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Could we please enforce higher standards of PvP etiquette?


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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> You need to have a good game with a decent skill ceiling before you can start talking about potentially policing behavior. As it stands, anyone can hop into GW2 and land on the top 250 leaderboards with some meta/fotm build; that just means that there aren't enough people to form a consistent community. Applying sudden rules to passersby who just happen to be in the area at the moment is going to chase people away more than it will establish some sort of "culture of appropriate behavior" (particularly because one could probably count, with a single hand, the number of people who feel attached to GW2 PvP in any particular way).


> All that aside, stop gettin mad at vidya games. And if you really want to improve matches in general, cut the win condition point total from 500 to 250. I swear to you RIGHT NOW, that PvP would IMMEDIATELY improve 500% if people just didn't suffer through the current match length.


> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> You know, a unicorn pony would be nice with that, but it will never happen. So question to op's.

> why instead of asking for the impossible just not simply use the bloc chat that player button?

> I would like an explanation?


I have chosen to quote you both at once because I don't think you have understood what OP really would like to say.


The main issue with a newbie coming to PvP is that they are inexperienced and has a difficult time to learn the game mode because:

A. The unhealthy fast-paced games currently thanks to balancing

B. They do not received criticism or feedback which would help them understand what they are doing wrong.

Dying in mere seconds will not give you any experience about what happened or what you could have done.


In-game tutorial is difficult to make because most of the strategies (like 70-80% of it) is given by the community which changes over time.

We could say that newbies should go and search for tutorials on youtube or here but again most of them are either outdated or done by players who have more experience and time than they have and have a higher chance of over complicating or not really explaining what they are doing / why they are doing it.


If the players in-game would try to communicate and tell them what the others are doing wrongly than a passerby has a higher chance of becoming a regular and with the knowledge they have received can pull in more players


Saying that someone cannot suggest anything because they did not play enough will just push them away and decrease the potential of other players coming to this mode even more. Not to mention you really cannot say from what skill level would the suggestion be valid to be talked about and under what level it is "only just a passerby we can ignore" win rate? number of matches won? K/D ratio?


Yes you can block the ragers and move on but you do not get anything out of it and even the raging little child won't get anything out of it. Seriously sometimes I wonder if a rage induced person is a hostage and forced to win a match or else their arm will be chopped off or something and that is why they are behaving like this.


For the OP: I'm sorry but I don't think there will be any system like you described in the near future. I would suggest searching for a chill and fun guild who has some players who would teach you PvP.


I have found a Discord community in the past who are happy and eager to help out:




Good luck!

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > Seems like a potential solution would be to have some kind of commend button that gave teammates (as a paltry reward) rank points or reward track progress or something.

> > Because that wouldn't get abused/exploited or anything.

> >

> > TERRIBLE idea.

> >


> I think it would be great to be honest. A system like League Of Legends.


> give a button to honor an enemy and grant them 2 pips or something...

> give a button to honor allies too that you arent in party with or 2 pip per honor and 1 per party member.


> also give a dishonor for allies so if you get a rage quitter or even just someone raging, you can remove a PIP... doesnt seem like much until you act like a kitten and your whole dishonors you for poor behaviour.


> it had a tremendous effect to the players in LoL when it was introduced and once it worked they built on it with little icons and banners to represent the sort of player you are.


I would never honour anyone and always dishonor my team for losing. Explain to me why this is good system.

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> @"segman.3560" said:


> I would never honour anyone and always dishonor my team for losing. Explain to me why this is good system.


What if you lost but it was caused by one person in your team? Or what if you lost but beside you another team member gave its all and did a great job but you two weren't enough to win the match? What if the team against you is an organized one-shot meme builds which can melt you in seconds from stealth without being revealed? Okay the last one is extreme ^^


Just because you lost doesn't mean it was because your team members are not good.



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> @"Solidaris.5423" said:

> > @"segman.3560" said:

> >

> > I would never honour anyone and always dishonor my team for losing. Explain to me why this is good system.


> What if you lost but it was caused by one person in your team? Or what if you lost but beside you another team member gave its all and did a great job but you two weren't enough to win the match? What if the team against you is an organized one-shot meme builds which can melt you in seconds from stealth without being revealed? Okay the last one is extreme ^^


> Just because you lost doesn't mean it was because your team members are not good.




You don't understand. Truth doesn't matter in such designs. I would be mad for losing, especially if it was a streak, so I would take my revenge by punishing my teammates. Do you like such behaviour? If no, than you should be against this system. Because what this game tought me is to never give any power to players or they will abuse it with no shame. Just look at kung fu promo.

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> @"segman.3560" said:


> You don't understand. Truth doesn't matter in such designs. I would be mad for losing, especially if it was a streak, so I would take my revenge by punishing my teammates. Do you like such behaviour? If no, than you should be against this system. Because what this game tought me is to never give any power to players or they will abuse it with no shame. Just look at kung fu promo.


I'm not siding for this to be implemented at all TBH. I see your point there, players are too egoistical to have such a system (sadly)


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> @"segman.3560" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > Seems like a potential solution would be to have some kind of commend button that gave teammates (as a paltry reward) rank points or reward track progress or something.

> > > Because that wouldn't get abused/exploited or anything.

> > >

> > > TERRIBLE idea.

> > >

> >

> > I think it would be great to be honest. A system like League Of Legends.

> >

> > give a button to honor an enemy and grant them 2 pips or something...

> > give a button to honor allies too that you arent in party with or 2 pip per honor and 1 per party member.

> >

> > also give a dishonor for allies so if you get a rage quitter or even just someone raging, you can remove a PIP... doesnt seem like much until you act like a kitten and your whole dishonors you for poor behaviour.

> >

> > it had a tremendous effect to the players in LoL when it was introduced and once it worked they built on it with little icons and banners to represent the sort of player you are.


> I would never honour anyone and always dishonor my team for losing. Explain to me why this is good system.


This is why we can't have nice things but thankfully only a select few are like that.... But just to counter these sort of people, maybe only allow 1 vote and it can be used to honor or dishonor 1 player...



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useless comment is useless but I start to wonder if a lot of toxic behaviour stems from people playing a team game as solo and turning off map chat therefor refusing to work with said team... I could totally understand why some might get frustrated at this as a bit of communication could have spared a loss of 20 points.


obvservation from some of these posts.

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useless comment is useless but I start to wonder if a lot of toxic behaviour stems from people playing a team game as solo and turning off map chat therefor refusing to work with said team... I could totally understand why some might get frustrated at this as a bit of communication could have spared a loss of 20 points.


obvservation from some of these posts.

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