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Open Skies: Sunspear Wisdom -- Elite Shadow Imp Bug

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Hello, I recently began the Sunspear Wisdom quest and have been having frustrating difficulties killing the Elite Shadow Imp.


Firstly, this enemy has a bug where it will -- despite being attacked -- automatically heal its HP and continue patrolling as if you were never there. Always seems to be when it shifts the phase outwards.

Secondly, this enemy is just far too difficult to defeat by myself as a Weaver. I managed other elites, but this one has just killed me over and over and over.


It would be nice to be able to invite a party to this instance like you do in story missions, because these enemies are pretty tough to begin with!

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Well, I find that you don't need to kill EVERY type of Elite in the Library. I looked for the Elite Guard, the Elite FLeshreaver, and----------If I could find the right location to "ambush" it, the Elite Aaxte. It also helps GREATLY to have either Minions or Pets to aid in the combat. Even the final Boss fight is easier with minions and/or pets because the "invulnerable" phases don't seem to have the same impact as a fight without them.

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