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How to spot an axe mirage cheating?


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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > You know how macros works sir?

> > Seems you all don't know how they works, mudse as well.

> >

> > He binded one key on the mouse or keyboard which allow him to do the max combo burst possible.

> >

> > During the fight he chained evades, did some dodge and autoattack to bait dodges and stunbreaks, then he kited, shattered some clone.

> >

> > Then when I didn't have any dodge left, any stunbreak or defense left, and instead he "refreshed" with kiting all his skill, he teleports near to you, press that binded macro key and boom, full combo instagib burst in less than 1 second.

> >

> > This is how people use macros.

> >

> > You are talking like i was saying he pressed one key only for all the fight over and over.

> >

> > Obviously he was good at baiting dodges and make me waste or use stunbreaks.

> >

> > He kited, he used heal skill with normal keybinds, nothing suspicious here, the suspicious part is the instagib burst combo he pulled off perfectly on rotation, and that was definetely a macro.

> >

> > A power mirage with greatsword is so kinda slow with animations, but an hybrid mirage is another story.

> >

> > But yeah keep saying it's a l2p issue.

> >

> > So far didn't encountered that guy again, and he was always online at the same hour past days, maybe the report worked who knows.


> There are few players that are really good at their class. Unless you have some video proof, just accept and move on.

> If you are in NA and your group runs into Tubby's Rev or Xan and gang from vT, i wonder what you will think then.


Ive been paired with their server quite a bit. I See vT running, ganking and dueling by SC sentry. A couple of them seem decent imo. Not fully impressive from the way some people talk about them but decent. The rare times I was against them I fought a Mirage and beat them (was a pretty good fight, I play DPS mirage myself however you could tell they have played it longer than I have. Maybe I got lucky, who knows). When a rev and holo showed up tho and started attacking I had to peace out. I have seen them swarm solo roamers like it was a feeding frenzy tho,lol.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > would help obviously to have more precise info like a video because perception can be deceiving.

> > > now as i am in the same matchup.. there is one mirage running the weaponset like a hybrid and someone not as experienced might actually experience it like OP.

> > > so as real namecalling is not allowed lets try this: is he on the red server in your match , a little asura in the gold ranks with a 4 letter guildtag starting with i?

> > > if so i might be able to explain you a little more about what is is playing.

> >

> > Dunno if little asura because i run with standard models, but yeah it's him. Gold rank 4 letter tag starting with I.

> > He runs an hybrid build for sure, but the usage of macros is so obvious in this guy.


> hes not hybrid tho. i know it, i killed him once and then stopped bothering :3

> by the amount of damage i dealt to him (just little more than to you) means he has around your thoughness but less armor as hes light armor and you were heavy. he also didnt have much hp left when i did hit him for ~17-20k with a fully charged malicious backstab. but not much left means he still did then chain evades + teleports trying to get out of combat.

> he is mainly killing with his axe + torch burst and while on sword pistol he is just kiting. what i personally havent encountered so far on a trailblaizer mirage what he does is using the chaos interrupt trait to set up his bursts with the immob, thats intresting and the first time not expecting it, it nearly got me. hes also very difficult to kill with power as he will have mostly protection up from chaos minor and mirage trait but i am certain he has very few condi cleanse. he didnt use infinite horizon not sure about elusive mist as he always did stealth when i CC him, this could be to avoid exhaustion or he is running dune cloak a rarely picked trait, yet as his burst is in melee he might have a chance to apply that bleed wich would extend his other condis aswell. anyway he is more or less playing [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAsa3fnELDVohFMDmpBMMjlXDzcFMcOBoBgcyzxv/NATgA-jlxHQBA4JAQRlgBU53O2fIc6Hin6PZGCAmkArqUVVVSBUlON-w "this") maybe 1-2 traits different.

> _so overall unless your fast and have alot of damage dont bother fighting with him_

> and i am certain he is not hacking and not using a macro, he tried several different ways to setup a burst against me depending on the situation. or rather what he did is perfectly doable, nothing that requires a macro just playing the profession a little. and i do remember him as condi mesmer since like forever (i try to remember opponents that are not all too stupid for safety reasons :3 )


Could you give the persons name/elaborate on the build? I'm interested.

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