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Scourge makes PvP not fun.


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just to clarify, you don't need to play range to beat a scourge. you can beat them with a melee burst build with good condi cleanse.


on a range build tho, scourge is a free kill. a free kill. that means there is actually nothing at all the scourge can do to win the 1v1. like, the best tactic for a scourge when fighting something like shoutbow druid is to actually take your hands off the keyboard and pray the druid player has a heart attack. you have 0 chance to win if the druid knows how to play.


so yeah, fighting scourge is frustrating on melee builds. but I doubt it sucks as much as fighting a build with range on a scourge.




now that doesn't mean their damage could use some adjustments, but it doesn't need a big nerf. it needs big damage, more than any reaper build- to actually be useful. because it gives up a ton of sustain when compared with reaper, like loads.

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I agree they aren't fun to fight. However, I still think we need to give more time before judging. It reminds me of DH traps when they first came out, step on point and splat!


Going to take some getting used to, since they can put "all their traps" with a single button press from range. But at least they need a decent amount of life force for that super lame and unfun combo (mash all the buttons for large condi spike)

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Ways to beat a Scourge:

* Hoping you have Moa (Mesmer, Engi)

* Hoping you and your team have Range

* Hoping their team doesn't have supports

* Hoping your team can chain CC's


Ways to get beat by a Scourge:

* Maps have small objective circles and little room to really kite around and range. For example: Forest, Temple, Foefire side points, Skyhammer, Capricorn side points and bell, etc. Coliseum at least gives you open kiting room.

* Spammable skills and other classes Condi Cleanse is lackluster

* Realizing their AoEs zone you out long enough for them to get the point and delay you long enough to get 50+ points on you.

* 2 Scourges

* Scourges with Support

* Having everyone to spec just to deal with a Scourge



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> @LUST.7241 said:

> Ways to beat a Scourge:

> * Hoping you have Moa (Mesmer, Engi)

> * Hoping you and your team have Range

> * Hoping their team doesn't have supports

> * Hoping your team can chain CC's


> Ways to get beat by a Scourge:

> * Maps have small objective circles and little room to really kite around and range. For example: Forest, Temple, Foefire side points, Skyhammer, Capricorn side points and bell, etc. Coliseum at least gives you open kiting room.

> * Spammable skills and other classes Condi Cleanse is lackluster

> * Realizing their AoEs zone you out long enough for them to get the point and delay you long enough to get 50+ points on you.

> * 2 Scourges

> * Scourges with Support

> * Having everyone to spec just to deal with a Scourge




This is a pretty good summation. Yes, Scourge is beatable. Yes, range is a hard counter, half the Scourges I face stare at me like deer in headlights when I bring a LB. And they are squishy so you can often down them quick (stomping them is a challenge though).


But they just wreck points. You can't contest them with Scourge on. Its like when people were complaining about Ven Rev except instead of constant knockbacks its nearly instant death.

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scourge is just badly thought out as an elite spec


like, why did anet decide that necro, a high AOE damage class with sustain issues needed a spec with even less sustain & even more damage?

it’s not going to be easy to balance, because it needs to have broken damage to actually be viable. like, if you eat reaper’s (condi or power wells) aoe damage you just die. so since scourge has even less sustain it needs to have damage that’s punishes even more than reaper already does.

reaper can cause a team wipe with it’s cleave, but is super vulnerable to focus- & scourge is both of those to an extreme.

overall just a bad idea. they really should have made a support spec.

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Scourge needs less melee hate but should be compensated with better tools to deal with ranged opponents. Right now scourge vs. melee focused builds is mostly a free win for the scourge while ranged builds get a free win against scourge. Minimal skill required in both regards just build wars 2. Would be really nice if there was something more to scourge than spam all the pulsing aoe vomit on point so that anything that dares approach it dies.

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Scourge makes PvP not fun.

Dodge,condition,invis,teleport spamming thiefs makes PvP not fun.

Clone,tele,invis,CC spamming Mesmers makes pvp not fun.

Immune,block,heal,resistance spamming Warriors makes pvp not fun.

Everything spamming eles makes pvp not fun.


want me to continue ? stop making these stupid posts there are 1566267 just as bad issues with majority of classes right now.

lets not nerf the crap out of the only class that is only good in 1 thing shall we ?

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> Scourge makes PvP not fun.

> Dodge,condition,invis,teleport spamming thiefs makes PvP not fun.

> Clone,tele,invis,CC spamming Mesmers makes pvp not fun.

> Immune,block,heal,resistance spamming Warriors makes pvp not fun.

> Everything spamming eles makes pvp not fun.


