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Rifel war need rework!!!


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I always loved rifel on war from the start, but it rly is under performing so big now its a joke :/ i would like to se ful rework on it.. submachine gun class (soldier),, 900 range auto attack is a burst whit 2-3 hits, burst skill is a big aoe granade.. and whit lots off evades/speed.. very diffrent take on rifel from deadeye and engi..

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> People have been saying since launch that Warrior and Engineer rifle should swap places. It doesn't make sense that Engineer, a class that is *about* guns and technology, doesn't use their rifle properly so much to at least use its scope...


So much this. I honestly hate the engineer rifle. Its so close range compared to what warrior have which is more suited for long range combat. I would love a swap on the skills but know itl never happen =/

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Honestly, I'd prefer Engineer rifle be more techy/gadgety, due to all the modifications and such from their technological background. It shouldn't function like a regular firearm.


I'd also like to see Warrior rifle have a combination of Shotgun and Assault Rifle attack types. Depending on play style, you can focus on closing gaps while suppressing your enemy, or assisting allies by helping them get into position to do damage. When you're close, control enemies with boon rip and CC.


Rifle 1: Three Round Burst - A three shot auto attack, little damage, lots of adrenaline (3 hits). Causes bleeding per hit.

Rifle 2: Suppressing Fire - Fires a volley of 3 shots, doing damage to 1 target, but cripples and weakens up to 5 targets near the projectile destruction point. Low damage.

Rifle 3-1: Take Cover - Spawn "terrain" that destroys projectiles and pulses protection to a single ally (you have priority).

Rifle 3-2: Covering Fire - Multihitting cone attack with 1200 range (not a wide cone), grants protection and swiftness to allies within 600 range when finished. Not a projectile, only usable when near Cover. Causes bleeding per hit. Knocksback enemies if they are under 300 range.

Rifle 4: Breaching Round - 450 range cleave attack, unblockable. Converts all defensive boons into Vulnerability (Defensive Boons are Aegis, Stability, Protection, and Resistance). Very low damage.

Rifle 5: HE Shell - 450 range cleave attack. Dazes and blinds enemies. Good damage.


Rifle Burst: Changes based on range.

Under 450: Killer Slug- Evade, then fire a heavy damage short range projectile. Evade direction is controllable, left or right (not back).

Over 450: Killshot - Heavy damage, piercing projectile. Long cast time.


Rifle Trait: Specialist - No longer grants extra adrenaline (auto attack generates enough as a 3 hit attack). Improves rifle skills. Suppressing Fire also does damage to the extra targets, Covering Fire grants 5 allies stability, Breaching Round applies 2 stacks of vulnerability per boon corrupted, HE Shell stuns instead of dazing.



Would be pretty sick, but definitely won't happen.

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I have been running core rifle/greatsword warrior with arms, defense and discipline traitlines in WvW in the past few days. I have to say, I have a lot of fun with it even if it is far away from meta level. Most people don't expect core warrior to deal massive damage on range.


Rifle damage is good, but it needs better utility.

The most annoying thing is 4th skill which should have much shorter cast time (1/4 second or even instant cast). Timing this skill to avoid damages is very impractical and most of the time it is just luck. Also, the roll back is kinda contraproductive as you usually want to immobilize foe who is running away and this roll back basically makes you go out of range. **What if you could roll in the direction of the movement key you are holding after casting finishes? That could solve rifle's utility issue.**


Another very annoying thing is getting obstructed on plain terrain with no obstacles and out of range within range... very triggering.


Killshot cast time is alright, but movement should be allowed during casting, let's say -50% movement speed.


About the adrenaline build up: I use To The Limit and Signer of Fury. In arms traitline, I use Burst Precision for 100% burst crit instead of Furious because the point is to burst fast and not waiting for adrenaline build-up by autoattacking/volley.

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:


> About the adrenaline build up: I use To The Limit and Signer of Fury. In arms traitline, I use Burst Precision for 100% burst crit instead of Furious because the point is to burst fast and not waiting for adrenaline build-up by autoattacking/volley.


yeah burst mastery is a must so the bursts in the two weapons will crit always.

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