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Serious error in herald, are you reviewing it?

rev in love.8439

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Honest question: While we look at the Herald bug, can we look at Revenant Shortbow 5 and how it interacts on targets? I did a pair of matches the other day where even though the fire wave connected with the targets, it would either do the damage and not knock them down or do not damage then knock them down. Also for some reason it just wasn't registering on one of the Deadeye's ever. I watched the animation go through them and literally nothing happened any time I shot them with it. Might of been latency, but I wanted to add this in a bug post xD

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Didn't think you could make such a retard bug tbh, i would like to meet your devs team XD. After the bug that made mesmer's clones rallied people now we have the random rev skills bug. Tbh I feel bad for revs main. And now monthly at incoming, I mean well nobody cares anymore about pvp but still it could be good to have a fair tournament. After the random brackets, random map NOW WE HAVE THE RANDOM SKILL.


TBH you should have rollback this patch without even wondering yourself if it was the right choice.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> This bug is known and being investigated.


What is the status on this bug?

When will it likely be fixed?

Is this a priority for ANET?


I am not trying to make assumptions, but since this is a class breaking bug it would be very beneficial if ANET could be transparent on the fix.

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Again what is important is the items they have to offer now. No need to worry about using a class that is intended to work.


This is the main thing:.


New Items and Promotions

A new Black Lion Expedition Contract is available in the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 1,000 gems.

For a limited time, the Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools return to the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 2,700 gems.

For a limited time, the Devil Horns, Wizard's Hat, Furrocious Cat Ears, and Bunny Ears return to the Style category of the Gem Store.

A new Night Watch Stool is now available in the Toys category of the Gem Store for 400 gems.

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> @"Healingz R Us.7240" said:

> Can we receive some compensation for this bug, while we're having to deal with a cancerous community as you're trying to fight people with your utilities moving around, or being forced to play another class?


We got a compensation in terms of a 60% nerf of might Generation

While soulbeast got buffed and war/holo untouched. Lol.

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> Revenant

> * Incensed Response: The stacks of might that this trait grants have been reduced from 5 to 2 in PvP.


ANET has time to nerf Revenant, but not give us a status up date on this bug?

Wouldn't it be appropriate to hold off on any PVP buffs/nerfs until the bug is fixed?


Revenant is unplayable in PVP, so it is safe to assume ANET didn't properly test anything related to Revenant in PVP.




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> @"Wolfs Shadow.7234" said:

> > Revenant

> > * Incensed Response: The stacks of might that this trait grants have been reduced from 5 to 2 in PvP.


> ANET has time to nerf Revenant, but not give us a status up date on this bug?

> Wouldn't it be appropriate to hold off on any PVP buffs/nerfs until the bug is fixed?


> Revenant is unplayable in PVP, so it is safe to assume ANET didn't properly test anything related to Revenant in PVP.





Rev is good at literally one thing: high dmg


What does anet do? Nerf dmg to grant that rev remains outclassed by other Professions.. Lol

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