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The biggest issue for me with spvp is the very very low reward for personal performance


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Let's face it. We have ALL had the matches where you get all the acolades, but lose because 3 of your "teammates" just have no idea what they are doing. you get 3 pips for it. If it's tournament I get it, but for solo queue spvp ranked why isn't personal performance more rewarding? sidenote: can we have a K/d/h/c scoreboard please for both sides?

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> @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> Why do you deserve any rewards at all for playing a game mode? The sole progression in pvp should be getting better so you can win more.


Some people like to play for more than just an ego boost, though. It's not all about chest thumping for everyone.

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Personally, I like to get pve rewards from pvp because I like to PvP but am not a huge fan of pve, and so it means less time needed in pve to get nice looking skins and stuff. Sure, the stats don't matter, but I like to look nice when I'm beating people up. ;)


So if it doesn't hurt people who don't care about it but is appreciated by those who do, then what's the problem?

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*points to the op*


Hence the suggestion to reward excellent performance.


The rewards for idling are practically non-existent. The idling is usually caused by poor matchmaking, salt against another player, getting distracted, d/c, or win trading. Nobody is wasting that amount of time for those measly rewards.


The only effect the loot system has on PvP is offering a way for pvpers to have nice things without having to pve, and adding rewards to better performance will help to encourage people not to idle even if their team stinks. :)

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Sure, it would be nice if there was better reward for personal performance, but it’s entirely impossible because the most personal performance you can contribute is entirely involved on how you work with your team.


Hell, I wish I had a dollar for every game I lost because two teammates bickered around a strategy to the point of both sides ruining the game by trying to force their strategy or at least one of the two people just rage quitting/AFKing.


The vast majority of players out there believe that they’re rock stars surrounded by bumbling idiots for teammates, so there’s hardly much cohesion, let alone agreement on what even constitutes as “contributing” to the game.

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I proposed that when a team wins, and a player dies More than 6 times in a match, their hidden rating decreases at a lower rate from players that actually perform well.


Same thing should happen when your team loses, the match should track when players go AFK for more than 20 seconds ( anywhere on the map) and those players should lose more of their hidden rating than other players that kept fighting till the end.


The point is to reward players that are actively trying to improve and play the game from start to finish.


An algorithm should be fairly easy to make for both situations to track when players die more than 6 times, or when players go AFK for more than 20 seconds when the team loses.


The reason why the top players choose to play minimal games because every win they only get +10 points and every loss they lose -20 points. If top performing players were tracked and rewarded for their efforts, they probably would choose to play more PvP games each season.


The risk of losing is greater than the benefit gained from winning one game.


When the Risk > Benefit, players will normally play fewer games to keep the rank they have.

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