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Whatever happened to "get gud" or "L2P"?


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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Pfft, coulda said the same for many others. Enjoy being hated on and being told you're bad and the class is just carrying... Gonna be a a pretty demoralizing time until they nerf you to obscurity or leave you alone until power creep makes you obsolete.


> I look forward to the next group that brings this up because no one wants to learn to counter or run counter specs...


> As always I blame conquest for the state of PvP.


> All is vain.



This isn't true. Mirage (mesmer in general) hasn't had to be nerfed into oblivion because of how strong they are. They're pretty much left alone despite community backlash. Why should reaper, who's still nowhere as strong as mirage, be nerfed?

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In the current state of balance, there are just a lot of builds out there that don't have counterplay to a lot of other builds.


More and more, the answer isn't "L2P", it's "well, you're just going to lose to that every time no matter what you do, so try to avoid that player".

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> In the current state of balance, there are just a lot of builds out there that don't have counterplay to a lot of other builds.


> More and more, the answer isn't "L2P", it's "well, you're just going to lose to that every time no matter what you do, so try to avoid that player".


Yep, the balance nowadays are REALLY wrecked.

As i've said in another post: It's a waste of an AWESOME combat system in this game to just transform it into a roll dice game.

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