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Why doesn't anyone do Serpent's Ire?


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> @Esquilax.3491 said:

> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > @etsubmariner.4690 said:

> > > I've got the problem of Xedra, a branded hydra bounty. People outright refuse to do it when I LFG. There are just some things people aren't doing, and I can't understand why except that they have this Achievement Buzz thing going that cannot be diverted. For a meta thing to just go like that (also the Maw is a big meta) with no one really playing it . . . I don't know. Maybe it will settle soon once people have their achievement buzz in cool down.

> >

> > Then I'll tell you why I straight out refuse to do it: supremely annoying mechanics that are not appropriate for the open world audience, and not fun. First the boss moves all over the place every 5s. A lot of melee classes rely on ground targeted aoes and these aoes don't follow the boss, so that's just frustrating. Then the boss charge attack also hits players on the side and behind it. Go figure... Then all AoEs are targeted so melee is a no-go zone due to meteors. So it's yet another forced ranged mode boss that zips around constantly with massive targeted area denial. Not fun. I don't mind having bosses moving but rather slowly or just once in a while, and I don't mind being forced to go range just not constantly, because the dps loss is insane as range is pretty much worthless for any class but ele. So ultimately, it's long, tedious, and since it hits like a truck you spend half the fight respawning people.That's my reasons, others may have different ones.


> I did some desolation bounties yesterday on my Deadeye and I think 4/5 of them had some kind of shield that blocked ranged attacks. So I was "forced" to melee which is straight up kitten for a class that was sold as being a sniper.


So you didn't even read which buffs your bounty got, eh?

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My biggest aversion to the Serpent's Ire meta, and repeating it, is the FPS drop I get in the brandstorm with dozens of other players firing off spell effects. Most of the time I run close to max settings and even at other world bosses or in wvw I drop to maybe 30 FPS (down from 60 which I cap at because of my monitor). Something about the brandstorm effects itself, even with my settings turned all the way down, left me unable to achieve higher than 10 FPS for most of the fight, often dropping as low as 4 with mas visual and audio freezing and stuttering. Stage two (defeat the five before they set off the bomb) also has some particularly bad HP scaling and the times I have completed it (twice is all because of the FPS issues, not going back in a hurry) we barely managed to get it within the last second or two.

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