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so much for reducing the passive defence in PvP and ignore the most childish passive in the pvp


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> If you think nerfing core will make spellbreakers squishier because for some reason war players generally don't have the intellectual capacity to remember to press 6, you'll be unpleasantly surprised.

that is funny because i haven't met a SB or core warrior who isnt using HS yet

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> If you want to nerf spellbreaker (again), focus on the traits, weapons, and synergies exclusive to it. If you're going to nerf the core, then you need to replace it with something to maintain combat effectiveness off meta. Otherwise, you'll make alternatives useless and force -more- people into spellbreaker. Then youll have multiple spellbreakers running To The Limit and they'll simply get -more- effective at pushing mid, because shouts will buff allies.


you know ANET can split core skill from certain elite ( as they did with chrono an scourgez)

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > Passive that procs = Mindless skill playing from mindless players that thinks there pros.


> Workign as intended for 2 reasons:

> Expect more aoe spam of everything in next expansion, so more passives are needed and we will have also way more passives on next expansion.

> Game is ment for that kind of players.


> Just look what they have to to Rev.. 10 players boon auto spam... would make a nice boon bot(a bot companion could be coded lol) adition for some group doig raids...


if that is the case then we ll never see GW2 in espots at all !!

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> I reminf you that warrior to sustain relies on HITTING burst skills to get adrenaline health stacks.


and may i remind you that FC pro adrenaline health even if you dodge FC hit (BTW as i mentioned before FC pro when SB walk on a blockable AOE and i have no problems with adrenaline health i care only for HS and unusual FC pro)

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > I reminf you that warrior to sustain relies on HITTING burst skills to get adrenaline health stacks.


> and may i remind you that FC pro adrenaline health even if you dodge FC hit (BTW as i mentioned before FC pro when SB walk on a blockable AOE and i have no problems with adrenaline health i care only for HS and unusual FC pro)


Full Counter gives AH on proc and not on hit because it is a defensive ability too, not only offensive, if you attack into full counter proccing it, it's normal it gives 1 stack of AH, the skill procced.


What are the alternatives to healing signet lets hear?


The other healing skills has the longest cast times of all healing skills in the game, interruptable even by a fart and with zero bonus on use.


This is the truth, the other skills simply doesn't work.


Natural healing might seem crazy good on the eye of a noob, but trust me, losing 25 might stacks protection, and every other boon means just die anyway.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > I reminf you that warrior to sustain relies on HITTING burst skills to get adrenaline health stacks.

> >

> > and may i remind you that FC pro adrenaline health even if you dodge FC hit (BTW as i mentioned before FC pro when SB walk on a blockable AOE and i have no problems with adrenaline health i care only for HS and unusual FC pro)


> Full Counter gives AH on proc and not on hit because it is a defensive ability too, not only offensive, if you attack into full counter proccing it, it's normal it gives 1 stack of AH, the skill procced.

read my post please i haven't mentioned that i attacked the SB to proc FC i said that SB walk on a blockable AOE and proc FC and i evade the FC hits and yet he gain AH that what i meant by unusual FC proc

> What are the alternatives to healing signet lets hear?


> The other healing skills has the longest cast times of all healing skills in the game, interruptable even by a fart and with zero bonus on use.

and so for most of the other profession/elite what make warrior an exception

> This is the truth, the other skills simply doesn't work.

other profession make them work best example will be all necromancers player (scourge , reaper and core ) usually use [Consume Conditions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Consume_Conditions "Consume Conditions") and if you notice that it have higher casting time and 5 Self Vulnerability so?


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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> the HS it's just childish healing skill I feel sorry for the dev that work's on the new warriors elite Healing skill cuz even if he creates the most powerful healing in the game no one gona use that cuz no players in pvp gona refuse using a passive healing(that why we don't have esport anymore)


> And FC proc on blockable ground AOE and Adrenaline heath proc on FC even when you evad the FC because SB proc it by walking on a blockable ground AOE



> PS

> Before anyone tell me they should nerf mesmer first cuz SB is his counter well I 'll say in the worst situation you can pressure mesmer out off your point in 2v1 but SB you cant


> And let's see the so called pro pvpers defence below


i think fc should only activate adrenal health when you hit something with it, but then you should also be able to detonate fc whenever you want and not having to wait for the enemy to hit you. That would be a great change and i agree that would make the play alot more active instead of having to passivly wait for an attack to hit you.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > I reminf you that warrior to sustain relies on HITTING burst skills to get adrenaline health stacks.

> > >

> > > and may i remind you that FC pro adrenaline health even if you dodge FC hit (BTW as i mentioned before FC pro when SB walk on a blockable AOE and i have no problems with adrenaline health i care only for HS and unusual FC pro)

> >

> > Full Counter gives AH on proc and not on hit because it is a defensive ability too, not only offensive, if you attack into full counter proccing it, it's normal it gives 1 stack of AH, the skill procced.

> read my post please i haven't mentioned that i attacked the SB to proc FC i said that SB walk on a blockable AOE and proc FC and i evade the FC hits and yet he gain AH that what i meant by unusual FC proc

> > What are the alternatives to healing signet lets hear?

> >

> > The other healing skills has the longest cast times of all healing skills in the game, interruptable even by a fart and with zero bonus on use.

> and so for most of the other profession/elite what make warrior an exception

> > This is the truth, the other skills simply doesn't work.

> other profession make them work best example will be all necromancers player (scourge , reaper and core ) usually use [Consume Conditions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Consume_Conditions "Consume Conditions") and if you notice that it have higher casting time and 5 Self Vulnerability so?



Man, you cannot compare other professions with warrior. Every profession is unique.

If another profession have a long cast healing skill and he use it, doesn't mean warrior can as well.

Look for example hesling turrent on engi. It has very very long cast time, but it's almost never interrupted because of high stab engi has, and using water field he can heal from 10% to 80% very quicky.

Warrior doesn't have another skill like that, I repeat all the other healing skills are trash in pvp and wvw.

Go try out yourself making a warrior.

Don't you think if there was a solid alternative people already was using it???

Look ranger heals, he has 2 great heals, one heal over time and one burst heal, and both are used because both are good. Warrior has not this luxury.

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