> want me to continue ? stop making these stupid posts there are 1566267 just as bad issues with majority of classes right now.

> lets not nerf the crap out of the only class that is only good in 1 thing shall we ?


By only good at one thing you mean making all melee builds (except maybe SB) obsolete?


I made this comment somewhere else but I'll make it again. Ven Rev was stated as OP when it was point controlling with its excessive knockbacks. Necro is basically doing the same thing except instead of controlling the point with knockbacks he is controlling the point with nearly insta deaths.

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> @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > Scourge makes PvP not fun.

> > Dodge,condition,invis,teleport spamming thiefs makes PvP not fun.

> > Clone,tele,invis,CC spamming Mesmers makes pvp not fun.

> > Immune,block,heal,resistance spamming Warriors makes pvp not fun.

> > Everything spamming eles makes pvp not fun.

> >

> > want me to continue ? stop making these stupid posts there are 1566267 just as bad issues with majority of classes right now.

> > lets not nerf the crap out of the only class that is only good in 1 thing shall we ?


> By only good at one thing you mean making all melee builds (except maybe SB) obsolete?


> I made this comment somewhere else but I'll make it again. Ven Rev was stated as OP when it was point controlling with its excessive knockbacks. Necro is basically doing the same thing except instead of controlling the point with knockbacks he is controlling the point with nearly insta deaths.


Burn guardian causing instant deaths. Deadeye causing instant deaths. Did u comment about those 2 as well? I think not. If necro is instant kills u then sir u better stay out of pvp

There is pve where u can have fun

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> @Cosbuster.4379 said:

> > @Lan.1968 said:

> > When people talk about Scourge being op, they tend to have never played the class to understand what makes it incredibly strong. Here's a hint: it's not the damage.


> I think the problem witch scourge is how well it stacks.


Burn guardian stacks better than this not including the tones of blocks and invuls that he has in his arsenal. Go comment about this now

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> @Balerios.3679 said:

> > @Cosbuster.4379 said:

> > > @Lan.1968 said:

> > > When people talk about Scourge being op, they tend to have never played the class to understand what makes it incredibly strong. Here's a hint: it's not the damage.

> >

> > I think the problem witch scourge is how well it stacks.


> Burn guardian stacks better than this not including the tones of blocks and invuls that he has in his arsenal. Go comment about this now


Not really. Why are you so defensive? I play Scourge myself.

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> @Balerios.3679 said:

> > @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > Scourge makes PvP not fun.

> > > Dodge,condition,invis,teleport spamming thiefs makes PvP not fun.

> > > Clone,tele,invis,CC spamming Mesmers makes pvp not fun.

> > > Immune,block,heal,resistance spamming Warriors makes pvp not fun.

> > > Everything spamming eles makes pvp not fun.

> > >

> > > want me to continue ? stop making these stupid posts there are 1566267 just as bad issues with majority of classes right now.

> > > lets not nerf the crap out of the only class that is only good in 1 thing shall we ?

> >

> > By only good at one thing you mean making all melee builds (except maybe SB) obsolete?

> >

> > I made this comment somewhere else but I'll make it again. Ven Rev was stated as OP when it was point controlling with its excessive knockbacks. Necro is basically doing the same thing except instead of controlling the point with knockbacks he is controlling the point with nearly insta deaths.


> Burn guardian causing instant deaths. Deadeye causing instant deaths. Did u comment about those 2 as well? I think not. If necro is instant kills u then sir u better stay out of pvp

> There is pve where u can have fun


Lol, condescending as anything you must be a superstar! Out of curiosity what melee class/build do you play that can survive long enough to kill a Scourge and stomp him?


But wait. Burn Guard causing instant deaths tells me you must be Bronze or Silver at best. Because Burn Guards are only causing instant death when you aren't cleansing AT ALL or if you are already loaded up with condis because of the Scourge right next to the Guard.


Deadeye causing instant deaths when you let him load up. Here's a tip, got malice on you? Don't run straight into a kneeling thief without blocks or reflect. Only time I see DE running amok is when people leave him to sit forever.


Yes, Scourge can be hard countered by range. And hard counters EVERY MELEE in turn. In a POINT CAPTURE map. Duels? No problem, balanced well enough. Team death match? No problem, balanced well enough. But point capture? Ultimate point holder.


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> @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > @Balerios.3679 said:

> > > @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > Scourge makes PvP not fun.

> > > > Dodge,condition,invis,teleport spamming thiefs makes PvP not fun.

> > > > Clone,tele,invis,CC spamming Mesmers makes pvp not fun.

