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Strange density of enemies


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I done my daily farm in Bitterfrost frontier and Sandswept isles and I noticed something, for me; many enemies were added and they weren't there before! I tranquilly went to the northern forest of bitterfrost frontier to farm some berries, when I suddenly got attacked by 7 Ice wolves which instantly downed me and killed me what is the joke? I Always met packs of 3 but 7 ?! Not to mention all the Ice winds that froze me in place, then two corrupted kodans jumped on me.... Also I noticed several dead and downed when looking on the mini-map, every-time not far from berries bush! Now about sandswept Isles, where It's more impressive, the suppressor golem spawned near the magneton lab (Invariant Enclave, suppressor golems building sites), but, THERE WAS 34 INFILTRATION CUBES around the suppressor... Also Inquest aren't dispatched anymore with only group of 3-4 on the building sites, now they are 6 per sites, patrols have been added around them with infiltration cubes, and golems, 12 in the southern tower, more golems in the basement if the invariant enclave. Several spots within Invariant Enclave are now farmed by the same annoying guys from the Demetra Ruins with her ghosts. Mostly macroers using several skills at once, reaper, scourge and engineer. So I'm asking if dome others players experienced that aberrant number of enemies too?? Also, can you dispatch all these inquest members instead of packing them?

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I done my daily farm in Bitterfrost frontier and Sandswept isles and I noticed something, for me; many enemies were added and they weren't there before! I tranquilly went to the northern forest of bitterfrost frontier to farm some berries, when I suddenly got attacked by 7 Ice wolves which instantly downed me and killed me what is the joke? I Always met packs of 3 but 7 ?!

That has happened since Bitterfrost launched. Typically, people farm it so often that the mobs aren't clumped up like that, but every so often when I've done a map completion (and the instance is new), I'll encounter extra mobs.


Not sure about Sandswept, since I'm not there as often any more.


Also, when did you first notice this? The last patch was a week ago and shouldn't have had any affect on mobs. (Similarly for any previous patch.) In fact, people tend to be annoyed at how rarely ANet goes back to change spawns/events on older maps, unless the story takes us there.


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I'm not particularly fond of the mob density in any of the expansion zones. Where as in the core game I was more inclined to travel from point A to B on foot and fight whatever I needed to along the way, now I often find myself facing crazy numbers of hostiles peppered with Veteran ranked mobs that put even mount travel at risk. And perhaps that's the point.


But if the goal is to make mount travel dangerous, then it should be understood that this same setup makes foot travel suicidal.. and if the end result is players avoiding that content at all costs, then in my opinion that's both content and entire regions of the map going to waste. Why spend development time on valley-X if you've made it so annoying to move through that most players go around it?

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I never notice any difference in Bitterfrost. Typically, there would be some kind of event that would spawn these "pack of wolves". But they're pretty easy to kill. Then you have the usual spawning Trolls usually 2-3 + 1 veteran. Then you get the 3 griffin + 1 veteran. Never really bothered me, I like killing them to practice different builds I'm running.

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I use my weaver to farm bitterfrost so maybe it's that, but the map herself is a real cemetery... Everytime I'm here I met downed/killed players, I don't understand the point of packing mobs (if some players enjoy doing that) plus spawning the event of veteran wolf + 4 little ones on berries.. without adding the very long agro range.

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> My feelings exactly. We already have to fight a LOT in this game. When we simply want to travel or explore, let us do so without so many forced fights. All this forced crap is why I quit WoW. I don’t want to see it in this game.


But whats the point of making something dangerous if everyone just bypasses it with ease? Even Core Tyria has this since the beginning; its just people don't notice it now that theres so many transit and mobility options in the wake of the expansions. I remember when Orr was a total bastard to navigate, and it make sure you had either a build made to fight, or a build made to run.


