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What should Anet focus on?


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For me - personal opinion - it is normal that professions are not equal. We are supposed to play in teams, within which each profession brings its own contribution. To achieve this result, it needs that each brings something different. To solo is fun, but not the original purpose of the game, and of course, depending on the enemies, some will have more difficulties than others. For me, it's logic.

Beside, I believe that a balance will never exist because as soon as an update of skills is implemented, within the next hour, some players already find a way to identify in one or the other profession what allows them to become a lot more powerful than others, that will lead after a while to need again a re-balancing. I think it is more a normal life cycle of the game to continuously re-adjust skills.


Globally, I hope that Anet will be able to develop further all aspects of the game and not favorise one over the others.

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> Well, with this poll I wanted to promote the idea that this game needs more balancing./reworks. Core professions are, with few exceptions, useless after you get your elite specs.

> Out of those elite specs often only one is actually good for something - again, with few exceptions like Mesmer. This leaves very little gameplay variation. Very little.


> For me, the LWS maps are a boring grind where occasionally you can get a few good stuff like the beetle mount. Once I have gotten what I wanted from the map I leave it and never come back to it again. Ever. (Except HoT LW maps for the trinkets)


> I want to have options when I play. I want to try out different stuff and have a good time without feeling underpowered or undesired. My wish was that instead of pumping out more content like maps I will never visit again, Anet tries harder to make sure that every gameplay option of a class is viable for at least one thing. They have already started reworking some professions, but with the current pace the devs will just release a new expansion, bring more power creep and we will again end up in the same situation.



Well if that was your intent, I fear you didn't achieve it. You use the term profession but everybody will have understood this as class balance and that term is generally used for balance between the classes. You seem to be talking here about another level of balancing between the specializations within a class. That certainly didn't become clear from your very summary explanation in your original post.


Now I will always vote new content over class balancing (in whichever way) as a focus because class balance I think will never be achieved and this is either because its impossible or actually something that game makers know would be a bad idea. In competitive gameplay also rotating classes as flavor of the month, also gives people reasons to play a different class more intently for a while before switching to the next "OP" class. However, considering the complexity of a game system like this, I find it more plausible still that actual class balance is simply not possible as there are too many variables to consider. Therefore balancing is something that needs to be done on a regular basis, no matter what, to take care of excesses. But that makes it a maintenance feature by definition and not a focus for development.


Now, people have voted and a clear majority chose against class balance as focus. What do you take from that?



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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Zoid.2568" said:

> > I think classes are balanced for being a mmorpg. Much depends on how good you are with the class and in which situation you are in, against which enemy etc. Nothing is beating weaver in damage in PvE. PvP is another thing where other things than damage is important.


> We spent YEARS with both Necromancer and Ranger being KICKED OUT OF GROUPS because of how weak they are and Elementalists topping DPS charts by a huge amount till very recently, but yeah, they're balanced for being an MMO.


Yeah ranger and necro was shit before elite specializations. Now they are good and balanced.

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> @"Zoid.2568" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > @"Zoid.2568" said:

> > > I think classes are balanced for being a mmorpg. Much depends on how good you are with the class and in which situation you are in, against which enemy etc. Nothing is beating weaver in damage in PvE. PvP is another thing where other things than damage is important.

> >

> > We spent YEARS with both Necromancer and Ranger being KICKED OUT OF GROUPS because of how weak they are and Elementalists topping DPS charts by a huge amount till very recently, but yeah, they're balanced for being an MMO.


> Yeah ranger and necro was kitten before elite specializations. Now they are good and balanced.

But at least for ranger, that was almost exclusively a player problem, not a balance problem. My power ranger was easily viable for dungeons before HoT, and I ran with both friends and meta pugs that knew their stuff. It was only the uninformed (on both sides, you got clueless wannabe speedrunners just as often as clueless ranger players) that kicked rangers out of groups back then. No amount of re-balancing the class could've helped that.

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