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Official Feedback Thread: LWS4 Episode 4: A Star to Guide Us

Gaile Gray.6029

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I'm pretty sure raiders know about the new raid. Remove the advertisement for it.


The story is good. The implications are potentially horrifying. The raptor bit was annoying at first, wasn't clear what was killing me. Finally figured it out, then it was fun, but I died right at the start of that part so I entered it a bit disoriented and thought the instance was broken.


I still hate how we were made to act for Braham's emo-fest way back when, but at least he got some development this time. But where's Rox? I can guess, but it's never actually said.


The map seems pretty cool. I never played GW1, so no nostalgia, but it's a nice map.


Sun's Refuge is disappointing. VERY disappointing. I already have a home instance I've filled with nodes, I don't need a node-less second one in the middle of nowhere. The collections could have gone anywhere.

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> @"nobleboivin.4102" said:

> I'm finding a lot of lag and high ping. Even get some game freezes during the movies



> Also during From the From the Ashes quest I know I'm a thief which is one of the squishiest classes in the game but I think being taken out in 1 hit by a sniper is unfair especially when you don't know where to go



Thief complaining about deadeye. I guess I can sleep happy tonight.


And btw, the deadeye uses a laser beam so just follow it. You need to line of sight your way there.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> bug on the storm tracking, keeps saying im out of instance and die




Yeah just keep trying, eventually it will let you through lol.

They had to have known just how bad the escape portion of this instance was when the episode was finalized for release. Fairly disappointing considering the "emotional" aspect of that part of the instance being marred by this garbage.

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Here's my feedback based on completion of the episode and full map completion, but I haven't taken part in all events/any metas on the map yet.


As others have said the raid advertisement on the top right of the screen is annoying, give us the option to hide it (or just don't have it).


Didn't experience a single crash during the whole of map completion or in any of the story, so nice work on a smooth and stable release.


The map was good, nice layout and good variety of terrain.


It felt like a lot of areas of the map had lower enemy density/aggro than PoF maps and a few that have been since, this is a very welcome adjustment as it gives a bit of time to check the map when exploring.


Hearts were ok, filled reasonably quickly.


Theses bits below contain spoilers, I've marked them up as such, but also warning here as well, don't click unless you've finished the story.



Sun's Refuge - glad I didn't get hyped about this as it seems a fairly underwhelming, haven't yet don't the collections but it looks like it'll just add a few 'trophies' similar to the instance under Tarir. Maybe more might be added over time, but certainly still a way off player housing.


Story was generally entertaining, exploring the reality pocket rift bits was particularly fun.


The deadeye stage, I guess great for trying something different, but it just didn't really feel right with how this game plays, It just felt clunky with normal dodges and swiftness (no stealth on my ele, aside from bits high enough to glide). I think that sort of stage is best left for a 3rd person shooter with proper dash between cover mechanics.


The part where Blish is planting the tracker seemed like it was meant to spawn enemies but it didn't (so easy achieve though :P).


The escape with the raptor part was absolutely awful! It seemed completely unnecessary and only there because someone remembered mounts were a thing so they'd better try and cram in a last minute obligatory mount section to tick a box.


The final story part, you'd BETTER find a way to cure Taimi soon!!!!! I will lose all interest in any future story arcs if anything happens to Taimi! Best character in the game and I won't forgive Anet if you let anything happen to her!



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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > bug on the storm tracking, keeps saying im out of instance and die

> >

> >


> Yeah just keep trying, eventually it will let you through lol.

> They had to have known just how bad the escape portion of this instance was when the episode was finalized for release. Fairly disappointing considering the "emotional" aspect of that part of the instance being marred by this garbage.


managed to do it, had to go far left at the start and i got past that first tunnel

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> bug on the storm tracking, keeps saying im out of instance and die


Happened to me too when I tried to use any other mount than Raptor. Try that if you didn't already.


#My feedback:


Aside from a few connection errors at launch, I managed to play the episode just fine. I finished the story and completed the map, and OH BOY. Sorry Gaile, 50 words aren't going to cut it.