Whats bugging me is how players no longer view "stakes' as being important, and this had directly lead to changes in how game designers try to inject it back to make sure players are somehow engaged in one form or another. Back when the fights were considered harder, getting from point to point meant something, and often players would adhoc along the same transit routes for efficiency and safety. Now that the fights are less then trivial, the term "forced fights" is just to up-play the feeling of nuance when you're getting caught up in something seen as beneath the player now. This attitude is almost rampant in Open world, as any controlled fight has the player being at extremely low risk if they stopped and dealt with threats as they go..... but become overwhelming if allowed to pile up from being brushed off until its too late.


Given any half way competent spec dominates in open world, I can only guess that the game has become so easy, its not even worth thinking about your situation until it interrupts you. Especially in POF, where theres always a path around any major obstacle if you're just wiling to change mounts.

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Many people try to skip the mobs around in the Berry farm, since they want the berries and the mobs don't even drop loot. This can lead to accidental situations where a player ends up with more enemies than they can handle (specially if the wolf pack event suddenly jumps on you, their burst can down even most tanky classes).


I haven't played in a few days, but I do that farm everyday and haven't actually noticed any change in the numbers since the last patch.

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> @"Edge.4180" said:

> I'm not particularly fond of the mob density in any of the expansion zones. Where as in the core game I was more inclined to travel from point A to B on foot and fight whatever I needed to along the way, now I often find myself facing crazy numbers of hostiles peppered with Veteran ranked mobs that put even mount travel at risk. And perhaps that's the point.


> But if the goal is to make mount travel dangerous, then it should be understood that this same setup makes foot travel suicidal.. and if the end result is players avoiding that content at all costs, then in my opinion that's both content and entire regions of the map going to waste. Why spend development time on valley-X if you've made it so annoying to move through that most players go around it?


Where do you have this problem? Unless you're expecting to walk from point A to point B in a straight line...in that case, yes, you'll have problems, but if you just take a few extra seconds to watch where you're walking or riding then you can almost always avoid or just outrun all of the mobs on any given map. Unless you played the game at launch and reached Orr before it was nerfed, not a single area is as dense with enemies as Orr was right after launch, and I loved how dense Orr was with enemies.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Edge.4180" said:

> > I'm not particularly fond of the mob density in any of the expansion zones. Where as in the core game I was more inclined to travel from point A to B on foot and fight whatever I needed to along the way, now I often find myself facing crazy numbers of hostiles peppered with Veteran ranked mobs that put even mount travel at risk. And perhaps that's the point.

> >

> > But if the goal is to make mount travel dangerous, then it should be understood that this same setup makes foot travel suicidal.. and if the end result is players avoiding that content at all costs, then in my opinion that's both content and entire regions of the map going to waste. Why spend development time on valley-X if you've made it so annoying to move through that most players go around it?


> Where do you have this problem? Unless you're expecting to walk from point A to point B in a straight line...in that case, yes, you'll have problems, but if you just take a few extra seconds to watch where you're walking or riding then you can almost always avoid or just outrun all of the mobs on any given map. Unless you played the game at launch and reached Orr before it was nerfed, not a single area is as dense with enemies as Orr was right after launch, and I loved how dense Orr was with enemies.


I think you basically repeated what I said, but tried to present it as a positive. But that is the point I'm trying to make - when the mob density is so high that you're actively avoiding them instead of killing them because the latter is either too dangerous or too time consuming, then perhaps the packs of mobs should be thinned out.


You're argument is that you can avoid these mobs no matter what. Ok, well you're still going to be able to avoid them if their numbers are thinned out. But for the people who are actually interested in wandering through these areas (without the focus being on running for your life) reducing the mob density would make the experience less annoying.


I'm not suggesting areas should be blank, and I don't have a problem with the mob density and layout in core Tyria zones (although Orr does often feel like someone just sneezed encounter points all over the map, which I dislike because I prefer realistic layouts that make sense). It's primarily the expansion zones where the enemy quantities have been tuned up to eleven. Areas like Prophet's Fall, for example. I've never heard anyone say anything like _"You know, what this area needs is more Branded. Or Jacaranda."_.


