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So, I was just about to come back to the game...


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...then I read in a few places that Reaper is not allowed in T4's anymore. I haven't played since about a month after PoF launch, but I was doing T4's everyday on my Reaper no problem. Hell, I even had plenty of groups w/ 3+ Reapers in them. Is this the case, or am I reading hyperbole?

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> @"Jarvis.9540" said:

> ...then I read in a few places that Reaper is not allowed in T4's anymore. I haven't played since about a month after PoF launch, but I was doing T4's everyday on my Reaper no problem. Hell, I even had plenty of group w/ 3+ Reapers in them. Is this the case, or am I reading hyperbole?


If you're a seasoned MMO player, you should know that most the dribble you read on the forum is hyperbole.


This simply depends on who you team with. If you team with hardcore Meta PUGs, then expect to get hassled about how you play, regardless of what you play.

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> @"Jarvis.9540" said:

> Never mind. Just logged in and ran straight into a pug T4 party that cleared everything with no wipes. Threw my Reaper in with no problems at all. Why is everyone so upset on the forums?



I've been talking about this for a long time. The number of people who limit who can join the party, are a very small minority. The people who listen to those people are also a small minority but they make an awful lot of posts giving the forums and those who read them the wrong idea. It's like when people used to say Heart of Thorns was dead and no one plays it, and now they're saying it about PoF. Neither is true, but it's easy to believe if you see it enough.


Plenty of people play with pretty much anyone. But there'll always been kittens who insist on X, Y and Z. They were with us back in the beginning when people said you couldn't bring necros and rangers into dungeons...except I ran plenty of dungeons on necros and rangers without ever having a problem.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Jarvis.9540" said:

> > Never mind. Just logged in and ran straight into a pug T4 party that cleared everything with no wipes. Threw my Reaper in with no problems at all. Why is everyone so upset on the forums?

> >


> I've been talking about this for a long time. The number of people who limit who can join the party, are a very small minority. The people who listen to those people are also a small minority but they make an awful lot of posts giving the forums and those who read them the wrong idea. It's like when people used to say Heart of Thorns was dead and no one plays it, and now they're saying it about PoF. Neither is true, but it's easy to believe if you see it enough.


> Plenty of people play with pretty much anyone. But there'll always been kittens who insist on X, Y and Z. They were with us back in the beginning when people said you couldn't bring necros and rangers into dungeons...except I ran plenty of dungeons on necros and rangers without ever having a problem.


Same here but I saw plenty of bad necros and rangers getting kicked.

Like the famous bear/bows or a necro useing a staff only for example.

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Most people when talking about T4s actually mean "CMs + T4s" which is indeed an environment flooded with elitism bleeding from raids, cause of lack relevant content for them being introduced by game developer (aka 5 wings per year meme). People who play in T4s only are more forgiving and noticably less skilled.

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Necros do fine. They can actually (dare I say) be good in certain circumstances. You just have to avoid the tryhard groups. In my experience, you'll want to avoid the following:


(1): Groups that ask for specific classes. If you see an LFG that says stuff like "Deadeye/Weaver/Chrono/Druid/BS", don't bother with it. These groups are not only a month late to actual meta updates, but they're frivolous since they'll stop accepting the previous classes even if they don't get a nerf.


(2): Groups with ridiculous requirements. If you see something like LHNB on cm99, don't bother. That title is completely unrelated to that fractal. If you see someone asking for 100 essence in CM100, don't bother. That person clearly doesn't realize that the infusions cost 80 essence, so the only reason why someone would have 100+ essence is because they have bought all of the infusions they'll ever want and haven't decided to sell their essence for gold.


(3): If you make your own LFG, then a person joins and hijacks it to strict requirements without saying anything, just kick them. They're going to continue being a problem later.


EDIT: I remember when you could make lists without it being obscenely huge text...

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Necros do fine. They can actually (dare I say) be good in certain circumstances. You just have to avoid the tryhard groups. In my experience, you'll want to avoid the following:


> (1): Groups that ask for specific classes. If you see an LFG that says stuff like "Deadeye/Weaver/Chrono/Druid/BS", don't bother with it. These groups are not only a month late to actual meta updates, but they're frivolous since they'll stop accepting the previous classes even if they don't get a nerf.


