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Why do most new Weapon Sets miss a trident, spear and harpoon gun?


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They should have completely abandonded in in my opinion until they make a real Underwater Expansion and should have completely merged the Weapon Types together.


Staff + Trident = Staff

Rifle + Harpoon Gun = Rifle

Spear should they have turned with that change then into a Land Weapon as Polearms


Underwater Combat should have been redesigned then completely into a Mastery, which just unlocks then class based generic Underwater Combat Skills.


This neccessary change is something, they should have done with the game the very moment they decideded to put Underwater Content completely on ice and they decided to implement the Mastery System - that opportunity to fix this weapon mess in one go together with the Skill Design Mess, that there are alot of Skills which can't be used by certain Classes, would be so easily solved, by just giving us a Swimming/Diving Mastery instead, with that we unlock for our Characters just simply all Combat Skills, all Utility Skilsl that we can use underwater that are pregiven then to us based on our Class and also too the Healing an Elite Skill.


**Swim and Dive Mastery**


1) Swimming Fans - 1 MP

Receive a pair of Swimming Fans to unlock the Ability to swim faster and against Water Streams that would push you away otherwise.

Unlocks also Underwater Combat Skills and Healing Skills for you based on your Class you play.


2) Pressure Resistance - 2 MP

You can dive now deeper than before, before the Water Pressure becomes life threatening for you.

Unlocks your first Underwater Utility Skill for you based on your Class you play


3) Apnoe Diving - 3 MP

You can dive now even more deeper than before and you can sink and rise up now underwater faster, than before.

Unlocks your second Underwater Utility Skill for you based on your Class you play


4) Streamliner - 4 MP

Unlocks for you Access to additional Underwater Mounts aside of the Skimmer that is default useable, which enable you to reach places you couldn't before, like the Octopus, like the Sea Turtle, like the Shark or like the Orca. Unlocks also your last Utility Slot for Underwater Skills based on the class you play


5) Clear Sight - 5 MP

Allows you to see also better in muddy water and dark underwater caves. Unlocks access to your class based Elite Underwater Skills


All underwater skills should gte for this then completely reworked, rebalanced and if needed redesigned to fit into this new and better mastery based system which makes ideally for all Classes their Underwater Skills more useful and fun, while turnign the whole system for the expansion just onto a part of our Character Progression, so that ANet has a purpose to completely focus on improving the Game with Content and Features, that are solely based around the Aspect of the Game, that is unique on GW2 and which should have basically shined already much brighter on Release Day, which it surely woudl have had, would there have been already on Release Day of GW2 in the Game the Mastery system ect. from begin on, to design the whoel system with more "depth" (pun intended!!)



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while I agree that current water everything kinda sucks at the moment. I also sincerely hope that they do underwater next as that is the one major movement type they haven't gotten to a great place yet. I mean they more or less perfected sky movement in a sane way with the glider and land movement with the new mounts

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