I have actually fought my way through every step of the road from the entrance to the Desolation to its exit (I like to move through maps at least once without a mount like we used to), but I will never do that again because it was tedious and annoying. A fight here and there, sure, I can put up with that. But fighting for every inch is just not how I want to spend what little gaming time I have when attempting to move from A to B. And so I avoid everything unless there is an absolute need to fight it, which makes it feel like wasted potential. Essentially, in an effort to make us fight more they have made me fight less.

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> @"Edge.4180" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Edge.4180" said:

> > > I'm not particularly fond of the mob density in any of the expansion zones. Where as in the core game I was more inclined to travel from point A to B on foot and fight whatever I needed to along the way, now I often find myself facing crazy numbers of hostiles peppered with Veteran ranked mobs that put even mount travel at risk. And perhaps that's the point.

> > >

> > > But if the goal is to make mount travel dangerous, then it should be understood that this same setup makes foot travel suicidal.. and if the end result is players avoiding that content at all costs, then in my opinion that's both content and entire regions of the map going to waste. Why spend development time on valley-X if you've made it so annoying to move through that most players go around it?

> >

> > Where do you have this problem? Unless you're expecting to walk from point A to point B in a straight line...in that case, yes, you'll have problems, but if you just take a few extra seconds to watch where you're walking or riding then you can almost always avoid or just outrun all of the mobs on any given map. Unless you played the game at launch and reached Orr before it was nerfed, not a single area is as dense with enemies as Orr was right after launch, and I loved how dense Orr was with enemies.


> I think you basically repeated what I said, but tried to present it as a positive. But that is the point I'm trying to make - when the mob density is so high that you're actively avoiding them instead of killing them because the latter is either too dangerous or too time consuming, then perhaps the packs of mobs should be thinned out.


> You're argument is that you can avoid these mobs no matter what. Ok, well you're still going to be able to avoid them if their numbers are thinned out. But for the people who are actually interested in wandering through these areas (without the focus being on running for your life) reducing the mob density would make the experience less annoying.


> I'm not suggesting areas should be blank, and I don't have a problem with the mob density and layout in core Tyria zones (although Orr does often feel like someone just sneezed encounter points all over the map, which I dislike because I prefer realistic layouts that make sense). It's primarily the expansion zones where the enemy quantities have been tuned up to eleven. Areas like Prophet's Fall, for example. I've never heard anyone say anything like _"You know, what this area needs is more Branded. Or Jacaranda."_.


> I have actually fought my way through every step of the road from the entrance to the Desolation to its exit (I like to move through maps at least once without a mount like we used to), but I will never do that again because it was tedious and annoying. A fight here and there, sure, I can put up with that. But fighting for every inch is just not how I want to spend what little gaming time I have when attempting to move from A to B. And so I avoid everything unless there is an absolute need to fight it, which makes it feel like wasted potential. Essentially, in an effort to make us fight more they have made me fight less.


Well, your description of the Desolation is a little different from my experience, as far as I recall if you follow the main road you can go at least up the hill past the first town before encountering any enemies(not saying they aren't there, just saying you don't need to engage them). You also have to take into account that you're in a war zone with both Awakened and Forged present on the map, there for I wouldn't expect it to be a walk in the park or even a place I could peacefully walk through without encountering enemies that engaged me or I had to engage to progress.


You would've hated Orr(especially Cursed Shores) at release then because you couldn't take a single step without being attacked by some kind of Risen, and it was never just a simple attack either, it was always either a stun, pull or any other CC that they liked to throw at you....that was a constant battle when first released.

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That wouldn't have been one group of mobs in Bitterfrost - some of them roam and you must have gotten aggro on a couple of groups at once. This happens occasionally, and imo it's fine. Nice actually to once in a while find yourself having to dodge and possibly even withdraw from a fight to regroup before heading back in. I wouldn't want it to happen all the time, but it doesn't.

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