> > > > Immune,block,heal,resistance spamming Warriors makes pvp not fun.

> > > > Everything spamming eles makes pvp not fun.

> > > >

> > > > want me to continue ? stop making these stupid posts there are 1566267 just as bad issues with majority of classes right now.

> > > > lets not nerf the crap out of the only class that is only good in 1 thing shall we ?

> > >

> > > By only good at one thing you mean making all melee builds (except maybe SB) obsolete?

> > >

> > > I made this comment somewhere else but I'll make it again. Ven Rev was stated as OP when it was point controlling with its excessive knockbacks. Necro is basically doing the same thing except instead of controlling the point with knockbacks he is controlling the point with nearly insta deaths.

> >

> > Burn guardian causing instant deaths. Deadeye causing instant deaths. Did u comment about those 2 as well? I think not. If necro is instant kills u then sir u better stay out of pvp

> > There is pve where u can have fun


> Lol, condescending as anything you must be a superstar! Out of curiosity what melee class/build do you play that can survive long enough to kill a Scourge and stomp him?


> But wait. Burn Guard causing instant deaths tells me you must be Bronze or Silver at best. Because Burn Guards are only causing instant death when you aren't cleansing AT ALL or if you are already loaded up with condis because of the Scourge right next to the Guard.


> Deadeye causing instant deaths when you let him load up. Here's a tip, got malice on you? Don't run straight into a kneeling thief without blocks or reflect. Only time I see DE running amok is when people leave him to sit forever.


> Yes, Scourge can be hard countered by range. And hard counters EVERY MELEE in turn. In a POINT CAPTURE map. Duels? No problem, balanced well enough. Team death match? No problem, balanced well enough. But point capture? Ultimate point holder.



Im bronze does that make u happy? I play necro. Plz find me blocks and reflects. Tempest bunker was point holder. Rev ventari was point holder bunker guardian was point holder bunker druid was point holder. Scourge isnt point holder. It has big damage and NO defenses. It dies within seconds. Have u even saw what his skills arsenal is ? The fact u are uncapable to kill one doesnt mean its a point holder

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> @Balerios.3679 said:

> > @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > > @Balerios.3679 said:

> > > > @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > > Scourge makes PvP not fun.

> > > > > Dodge,condition,invis,teleport spamming thiefs makes PvP not fun.

> > > > > Clone,tele,invis,CC spamming Mesmers makes pvp not fun.

> > > > > Immune,block,heal,resistance spamming Warriors makes pvp not fun.

> > > > > Everything spamming eles makes pvp not fun.

> > > > >

> > > > > want me to continue ? stop making these stupid posts there are 1566267 just as bad issues with majority of classes right now.

> > > > > lets not nerf the crap out of the only class that is only good in 1 thing shall we ?

> > > >

> > > > By only good at one thing you mean making all melee builds (except maybe SB) obsolete?

> > > >

> > > > I made this comment somewhere else but I'll make it again. Ven Rev was stated as OP when it was point controlling with its excessive knockbacks. Necro is basically doing the same thing except instead of controlling the point with knockbacks he is controlling the point with nearly insta deaths.

> > >

> > > Burn guardian causing instant deaths. Deadeye causing instant deaths. Did u comment about those 2 as well? I think not. If necro is instant kills u then sir u better stay out of pvp

> > > There is pve where u can have fun

> >

> > Lol, condescending as anything you must be a superstar! Out of curiosity what melee class/build do you play that can survive long enough to kill a Scourge and stomp him?

> >

> > But wait. Burn Guard causing instant deaths tells me you must be Bronze or Silver at best. Because Burn Guards are only causing instant death when you aren't cleansing AT ALL or if you are already loaded up with condis because of the Scourge right next to the Guard.

> >

> > Deadeye causing instant deaths when you let him load up. Here's a tip, got malice on you? Don't run straight into a kneeling thief without blocks or reflect. Only time I see DE running amok is when people leave him to sit forever.

> >

> > Yes, Scourge can be hard countered by range. And hard counters EVERY MELEE in turn. In a POINT CAPTURE map. Duels? No problem, balanced well enough. Team death match? No problem, balanced well enough. But point capture? Ultimate point holder.

> >


> Im bronze does that make u happy? I play necro. Plz find me blocks and reflects. Tempest bunker was point holder. Rev ventari was point holder bunker guardian was point holder bunker druid was point holder. Scourge isnt point holder. It has big damage and NO defenses. It dies within seconds. Have u even saw what his skills arsenal is ? The fact u are uncapable to kill one doesnt mean its a point holder


You are confusing BUNKER builds with holding points. I understand why because traditionally bunker builds were only viable because you used them to hold points or contest points. However, you cannot contest a point while a scourge is alive on it. Sounds like a point holder to me.


