heal while in water? Passive heal effects are very common in game it just add to the HP/s of each professions.

> >

> > The real issue of the OP might be that the warrior make good use of his passive healing thanks to it's active defense, which is something fine from my point of view.


> why do we need a passive healing in a competitive PvP ???

> you must relay on your skills to sustain not heal by X amounts per second or i have the wrong idea about competitive PvP


Why do you need an health bar when it would be more convenient to be able to whistand a set number of hit before dying?


PvP mean player vs player. It mean that you, as a player, chose and use the card/tools you put in your build to face another player that chosed and will use the cards/tools he put in his own build. If he chose to bet on survivability by taking x amount of health regen per second and you struggle to deal with him it doesn't mean that what he chose isn't fit for PvP, it mean that you don't have the proper tools in your build to deal with his own build. In short, by chosing this health regeneration effect he counter your build, as a player he just make a wise choice.


The different effects of each professions, be it passive or active, are what make professions different. To deny those effects in PvP mean that you deny each profession to have it's own identity and specificities. If you really think that those effect have not their place in competitive PvP then I'm affraid professions don't have their place in competitive PvP.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > Why is the warrior specifically targeted when herald have almost the same effect embeded in it's glint healing skill, ranger have _signet of renewal_ that also heal passively guardian have virtue of resolve and signet of courage that do the same, engineer just need to use a kit and elementalist can have a passive heal while in water? Passive heal effects are very common in game it just add to the HP/s of each professions.

> > >

> > > The real issue of the OP might be that the warrior make good use of his passive healing thanks to it's active defense, which is something fine from my point of view.

> >

> > why do we need a passive healing in a competitive PvP ???

> > you must relay on your skills to sustain not heal by X amounts per second or i have the wrong idea about competitive PvP


> HS, and as a tangent, passive healing has a major downside. That once you get them low, they have no reliable way of resustaining. They have to run away to break combat.


> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > The healing/reggen trait when using adrenalin should only trigger when hitting something (it was good to change that warrior lose adrenalin also when miss a f-skill but the reggentraits should not trigger without hitting the f-skills). There is no counterplay to that.


> I think they only do proc on hit. Some skills are just easier to land because they cleave.


I'm pretty sure the last time i played warrior i spammed the f1- skill and got the reggen buff from the trait even when not hit anything. Full counter triggers the trait when someone hit into full counter even when the counter attack do not hit anything. That is intended. I'm not sure from back then if full counter gave me the reggen buff when no one hit into it. But i remember for certain that the f1 skills triggered the reggen trait without hit anything. That was before last patch. I tried it now again and you are right. I only got the reggen buff when hit something with the f1 or when an opponent hit into full counter (even when my counter attack do not hit him). I didn't get reggen buff when full coutner do not get hit by an opponent.


That is weird, maybe it was some bug got accidently fixed by last patch before most ppl even realised it. I think i remember right because i was wondering about that a lot back then and thought it is because of the old changed that f1 skills still consume adrenalin even when not hit anything.


Anyway it is gone now, all good^^

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > Why is the warrior specifically targeted when herald have almost the same effect embeded in it's glint healing skill, ranger have _signet of renewal_ that also heal passively guardian have virtue of resolve and signet of courage that do the same, engineer just need to use a kit and elementalist can have a passive heal while in water? Passive heal effects are very common in game it just add to the HP/s of each professions.

> > > >

> > > > The real issue of the OP might be that the warrior make good use of his passive healing thanks to it's active defense, which is something fine from my point of view.

> > >

> > > why do we need a passive healing in a competitive PvP ???

> > > you must relay on your skills to sustain not heal by X amounts per second or i have the wrong idea about competitive PvP

> >

> > HS, and as a tangent, passive healing has a major downside. That once you get them low, they have no reliable way of resustaining. They have to run away to break combat.

> >

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > The healing/reggen trait when using adrenalin should only trigger when hitting something (it was good to change that warrior lose adrenalin also when miss a f-skill but the reggentraits should not trigger without hitting the f-skills). There is no counterplay to that.

> >

> > I think they only do proc on hit. Some skills are just easier to land because they cleave.


> I'm pretty sure the last time i played warrior i spammed the f1- skill and got the reggen buff from the trait even when not hit anything. Full counter triggers the trait when someone hit into full counter even when the counter attack do not hit anything. That is intended. I'm not sure from back then if full counter gave me the reggen buff when no one hit into it. But i remember for certain that the f1 skills triggered the reggen trait without hit anything. That was before last patch. I tried it now again and you are right. I only got the reggen buff when hit something with the f1 or when an opponent hit into full counter (even when my counter attack do not hit him). I didn't get reggen buff when full coutner do not get hit by an opponent.


> That is weird, maybe it was some bug got accidently fixed by last patch before most ppl even realised it. I think i remember right because i was wondering about that a lot back then and thought it is because of the old changed that f1 skills still consume adrenalin even when not hit anything.


> Anyway it is gone now, all good^^


Yeah, I was a bit confused by your earlier comment as this particular bug was supposed to have been fixed back in 2016 after Berserker broke it.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > Okay, but also get rid of every other passive.

> >

> > Alternatively, give warriors more active defenses to use in exchange for a HS nerf.

> > Or, suggest/design a new core heal that isn't reliant on taking damage. Or make the ones that aren't reliant reasonable to use.