This has got to be the best LW episode released so far. The new map is MASSIVE, both horizontally and vertically, and has more variety anyone could have expected out of a desert map. I'm blown away. And it's not empty, either! I didn't get into the bigger events just yet, but they seem to be behind every corner. Whether it's something completely ridiculous like

killing "Palawa Joko?"

or a big meta-event with dragons and whatnot, this map is just full of life and things to do. I was really happy to see the good ol' HoT masteries finally being useful again, too. The biome bubbles are just genious. And the map's got an actual hurricane!


Then there's Sun's Refuge. It was a brilliant idea to tie its progression into the map events and collections; this will definitely keep Jahai Bluffs populated for a looooong time. The instance itself is absolutely gorgeous, and I can't wait to fill it up with all sorts of cool things. You even get a friggin' JUKEBOX GOLEM.


You even nailed the upgradable armor set! It looks wonderful, and breathes even more longevity into the map via its collections.


And finally: the story. I've never been that much into the GW2 story; I merely play it as a side-thing just to keep the completionist within me happy. But this episode was actually GREAT. Especially one certain fight against someone with long-range attacks was really cool and something we haven't seen before. I was actually excited to play it and see how it ends. Fantastic work there, keep up the quality.


The only constructive feedback that comes to mind is: the map feels a little over-crowded with hostility. Wherever you go, there are at least 10 enemies surrounding you, and their aggro-range is just awful. You get one-shot off your mount a little too often, and it tends to get annoying when collecting chests, caches and the map currency ore.


Where Kourna felt a little rushed and unfinished, this episode more than makes up for it. This right here is a MASTERPIECE, and Anet did an incredible job. Keep this kind of stuff coming, pretty please!



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> @"SaraBaracuda.3081" said:

> I've tried everything suggested to finish the Storm Tracker story line and it still just keeps killing me and sending me backwards, even after all dialogue is finished as some suggested I still can't go further, says I'm leaving the map and I'm following the arrow.


Apparently hugging the left or right side of the instance gets you by? Way I ended up doing it was to use a revive orb after dying under the arch. Had to stay on foot to charge forward a ways before I could mount again but I was able to proceed. Make sure you have an orb on you, or wait for the fix they've promised is coming soon.



I really really enjoyed this episode. I thought the vision from Aurene would be the climax (and wow, without narrative or dialogue it was perfectly clear what it was showing and it had tears welling in my eyes, I think it's the single most impactful on me cinematic you've done) and then it just kept going. I adored the mechanic in Deadeye from the Ashes once I figured it out, I didn't really mind all the death plummets as I figured out the trippy puzzle past the Storm Tracking bug. Now I have a zillion collections to do. I haven't even seen all the map events yet! The unexpected cameos of a couple of special message-carriers pleased me too. Oh, and I was laughing so hard at the part with Rytlock's fur.


Hopefully that is all vague enough not to spoil anything for those not yet through the story.

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-Story is going off in a bunch of different, and weird plot lines. Lot of emotion in this episode, sometimes it was good, sometimes misplaced.

-Rewards are terrible.

-Hearts are absolutely tedious and just terribly boring, and the vendors offer nothing of use.

-I got a rare for mapping...

-Magic vendor has nothing exclusive to the map like trinkets, so little reason to replay or collect currency.

-Mobs are annoying and boring to fight, they seem to just be hp sponges.

-Map is ok but nothing exciting about it.

-Final story instance was bugged, if you follow the arrow when trying to escape you would get a prompt about returning to the playable area and be killed, having to restart at a checkpoint. You can get through it, by going around the arrows near the edges of the playable area.

-New mastery is uninspired, better than the last one which is completely useless though.

-Not sure what the incentive is to work on upgrading Suns Refuge. There are rewards but aside from the scroll they can be acquired from the magic vendor.

-The new armor skins are not properly dyeable? As I understand it you can only dye the glowy parts?

-Braham is more likeable now, except the spider fight /facepalm.


*Please Save Taimi. She is one of the few npcs that I actually like.*

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> -Story is going off in a bunch of different, and weird plot lines. Lot of emotion in this episode, sometimes it was good, sometimes misplaced.

> -Rewards are terrible.

> -Hearts are absolutely tedious and just terribly boring, and the vendors offer nothing of use.

> -I got a rare for mapping...