Yes, you can kill him then cap the point, but that only works in 1v1 situations or on the handful of maps that the point is open enough that you can attack at range. Scourge basically forces melee classes/builds to either a) play something else with range, or b) do nothing but sit back and defend the DE or ranger on their team trying to snipe the Scourge. And many maps have little obstacles that the Scourge can hide behind while still maintaining control of the point. Unless the Scourge is exceptionally bad (and yes, there are some of those) melee cannot contest (not cap, contest) a point until the Scourge is dead.


Bunker builds were viable because they could contest without dying but for the most part they could be ignored. They couldn't cap because you were fighting on point with them, they didn't do a ton of damage so you could focus on those that did. Scourge you cannot fight on the point with them. Which means they get easy caps and can maintain the cap.


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> @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > @Balerios.3679 said:

> > > @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > > > @Balerios.3679 said:

> > > > > @Omcrazy.4756 said:

> > > > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > > > Scourge makes PvP not fun.

> > > > > > Dodge,condition,invis,teleport spamming thiefs makes PvP not fun.

> > > > > > Clone,tele,invis,CC spamming Mesmers makes pvp not fun.

> > > > > > Immune,block,heal,resistance spamming Warriors makes pvp not fun.

> > > > > > Everything spamming eles makes pvp not fun.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > want me to continue ? stop making these stupid posts there are 1566267 just as bad issues with majority of classes right now.

> > > > > > lets not nerf the crap out of the only class that is only good in 1 thing shall we ?

> > > > >

> > > > > By only good at one thing you mean making all melee builds (except maybe SB) obsolete?

> > > > >

> > > > > I made this comment somewhere else but I'll make it again. Ven Rev was stated as OP when it was point controlling with its excessive knockbacks. Necro is basically doing the same thing except instead of controlling the point with knockbacks he is controlling the point with nearly insta deaths.

> > > >

> > > > Burn guardian causing instant deaths. Deadeye causing instant deaths. Did u comment about those 2 as well? I think not. If necro is instant kills u then sir u better stay out of pvp

> > > > There is pve where u can have fun

> > >

> > > Lol, condescending as anything you must be a superstar! Out of curiosity what melee class/build do you play that can survive long enough to kill a Scourge and stomp him?

> > >

> > > But wait. Burn Guard causing instant deaths tells me you must be Bronze or Silver at best. Because Burn Guards are only causing instant death when you aren't cleansing AT ALL or if you are already loaded up with condis because of the Scourge right next to the Guard.

> > >

> > > Deadeye causing instant deaths when you let him load up. Here's a tip, got malice on you? Don't run straight into a kneeling thief without blocks or reflect. Only time I see DE running amok is when people leave him to sit forever.

> > >

> > > Yes, Scourge can be hard countered by range. And hard counters EVERY MELEE in turn. In a POINT CAPTURE map. Duels? No problem, balanced well enough. Team death match? No problem, balanced well enough. But point capture? Ultimate point holder.

> > >

> >

> > Im bronze does that make u happy? I play necro. Plz find me blocks and reflects. Tempest bunker was point holder. Rev ventari was point holder bunker guardian was point holder bunker druid was point holder. Scourge isnt point holder. It has big damage and NO defenses. It dies within seconds. Have u even saw what his skills arsenal is ? The fact u are uncapable to kill one doesnt mean its a point holder


> You are confusing BUNKER builds with holding points. I understand why because traditionally bunker builds were only viable because you used them to hold points or contest points. However, you cannot contest a point while a scourge is alive on it. Sounds like a point holder to me.


> Yes, you can kill him then cap the point, but that only works in 1v1 situations or on the handful of maps that the point is open enough that you can attack at range. Scourge basically forces melee classes/builds to either a) play something else with range, or b) do nothing but sit back and defend the DE or ranger on their team trying to snipe the Scourge. And many maps have little obstacles that the Scourge can hide behind while still maintaining control of the point. Unless the Scourge is exceptionally bad (and yes, there are some of those) melee cannot contest (not cap, contest) a point until the Scourge is dead.


> Bunker builds were viable because they could contest without dying but for the most part they could be ignored. They couldn't cap because you were fighting on point with them, they didn't do a ton of damage so you could focus on those that did. Scourge you cannot fight on the point with them. Which means they get easy caps and can maintain the cap.



They cant maintain the cap since they die pretty easy. But i wont argue with u anymore. U dont even know what bunker build supposed to do.

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