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Question for.the Dev Celebration: Joko and ramifications


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Joko raised some great points during the final confrontation. Specifically, how everything happening now is our fault. Whether through ignorance or through a sense of vengeance driven hubris, Kralk being awake and even more powerful is a direct result of our actions. The near extinction of the Human race would not have happened had we not been so arrogant after meeting Joko in the mists.


Without getting into possible spoiler territory, can Anet say whether or not the Commander will face any ramifications for our actions from Tyria at large?

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_everything happening now is our fault._


Sorry but I vehemently disagree with everything you said.

For starters, we did not kill Zhaitan. The entire pact did, we were merely a part of it. I remember plenty of other people fighting beside me as I cut down Zhaitan's minions one by one, and I certainly did not single handedly take down Zhaitan in the final fight. Yes we did not know killing Elder Dragons would cause problems, but then again, **no one did.**


And besides, when some apocalyptic evil monstrosity is trying to murder and destroy everything, you can hardly fault people for trying to fight back.


Mordremoth may be the only dragon that we actually killed ourselves, because we dealt the killing blow on Trahearne, but even that was a team effort. It took all of the pact remnants and your companions help to get to that point.


As for Balthazar, we literally did nothing wrong here. Balthazar was going to **KILL US ALL**. He was about to kill an Elder Dragon even though he knew what would happen if he did. Taking out Balthazar was **absolutely necessary.** It was either him, or all of us. This is actually what made me quite mad at that Deadeye priest in the latest episode, as she constantly rants on like we did some terrible thing. Since when is saving the entire world from total annihilation a bad thing?


_The near extinction of the Human race would not have happened had we not been so arrogant after meeting Joko in the mists._


Last time I checked the human race was still doing fine.

And why exactly should we have let Palawa Joko, a powerful lich and power hungry dictator, who is known for using biological weapons in the past, out of his cage? How is it arrogant to **not** unleash a menace like that?


_the Commander will face any ramifications for our actions_


There won't be because there shouldn't be. We aren't some war criminal that should be brought before a tribunal. We did the same thing that everyone else in the pact and dragon's watch did. Destroy apocalyptic threats to the world. And whatever new threat may arise from that, we will deal with that too.


This isn't just pointed towards you, OP, but many people who I've seen bringing up the same point. The notion that a single person, The Commander, is the cause of literally everything that's wrong with the world right now. It's absolutely ridiculous.

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