> -Magic vendor has nothing exclusive to the map like trinkets, so little reason to replay or collect currency.

> -Mobs are annoying and boring to fight, they seem to just be hp sponges.

> -Map is ok but nothing exciting about it.

> -Final story instance was bugged, if you follow the arrow when trying to escape you would get a prompt about returning to the playable area and be killed, having to restart at a checkpoint. You can get through it, by going around the arrows near the edges of the playable area.

> -New mastery is uninspired, better than the last one which is completely useless though.

> -Not sure what the incentive is to work on upgrading Suns Refuge. There are rewards but aside from the scroll they can be acquired from the magic vendor.

> -The new armor skins are not properly dyeable? As I understand it you can only dye the glowy parts?

> -Braham is more likeable now, except the spider fight /facepalm.


> *Please Save Taimi. She is one of the few npcs that I actually like.*


Shes gonna end up being a golem, im pretty sure of it at this point, probably gonna be wrong, but hey, itd be better than nothing i guess.

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Amazing story (it made me cry), long and enjoyable missions.

Nice big map which is FUN to explore! No confusing PoIs and stuff. Thank you.

I haven't started working on the new armor skins yet but they are appreciated!

New mastery's cooldown is kind of long.

Edit: Sun's Refuge feels lackluster, I want real player housing to decorate it with tons of items. :(

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-nice story and cinematics

-bad launch

-new map is too full of dismount-mechanics and -mobs. I had no fun exploring it

-I dislike that Z can shoot the player, even during jackal-teleports

-I like that the game now has checkpoints in story-instances

-can't play further than the first half of storm tracking since the playable area is bugged

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First off, this episode's story was kitten amazing. The instance with Zafirah and fighting her by yourself while in that vulnerable state - truly terrifying; the echo effect was fantastic as well and gave the instance a deliciously ominous feeling. The same thing happened when you're with Blish and time's running out before the storm hits - great tension and nerve-hitting, especially once you actually see it right there following after you. I'm looking forward to the next episode and more Mists stuff; hopefully eventually in the Realm of Torment so we can see more Forged (branded now, maybe?) which I miss fighting so, so much. Loved it - love you all. ^^

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After I finished "Legacy" chapter and unlocked Sun's refuge, I bought un upgrade for it from heart vendor Warmaster Steelburn, something called "pact survelliance team" or very similar to it for 5 gold coins and 500 volatile magic. But I see no difference in my Sun's refuge instance. Is it bugged? How is this should looks?

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Ran an 80 to map, I personally can't stand stories so I clic and clic to get it over with and start exploring.

Tried to do story a bit further but the riftmonster bugged at 33% invulnerable.

No items, no special skill, waited and looked for 30 minutes, quit instance.


Map completed it


It's huge, and filled with many events that in a few weeks will pop on and off without anyone doing them ( not even now )

Probably made huge to accomodate beetle use, I can live with that.


Filled the new mastery line.



Hardly worth going back as, like someone else already mentioned:

- Tedious hearts

- Low reward ( like the other LS4 maps, a rare, really ? I get 3 at least from 2 shots at maw )

- New currency has nothing that makes me want to save them,

for the first time I skipped the home instance thing, would be a waste of 50g

- All 38 achieves to be done to finish the meta, not going to happen.


So after one map complete and a small taste of the story I decided against sending more characters to the map.

I think I completed the LS3 maps on over 50 alts, but I started to lose interest in LS4


On my alt account I started to redo LS3 maps, and at this point doing those even Doric seems more rewarding then the LS4 ones...


{if its more then 50 words just see it as 2 posts}


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Awesome work, Jahai best map living world S4, also can we have an extra back item slot mainly for cosmetic purpose and doesnt provide any stat boost in the far future? The Balthazar sword does look really really good as back attachment, my character feels a lot cooler and adequate with that sword, please add one more back attachment slot :)

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The cutscenes with Aurene predicting multiple futures with Kralkatorrik looking menacing might be the single best cutscene GW2 has ever had. Her vs. Kralkatorrik, her plus friends, her plus friends plus a fleet of airships (Mordremoth showed why that is a bad idea). All the while Kralkatorrik is just staring them down. Just wow.


Found it on the youtubes:


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