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Potentially Returning to game: State of the game?


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Good day everyone. I originally played this game for a while several years ago and was considering picking of the expansions. Before I do, I was hoping to get some general info on the state of the game these days. What’s good? What’s bad? That sort of thing. I appreciate any responses. Thanks.

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I'd suggest just logging in and trying it out since you already have a full core game account. You probably won't get a lot of people here agreeing on what is good and what is bad. Many things have changed since the first expansion and even before. Depending on when you last played there have been lot of QOL updates, the first expansion added gliding, the second expansion added mounts. Many people seem to have liked those additions. The living world episodes have included a lot of new maps to compliment all the new maps added from the expansions. They added raids. Everything from there and in between has been up for a very subjective debate about what is good or bad. Some people love both expansions, some hate both, and some like one or the other. Some people like the profession balance changes, some don't, so on and so forth. Maybe it would help if you posted what you are looking for and what you like in an MMO. Do you mostly play PvE or PvP or WvW? Do you like a lot of lore and story when you play? Do you like raids? Do you like small team content like dungeons and fractals? Do you like open world exploration?


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