> (2): Groups with ridiculous requirements. If you see something like LHNB on cm99, don't bother. That title is completely unrelated to that fractal. If you see someone asking for 100 essence in CM100, don't bother. That person clearly doesn't realize that the infusions cost 80 essence, so the only reason why someone would have 100+ essence is because they have bought all of the infusions they'll ever want and haven't decided to sell their essence for gold.


> (3): If you make your own LFG, then a person joins and hijacks it to strict requirements without saying anything, just kick them. They're going to continue being a problem later.


> EDIT: I remember when you could make lists without it being obscenely huge text...


or they got the infusion as a drop as i did the other day.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> (2): Groups with ridiculous requirements. If you see something like LHNB on cm99, don't bother. That title is completely unrelated to that fractal. If you see someone asking for 100 essence in CM100, don't bother. That person clearly doesn't realize that the infusions cost 80 essence, so the only reason why someone would have 100+ essence is because they have bought all of the infusions they'll ever want and haven't decided to sell their essence for gold.


1. Why would I buy such an ugly infusion? It makes no sense. Even stacking isn't improving the situation.

2. Why should I sell my essences if I'm already swimming in gold like a lot of CM runners do and can assure I get into a competent group with them.

3. and most important: During my "grind" to fractal god I was joining a lot of different groups with different requirements. Everything below 100 kp was highly connected to wiping and disbanding before the group even reaches T4.

Just give it a go and try non-kp 100CM groups but beware you'll become insane by a lot of them.


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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > (2): Groups with ridiculous requirements. If you see something like LHNB on cm99, don't bother. That title is completely unrelated to that fractal. If you see someone asking for 100 essence in CM100, don't bother. That person clearly doesn't realize that the infusions cost 80 essence, so the only reason why someone would have 100+ essence is because they have bought all of the infusions they'll ever want and haven't decided to sell their essence for gold.


> 1. Why would I buy such an ugly infusion? It makes no sense. Even stacking isn't improving the situation.

> 2. Why should I sell my essences if I'm already swimming in gold like a lot of CM runners do and can assure I get into a competent group with them.

> 3. and most important: During my "grind" to fractal god I was joining a lot of different groups with different requirements. Everything below 100 kp was highly connected to wiping and disbanding before the group even reaches T4.

> Just give it a go and try non-kp 100CM groups but beware you'll become insane by a lot of them.



Why yes, you are a very obtuse individual. I don't care. I'm writing this for normal people, and having a 100 essence requirement is counter-intuitive due to the several factors I listed above.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:


> 1. Why would I buy such an ugly infusion? It makes no sense. Even stacking isn't improving the situation.


I bought the infusion with the cm currency... Arghhhhh regretted. One guy in mislock stood in front of my character.. he said /s I have never seen a character so ugly.... I was gutted lol.. removed the infusion and store in bank forever now until such time I find a best fitting character to use it...


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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > (2): Groups with ridiculous requirements. If you see something like LHNB on cm99, don't bother. That title is completely unrelated to that fractal. If you see someone asking for 100 essence in CM100, don't bother. That person clearly doesn't realize that the infusions cost 80 essence, so the only reason why someone would have 100+ essence is because they have bought all of the infusions they'll ever want and haven't decided to sell their essence for gold.

> >

> > 1. Why would I buy such an ugly infusion? It makes no sense. Even stacking isn't improving the situation.

> > 2. Why should I sell my essences if I'm already swimming in gold like a lot of CM runners do and can assure I get into a competent group with them.

> > 3. and most important: During my "grind" to fractal god I was joining a lot of different groups with different requirements. Everything below 100 kp was highly connected to wiping and disbanding before the group even reaches T4.

> > Just give it a go and try non-kp 100CM groups but beware you'll become insane by a lot of them.

> >


> Why yes, you are a very obtuse individual. I don't care. I'm writing this for normal people, and having a 100 essence requirement is counter-intuitive due to the several factors I listed above.


My answer has nothing to do with being obtuse but ty for being insulting. ^^

"Normal" people as you would call them wouldn't be able to beat the challenge motes - neither 100 CM nor 99 CM. So please, don't make suggestions about these motes because it's definitely the case that you'll wipe the whole time if you don't join kp groups. That's all and the reason you shouldn't give/sell essences away if you're going to play 100 CM on a more regular basis.

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