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> @"Bryvanent.1364" said:

> dont run Nefarious Momentum. Incensed response gives you all the might you need



Thank you. Yeah probably bad in raids, fractals and large scale events. Do you think Charged mists is better than Call of the assassin? 25% energy is alot

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Roiling Mists is simply too powerful to miss out on for a power build. Especially since you have near permanent fury with glint. Call of the Assassin's power drops dramatically when not fighting large groups of enemies.


That's pretty good actually, thanks. The crit reaches 96.85%. My crit without fury is at 56%, so how come it does not reach 100% when Roiling Mists increases the effectiveness by 100%? or does Roling Mists only increase the fury crit chance?


Ok so it's 20% increased crit chance. Very good

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I understand. What do you think about swift termination and assassins annhilation? assassains annihilation gives extra damage from the first second, while swift termination starts under 50% HP. Which is really better? Assassins termination also gives healing which can be good.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> From what I know assassins annihilation is mainly meant for soloing, but if you can cope without extra healing, you get far more mileage out of swift termination. Which shines in fractals and above.

Yeah true.


I did VG with my char now. I still don't have force sigils and my armor is not ascended. Only jewelry and 1 weapon. I did 19k dps. Should be able to do more with force sigil and full ascended. Is rev viable again?

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You're actually agreeing with me there, Lucian. I said Revs were always viable, including the present, and they bring a lot of utility which can cover for anything the group happens to lack in terms of class abilities or player skill; they have value where ever they happen to go. For instance, I've lately been using a power herald as a boon stripper/dps for fractals because chronos and scourges can't do that any more for some reason. The trouble is that competent groups will have all those roles covered, usually by practiced players who do not need help doing their jobs, and that leaves a power herald's worth to be evaluated by its contribution of dps - which is sub-par, btw. Even 25k dps is overkill for most cases, power herald and condi renegade being well above that threshold, but there are just better options if all that's needed is dps and some people are obsessive enough to exclude Revs and any other class entirely entirely if it means they can get a potentially better class for to fill that raid/fractal slot (that's the "common ignorance" you mentioned). That's why we usually only see Revs being used in niche roles, such as hand kiting or, less often, as an option for heavy boon stripping.


The changes Herald got are nice, sure, but Revs are overall in the same spot in PvE as they were before, but with more utility.

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