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more classes need their weapon skills reworked

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i liked that guardian staff was reworked, but MORE classes weaponskills needs to be completely changed and replaced


pretty much there are like 2-3 outdated weapons on every class which see very niche use and are very underwhelming


while for other classes its not a problem of damage or utility or support or healing or tanking prowess but just outdated animations


these flaws are especially clear when compared to elite spec weaponskill sets which feel modern and powerful


anyone else want to see a balance patch just focusing on changing weaponskills, without trait changes or class mechanic changes?

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When weapons has been changed, it's generally been because there was a problem with the weapon.


* Rangers Sword, with all its rooting was eventually changed into current version.

* Guardian Staff was originally a range 600 cone attack, aka the loostick. It got nerfed to range 300 (for various reasons, like it was too fun/good in various wvw situations), and this has left the entire weapon pretty non-functional until the decided to redo skill 1+2, the rest is unchanged.


Even weapons like Guardians Shield, that was generally considered completely useless for years, they've kept and rather adjusted the skills CD's, boon durations, mobility, give new options and changes to existing skills until the skill started getting taken. Most weapons doesn't need anything more than that to become viable.


So don't expect them to change up much weapons, when they do these kind of changes, it's almost always linked up to actual problems not to update or make the weapon "fresh" or "new" etc. Look at the Revenant changes this year, underwater (new weapon, another legend usable under water), and several fixes, and bunch of updates to herald etc. All of these are because the Revenant have had trouble with a lot of things.

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Regarding animations, ANet stated before that they will avoid changing the animations as much as possible because it is a lot of work/effort/resources etc. Which was why it took such a long time before they changed the Ranger-Sword, because it required changing the animations for the entire auto-attack chain.


If they did decide to brush up on all the animations, the only thing I really want, is to reduce all the flashing and sparkle effects, so it is possible to see the actual movement when more than 2 players are together in the same spot.

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They also recently changed Guardian Focus 4, Focus was taken a lot, but that specific skill was pretty tricky to hit with in many situations, this also changed how the weapon worked in general.


Other weapons like Rangers Longbow got quite a few changes (around a year after launch) but none of them actually changed animations (iirc, been a while), mostly they just modified CD's, damage, boons, added stealth to skill 4 etc. This changed longbow from one of the weakest weapons for ranger to one of the better ones for power damage (Before this, people used shortbow for better power damage!).

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