> Warrior have shield and Attack with evade on GS and some good mobility and you want more active defenses (both core warrior weapons) aside from trait and utility that make you immune to damage

> what is wrong with [To the Limit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22To_the_Limit!%22 "To the Limit") and [Mending](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mending "Mending") or even [Natural Healing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mending "Natural Healing")

> you want more an elite who consider in the top 3 duelist need more !!!!! (unless SB is in the top 3 duelist because of this childish passive healing then all i can say that is true competitive play)


> > I don't mind pressing the heal button on my war every 15-20 seconds if it means everyone else has a harder time dealing with my telegraphed attacks.

> >

> i see you don't mind pressing the heal button but i know almost none do it

> and by "telegraphed attacks" you mean the PERMA FC animation yea i can see that from 2000 radius


There's nothing wrong with To The Limit or Mending. Blood Reckoning could use a substantial buff though.


Spellbreaker is not overperforming to the point that it requires a core nerf. You're asking for a reduction to warrior core traits because you can't deal with spellbreaker. That breaks both base warrior and berserker.

If you want to nerf spellbreaker (again), focus on the traits, weapons, and synergies exclusive to it. If you're going to nerf the core, then you need to replace it with something to maintain combat effectiveness off meta. Otherwise, you'll make alternatives useless and force -more- people into spellbreaker. Then youll have multiple spellbreakers running To The Limit and they'll simply get -more- effective at pushing mid, because shouts will buff allies.


Tl;DR HS isnt carrying Spellbreakers and is used in other spec builds.

Pressing 6 is not a skill.

If you think nerfing core will make spellbreakers squishier because for some reason war players generally don't have the intellectual capacity to remember to press 6, you'll be unpleasantly surprised.

If you're going to nerf a core skill, you need to buff other defensive core skills so you don't punish warriors that aren't stacking on spellbreaker. CD reduction on shield block would be a start. I'd also take a channel time reduction on shield bash.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Passive that procs = Mindless skill playing from mindless players that thinks there pros.


Workign as intended for 2 reasons:

Expect more aoe spam of everything in next expansion, so more passives are needed and we will have also way more passives on next expansion.

Game is ment for that kind of players.


Just look what they have to to Rev.. 10 players boon auto spam... would make a nice boon bot(a bot companion could be coded lol) adition for some group doig raids...

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:


> you must relay on your skills to sustain not heal by X amounts per second or i have the wrong idea about competitive PvP


You said it.


I reminf you that warrior to sustain relies on HITTING burst skills to get adrenaline health stacks.


If the warrior doesn't have perma 3AH stacks the sustain from healing signet alone is negated even by a fart.


And warrior itself in a pure 1vs1 scenario (warrior is a duelist 1vs1 in pvp) it shines only on bad and average players, but get countered terrible by every single good player with any class, I destroyed many spellbreakers in 1vs1 with my dragon hunter (which sucks in spvp) on a node fight.


Warrior is easy to playand high reward for low risk, but at the same time easy to counter.



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I think healing signet is fine. But I think its so good that the other heals aren't really options. That is the only problem it has. I don't think the solution is to nerf healing signet, its been done many times. But to make the other heals as competitive options.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > > Why is the warrior specifically targeted when herald have almost the same effect embeded in it's glint healing skill, ranger have _signet of renewal_ that also heal passively guardian have virtue of resolve and signet of courage that do the same, engineer just need to use a kit and elementalist can have a passive heal while in water? Passive heal effects are very common in game it just add to the HP/s of each professions.

> > > > >

> > > > > The real issue of the OP might be that the warrior make good use of his passive healing thanks to it's active defense, which is something fine from my point of view.

> > > >

> > > > why do we need a passive healing in a competitive PvP ???

> > > > you must relay on your skills to sustain not heal by X amounts per second or i have the wrong idea about competitive PvP

> > >

> > > HS, and as a tangent, passive healing has a major downside. That once you get them low, they have no reliable way of resustaining. They have to run away to break combat.

> > >

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > The healing/reggen trait when using adrenalin should only trigger when hitting something (it was good to change that warrior lose adrenalin also when miss a f-skill but the reggentraits should not trigger without hitting the f-skills). There is no counterplay to that.

> > >

> > > I think they only do proc on hit. Some skills are just easier to land because they cleave.

> >

> > I'm pretty sure the last time i played warrior i spammed the f1- skill and got the reggen buff from the trait even when not hit anything. Full counter triggers the trait when someone hit into full counter even when the counter attack do not hit anything. That is intended. I'm not sure from back then if full counter gave me the reggen buff when no one hit into it. But i remember for certain that the f1 skills triggered the reggen trait without hit anything. That was before last patch. I tried it now again and you are right. I only got the reggen buff when hit something with the f1 or when an opponent hit into full counter (even when my counter attack do not hit him). I didn't get reggen buff when full coutner do not get hit by an opponent.

> >

> > That is weird, maybe it was some bug got accidently fixed by last patch before most ppl even realised it. I think i remember right because i was wondering about that a lot back then and thought it is because of the old changed that f1 skills still consume adrenalin even when not hit anything.

> >

> > Anyway it is gone now, all good^^


> Yeah, I was a bit confused by your earlier comment as this particular bug was supposed to have been fixed back in 2016 after Berserker broke it.


Yea but i observed it before last patch means in 2k18, like 2 weeks ago. But it is gone now so how cares^^

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